Вечір " Love in the songs of our favourites".

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ФОРМА ПРОВЕДЕННЯ - ВЕЧІР                                                              ЦІЛІ:


                           СТУДЕНТІВ; ВДОСКОНАЛЕННЯ  НАВИЧОК  


                           РОЗВИВАТИ НАВИЧКИ ЛІТЕРАТУРНОГО 



                          АНГЛІЙСЬКОЇ  МОВИ ЧЕРЕЗ ПІСНЮ;



                           РОЗВИВАТИ МУЗИЧНИЙ СМАК;

                           РОЗВИВАТИ УВАГУ, УЯВУ. ЛОГІЧНЕ МИСЛЕННЯ 




                           КРАЩИХ ПЕРЕКЛАДІВ ПІСЕНЬ, ПОСТЕРИ   

                            УЛЮБЛЕНИХ  ВИКОНАВЦІВ, ОФОРМЛЕННЯ СЦЕНИ.















Sounds the melody of the song “Only you”. On the background of the music masters of ceremony appear on the stage. The boy greets his partner with a flower and they begin the party.

  1.               Hello, dear guests! Hi everybody! Today we are together because we are young and happy, we are beautiful and full of hopes.
  2.               We are eager to love, to speak and to sing about love.

1 -Love is an everlasting phenomenon due to which life goes on on  the planet.

2- The theme of love is very old but at the same time it has been the most              actual one in all the times.

  1.               The best literary works, the best musical forms, the best poems and songs have been about love.
  2.               And you perfectly know that there is a special holiday devoted to love- The Day of Lovers- St. Valentine’s Day...And today is such a day! Our congratulations to you, be loved and happy!
  1.               On this day all young people (and not only young) all over the world try to express their love towards their girlfriends and boyfriends, their beloved addressing them with the most poetic words of love.
  2.               And love songs may be of great importance for them. Today we’ll speak about love songs and their performers. As you have noticed these songs are usually the most popular.
  1.               We can’t help admiring them. Just listen. Do you recognize these songs?

(Sound the melodies of the songs “Oh, Girl”, “Yesterday”)

  1.               These songs made crazy girls and boys of 60-ies, 70-ies and 80ies and even now              we listen and sing them with great pleasure.


  1.               In other words we can say that they are still popular nowadays. Let’s listen to the               song.

Oh my loving” in performing of the boys from second course.

                                              (a song)

  1.               So, what made them so popular? That is the question.
  1.               I think their marvelous music and words made them unforgettable.
  2.               Surely, but you forgot about the performers, their talent, their voices and sincerity.

1 - Of course , you are right. Elvis Presley was the most popular singer in 60-ies and 70ies in America as well as “The Beatles” in England. As the newspapers reported, the popularity of “Beatles” was so great that they with their songs were even more popular than God at that time.

2-Now it’s high time to find out who your favourites are today?

Whose love songs are the best to your mind?




(They address the boys and girls in the Hall)


 Blue,                     Backstreet Boys        N’SYNC.

W.Houston           Britney Spears        Brian Adams

Enrique Iglesias    Shakira                 Sarah Connor

Celine Dion            Mariah Carey         and others


1. Can you name their songs about love? Now listen to some of them and try to guess their names.

                                      (musical quiz)

I will always love you -          Houston

Please, forgive me                   Brian Adams

My all                                      Mariah Carey

Hero                                       Enrique Iglesias

Pue Che Poi                             Eros Romazzotti and Cher

I was born to make you happy Britney Spears

Objection                                       Shakira

Insatiable                                       Darren Heys

Underneath your clothes          Shakira

As long as you love me          Backstreet boys


2. Have you noticed that love songs are understandable in any language. They may be in Spanish, Italian, French, German but people sing them without translation. They feel them with their hearts, as Belle , for example. Let’s listen to it in the performing of the students of the first course.

                                                       (The song)

1.Love... Love... It’s common knowledge that love and youth go together. 1 hope you agree that it’s natural that young people sing songs about love, compose poems and music forms because it’s the time to love, to sing and to dream.

2.“Love story” in the performing of … . Let’s listen to this marvelous song which has fascinated us so long.

                                                 (the song)

1.I think it’s very important to understand what love is. Let’s listen to some of your favourite songs and see what feelings they glorify. May be the translations of our students will help you in it.

Brian Adams “Please, forgive me”

Мы вместе вновь как в первый раз                                                         Безумно счастлив я сейчас.

Когда твоя рука в  руке  моей

В моей душе идет гроза

Когда смотрю в твои глаза.

Огонь любви сжигает душу,

Но тишины я не нарушу.

Пока твоя рука моей руке.

Я о тебе всю жизнь мечтал,

Я время встречи приближал.

И я навеки твоим буду

Любви такой я не забуду.


Could I Have This Kiss Forever “ by Enrique Iglesias and W. Houston             Чем чаще я смотрю в твои глаза,

Тем лучше понимаю.

Ты- это все о чем мечтал,

Все, что хочу, чего желаю.

Я должен удержать тебя,

Стараться быть с тобою рядом.

Я никогда не дам тебе уйти.

Я не расстанусь с твоим нежным взглядом


«Му Heart Will Go On» by Celine Dion                                                          Каждой ночью во сне я вижу тебя,

И я чувствую тебя рядом.

Где бы ни был ты, даже через года.                                

Мне тебя не забыть никогда,

Мое сердце с тобой навсегда

И я буду любить тебя вечно


2.So, the stage is given to the performers of the third course. “My heart will go on” sing they with Celine Dion. Greet them.


                                              (The song)

1.I hope you’ll agree with me that a beautiful song can be heard everywhere. Very often they are used as an accompaniment to dancing compositions of figure -skaters or gymnasts.

2.Today you have a chance to see such a composition to the song of Shakira “ Objection” It’s a passionate Tango in performing ….

                                                 (A dance).

1.Dear guests, now we want to invite to our microphones some experts of love and to hear their opinions about love.

                                     (Interview with some students)

2.Love is a state of a person when his or her soul sings like a bird in spring. The only thought of such a person is about a beloved one. He or she wants to be near, to see or feel the beloved person every minute, to share joy and sorrow together.

- I think, love is an overwhelming feeling when you can’t think about anything except your beloved. It’s great when this feeling is mutual. Love inspires people to different deeds, to create masterpieces in art and literature.

1.Nowadays country music has become as popular as pop music. And love is the essence of it too.This kind of music has its own admirers. Let’s listen to “Oh No John” in performing of the students from the second course.


(The ong)                                                          

1.Now meet the students of the  third course. “ Red River Valley”

                                                   (The song)

2- Unfortunately, sometimes it’s difficult to tell true love from beautiful words about it. In this case the relations get worse and worse and finally it’s necessary to say “Good-bye”, but as the experience shows it is rather hard to do it. The song “Sorry seems to be the hardest word” is a vivid example.

                                                (The song)

  1.               Dear guys, have you ever thought for what qualities we love a person. What do we usually pay attention to? Is there any difference between boys’ love and girls’ one?

                                         (The questions to the boys)

2- What qualities do you like in girls? What girl could you love?

I think I could love a girl who is pretty, tender, sincere and modest.

As for me I like girls who are well-bred, not smoking, decent and clever.

I appreciate girls who are merry sociable, clever, and , of course, charming.

1.Now the floor is given to our girls. What qualities do you appreciate in boys?

 I like boys who are handsome, noble, clever, honest with romantic nature and with a good athletic figure

I’d like to have a boyfriend who is clever, kind-hearted with a good sense of humour.

To my mind the boy of my dream should be clever, independent, thoughtful of others, gentle and strong enough to defend me if it is necessary.

2.O.K. 1 see that you are on the right way, you know what to look for. But as life experience shows there are some other approaches in looking for a partner in the life .

1.The song of the students of the second course  will show us this experience. “What’s Your Flava?

                                                (The song)

2.The  most  beloved songs are the ones of Backstreet Boys. Just listen to the translations of some of their love songs

“ As Long As You Love Me”

Я жизнь свою тебе вверяю.

Мне говорили, что я слеп.

Но я был прав , сомнений нет

Я ослеплен твоей загадкой.

Мой ум заражен лишь тобой,

С тобою встреча была сказкой-

Побудь пока еще со мной .

Мне не известно, кто ты и откуда.

Но ангел ты и ты лишь чудо.

Которому я жизнь свою дарю.

Люби меня, как я тебя люблю.


1 - Drowning

Не делай вид, что все не так.

Ведь мы с тобою оба знаем.

Что сила, что в твоих руках

Внутри меня одолевает.

Дышать спокойно не могу.

Хоть мне уже не привыкать.

Но пред тобою я в долгу,

И лишь одно хочу сказать:

Не представляю своей жизни

Без искренней любви твоей.

Мне даже кажется порою.

Что вечности не хватит ей.

Ведь я дышу лишь для тебя

И мое сердце бьется вновь,

Чтоб ощущать день ото дня

Твою прекрасную любовь.


2. As your favourites are on tour now and they can’t be present at our holiday, they have sent their musical regards- the song “I Wonna Be With You”. The girls from first course, their admirers will help them in doing it.

Greet them and enjoy their dance!

(The dance)

1. We are sure that after this extraordinary dance you are eager  to dance too. So, we              give you a chance to dance and sing with our favourites.

2. Have a good time! Be happy and loved!The best wishes to you in everything!

Thank you so much for coming and being here with us.

1 -Thanks a lot to all the participants of our party. We are glad to  see so many talents among  our students. Besides that we are happy to see that English is helpful to you.





5 січня 2019
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