Використання різноманітних вправ на уроках англійської мови, як спосіб перевірки якості засвоєних знань

Про матеріал
Використання різноманітних вправ на уроках англійської мови, як спосіб перевірки якості засвоєних знань. Матеріал для закріплення вивчених тем. Є різні види тестування, такі як: тестування на закріплення теми Present Simple, Articles, Plural Forms etc.
Перегляд файлу

1 варіант

Вставити am, is, are

1. I _____ a girl.

2. My father_____ at work.

3. Alex and Dino _____ my cats.

4. Alex _____ in the garden.

5. Dino _____ on the floor.

6. My red pencil _____ on the floor, too.

7. The other pencils _____ in my pencil case.

8. My mother _____ in the living room.

9. Eli and Rafa _____ good friends.

10. They _____ good at tennis.

11. _____ they in Amsterdam this week?

12. The pupils _____ not at school today.

13. It _____ Monday.

14. I _____ at home.

15. We _____ friends.

Вставити am, is, are

1. You _____ not Dutch.

2. Gemma _____ at home.

3. Agust and I _____ pleased about it.

4. I _____ not cruel.

5. It _____ good.

Вставити am, is, are

1. The camel ___ a desert animal.

2. Vegetables and fruit ___ healthy foods.

3. Lambs ___ baby sheep.

4. Kenneth ___ a lawyer.

5. Rex ___ a clever dog.

6. A duck ___ a kind of bird.

7. The playground ___ full of people today.

8. My house ___near the school.

9. The questions ___ not too difficult.

10. The balloons ___ very colorful.


Зробити заперечення та питання

1. The Alps are in America.

2. The Nile is in Asia.

3. Mount Everest is in Africa.


2 варіант

Вставити am, is, are

1. _____ you from Málaga?

2. _____ Isabel Spanish?

3. _____ we ready to go?

4. _____ he married?

5. _____ you tired?

Вставити am, is, are


1. Joshua _____ Marco´son.

2. Patty´s mother _____ Joshua´s sister.

3. Beatriz and Marcos _____ their grandparents.

4. They _____ Cristina´s parents.

5. Cecilia and Victor _____ María´s children.

6. Janice _____ my grandmother.

7. My father´s name _____ Juan.

8. Francisco and Jaime _____ from Colombia.

1. It ___ a donkey. It ___not a horse.

2. It ___ very hot today. It ___ not very comfortable.

3. I ___ Peter. I ___ not Paul.

4. She ___ Miss Lee. She ___ a teacher.

5. He ___ my father. He ___ a doctor. He ___ not a lawyer.

6. You ___ a stranger. You ___ not my friend.

7. We ___ in the same class, but we ___ not on the same team.

Вставити am, is, are

1. They ___ my good friends.

2. He ___ a soldier.

3. You ___ taller than Charlie.

4. She ___ ill.

5. We ___ very hungry.

1. John´s dog ___ very friendly.

2. Robert ___ ten years old.

3. These flowers ___ very pretty.

4. The two schools ___ close to each other.

5. Math ___ not a very difficult subject.

6. ___ dinner ready?

7. This computer ___ very easy to use.

8. All the windows ___ open.

9. Sue and Jane ___ neighbours.

10. His hair ___ curly.

Вставити am, is, are

1. I _____ never happy on a Sunday afternoon.

2. We _____ Scottish.

3. He _____ a pilot.

4. Mayte and Joshua _____ angry.

5. You _____ clever and good-looking.


Зробити заперечення та питання

1. The British Isles are in Africa.

2. The Mediterranean is an ocean.

3. The Alps are in America.


Вставити am, is, are

A: Hi, Alex. How (1)  _________ you?

B: Hello David. I (2) _________  fine and how (3) _________  you doing?

A: I (4)  _________doing fine.

B: How (5)  _________ your sister? Where (6) _________she now?

A: She (7)  _________ in London. She (8) _________learning English there.

B: Really? That (9) _________wonderful! How about your parents?

A; They (10) _________ fine too. They (11) _________ in Cyprus now.

B: (12) _________ you busy tonight?

A: Not really, why?

B: We (13) _________ having a party. Would you like to come?

A: I’d love to.

B: Then come to our place at 7:00 p.m.


Вставити is / isn’t, are / aren’t, am / ’m not.

  1.               I __________ lazy.
  2.               My friend ___________ naughty.
  3.               My granny___________ kind.
  4.               My granddad ___________clever.
  5.               My teachers___________ funny.
  6.               I___________ a bad pupil.


Вставити is, are, He’s, She’s, l’m, They’re.

  1.               How _____ your mum? — _______ fine, thanks.
  2.               How _____ your parents? — _____ OK.
  3.               How _____ you? — _____ very well, thank you.
  4.               How _____ your uncle? — _____ fine, thanks.
  5.               How _____ your children? — _____ OK.
  6.               How _____ Liz? — _____ fine, thanks.
  7.               How _____ your cousin? — _____ very well, thank you


Вставити am /’m not, is / isn’t or are / aren’t.

  1.               I _____ a businessman.
  2.               I _____ a pupil.
  3.               My friends_____ teachers.
  4.               My uncle_____ a driver.
  5.               My parents _____ doctors.
  6.               My cousins _____ vets.
  7.               My mum _____ a shop-assistant.


Вставити is /are

1.  How much ________ the trousers?

2.  How much ________ these shorts?

3. How much ________ a pair of socks?

4.  How much ________ this scarf?

5.  How much ________ this dress?

6.  How much ________ the jeans?


Вставити is / are та зробити заперечення та питання

  1.               These trousers _______ £30.
  2.               This hat  _______  £5.
  3.               The socks  _______£3.
  4.               How much  _______ the shoes?
  5.               How much _______  the jacket?

Вставити was / were _________ Jenny at the party?

  1.               _________ Lumpy quiet yesterday?
  2.               _________ you in Kongo?
  3.               _________ your parents in the local gym yesterday?
  4.               _________ your friend at school yesterday?
  5.               _________ you happy yesterday?

 Вставити was / were та зробити заперечення та питання

I _____ a businessman.

I _____ a pupil.

My friends_____ teachers.

My uncle_____ a driver.

My parents _____ doctors.

My cousins _____ vets.

My mum _____ a shop-assistant.


Вставити was / were

  1.               _______ your mum tired yesterday?
  2.               _______ you hungry yesterday evening?
  3.               _______ it cold yesterday?
  4.               _______ your teacher sad yesterday?
  5.               _______ your pet hungry yesterday?


Вставити was / were

The third day _______ Wednesday. The boys _______ in the swimming-pool. Steve _______ the fastest swimmer! On Thursday we _______ at the circus! The bears _______  funny! The fifth day _______  Friday. In the morning we _______  in the zoo.



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