Виховний захід "Українські вечорниці"

Про матеріал

Виховний захід "Українські вечорниці" є цікавою розробкою позакласного заходу з англійської мови під час якого діти познайомляться з українськими звичаями та традиціями, співатимуть та танцюватимуть українські пісні та танці, а також покращать свої знання з англійської мови.

Перегляд файлу

Ukrainian Vechornytsy


  • Dear friends we are glad to see you again in our school at our assembly hall.
  • Welcome to Ukraine, to Korosten.
  • We are always happy to meet our friends!

       -   «A friend in need is a friend indeed»

  • Ukraine like Scotland is not a usual country. We have many attractions, historical places, cities, strange people and interesting traditions.

           («Як у нас на Україні» пісня, танок. В кінці виносять коровай.)

-With this bread and salt we greet you.

-  We invite you to preserve the Ukrainian culinary arts, by teaching and passing on these traditions to your loved ones.

  • Round loaf of bread, a symbol of eternity is used with a pinch of salt, as a humble but heart felt greeting to friends.
  • The importance of salt is reflected in Christ’s words. «You are the salt of the earth. » It is also a symbol of fast and self-denial.
  • Bread and salt are necessary for health. «Health is our wealth»

   (Спів соловя. Пісня «Oй у вишневому саду, там соловейко щебетав»)

  • Folk songs are very popular among Ukrainian people, they like to sing and they sing everywhere: at home, in the office, on weekends, parties, weddings and holidays.
  • Women and girls prefer songs about love, life, destiny.
  • Men and boys about Cossacks, battles and glory.

( Пісня «Ой на горі  там женці жнуть»)

  • Traditions are like the heart of a nation’s culture. They determine the way people live, the language they speak, the religions they follow, the values they hold, the foods they eat, the clothes they wear.
  • Ukraininan folk dress for women includes: Vyshyvanka, Kozhyshanka, wreath for unmarried girls

       and for men sharovary , boots (lapti) and, of course, embroidery shirts. (Show of traditional folk dress)

  • The story of vyshyvanka goes back centuries. The original meaning of vyshyvanka was symbolic, with colours and decorations differing from region to region.
  • In ancient times people could guess what region a person came from just from the embroidery on the clothes.
  • Ukrainian national embroidery is a direct protective charm for the person who wears it.

(Пісня «Мамина сорочка»)

  • People  meet together for Ukrainian meeting (Vechornytsi)
  •                   They put folk dress, girls with the wreaths of fragrant herbs on the heads, the guys with hats, also decorated with flowers, gathered in the evening, danced and sang songs. (Інсценізація – танок – музика на Івана Купала)

       ( У хаті господиня готується до вечорниці, застеляє скатертиною стіл, сідає до столу і говорить до чоловіка)

  • Do you remember when I had been young?
  • You had been, had been
  • And how beautiful I was.
  • You had been, had been
  • And what lovely songs did you sing for me?
  • Sang, sang!

(Співають разом «Ніч яка місячна, зоряна ясная»)

  • By the way, where is our daughter?                             
  • She maybe visited her boyfriend Gryts.
  • But I have locked the door.
  • Do you remember how you ran to me through the window? Your mum also didn’t allow you to go to see me.
  • Oh, I remember, remember well.

By the way, why are we sitting like owls? The guests are soon coming for our Vechornytsi.

(Стук у двері, заходять дівчата )

  •  Dear hosts, let us be present at your Vechоrnytsi.
  • Of course you do!
  • Good evening in your home!
  • Good evening to you too. Take the seats in our house.
  • Oh, what kind guests have gathered in our house.
  • Guests are really kind!

(Дівчата співають «Зелене жито зелене» і вишивають рукоділля.)

-    Where are our boys?

 (Звучить пісня «Ти ж мене підманула» і хлопці заходять до хати)

  • Good evening in your house.

-   We’ve heard about your Vechornytsi

  • You are welcome to our house.

(Пісня Ой на горі два дубки”), підтанцьовують)

  • So beautiful girls.
  • So beautiful towels. Ukraine is famous for these towels.
  • Clean your face with the towel, embroidered by mum and it is as if you drink magic water, which gives you great strength.
  • Ukrainian towels are like roads which lead to native home.

(Звучить пісня Рідна мати моя”,  дарують рушники)

-Let’s sing, joke and compete.

(Грають на баяні, гармошці)

- Will you tell us any jokes?

    -   Stop joke at each other Let’s sing a song together.

   -   Let’s sing and cook varenyky but with competition.

(Ліплять вареники, співають «А мій милий вареничків хоче», ліплять вареники, підтанцьовують з качалкою, мискою, мукою, виносять миску з гарячими варениками і пригощають гостей)

- What a good time we had! Let’s meet together every time at our school for Ukrainian and Scottish vechornytsy.

- Let’s meet and let us be healthy and wealthy. Our school is always glad to see our friends here.

Танок «Калина»  



11 липня 2018
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