Вільний час. Дозвілля

Про матеріал
Урок систематизації знань з теми "Дозвілля" містить всі види мовленнєвої діяльності, розрахований на учнів з різним рівнем знань
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Змістові  лінії:                                                                                                                              «Громадянська відповідальність» націлює на уміння:формувати особисті ціннісні пріорітети; усвідомлювати себе як учасника спільноти своїх друзів, активного члена гуртка, спортивної секції, команди.«Здоров'я безпека» спрямована на збереження здоров'я підростаючого покоління; формування бажання  займатися корисними  видами  дозвілля;розрізняти безпечні та небезпечні ситуації під час активного відпочинку;

Тема:Вільний  час. Дозвілля.

Мета:практична: систематизувати  вивчений  лексико-граматичний  матеріал; вчити  учнів  володіти  лексикою  теми; формувати навички  діалогічного мовлення; формувати техніку читання; вчити сприймати текст на слух, виділяючи специфічну інформацію; розвивати увагу, уміння чітко виконувати інструкції вчителя;  

результати  учіння:вживати  вивчену  лексику в усному  мовленні; підтримувати діалог  по  темі; розуміти  короткі  тексти  про  вільний  час  інших  людей; будувати  висловлювання  про  свій  вільний  час  письмово;

Обладнання:презентація  до  уроку;  картки  із  текстами;

Тип  уроку:  систематизація  вивченого  лексико-граматичного  матеріалу;

Хід  уроку

І. Організація  класу. Підготовка  до  сприйняття  іншомовного  мовлення

1)  повідомлення  теми та  мети  уроку

2) фонетична  розминка                                                                                                                                         * When we speak about hobbies we usually add ending –ingto verbs. It’s important to pronounce it correctly [ɪŋ]. Read the words after me.

3)  мовленнєва  розминка                                                                                                                           * Answer  the  questions                                                                                                                         --- What do you do in your free time?                                                                                                ---  What  is your hobby?                                                                                                                             --- Are you fond of reading books?                                                                                                                    --- What are you crazy about?                                                                                                                            --- Do you like painting?                                                                                                                                         --- How often do you go fishing?                                                                                                         --- Are you good at swimming?                                                                                                                            --- What do you like?                                                                                                                                  --- Do you like watching films or cartoons?                                                                                             --- Are you keen on playing computer games?                                                                                                 --- How often do you sing?                                                                                                                           --- What does your father do in free time?                                                                                                           --- How often do you surf the Internet?

4) перевірка  домашнього  завдання

ІІ.  Основна  частина  уроку

  1.     активізація  лексичного  матеріалу + аудіювання
  1.     граматика                                                                                                                                        * вправа «Виправити  помилки»
  2.     письмо                                                                                                                                              * перекласти на  англійську мову
  3.     читання 
  1.      підготовка  до  читання

-  Which hobby do you associate with these words?

  1.     A library, books, magazines, comics. (reading)
  2.     A park, water, long distances, a trainer. (jogging or running)
  3.     Many friends, e-mails, Skype, the world. (having e-mail friends)
  1.     етап читання

Hi, I’m Magdalena. I’m from Spain. I am fond of reading books. They are my best friends. I read a lot.     I read everywhere. I have many different books in my library. I read about animals, children and science. I also like historical books. They are very interesting. I can tell you many curious stories.

 Hi, I’m Anita. I am from France. I like running. It’s my best pastime. I’m good at jogging and I do it every day in all weathers. Now I can run 3 kilometers. I have a good trainer and he says I can run longer distances. He says I’ll be a champion.

 Hi, I’m Jane. I live in Washington. It’s a beautiful city. But I want to tell you about my free time.  I spend a lot of time sitting at the computer. I have a lot of friends all over the world and we often send e-mails to each other or talk using Skype. My mother says it is bad for my eyes but I can’t give it up.

  1.              контроль  прочитаного


1. Magdalena likes reading books about famous people.F

2. She likes historical books.                                            T

3. She can tell you curious poems.                                    T

4. Anita is keen on jumping.                                              F                взаємоперевірка

5. She can run four kilometers.                                          F

6. She will be a champion.                                                 T

7. Jane lives in Washington.                                              T

8. She is crazy about playing computer games.                  F

9. She has a lot of friends all around the world.                T

10. Text is about three boys and their hobbies.   F

Для учнів ПР та СР – списати текст та підкреслити  слова із закінченням  -ing


III.Заключна  частина  уроку

  1.                 інструктаж  по  виконанню  домашнього  завдання                                                 *  завершити речення з презентації  (слайд 12 ) письмово +

                                                                               учні ДР та ВР - переказати

  1.                 оцінювання
  2.                 підсумок  уроку                                                                                                                                  *   feedback


Free  TimeReading

Hi, I’m Magdalena. I’m from Spain. I am fond of reading books. They are my best friends. I read a lot.     I read everywhere. I have many different books in my library. I read about animals, children and science. I also like historical books. They are very interesting. I can tell you many curious stories.Hi, I’m Anita. I am from France. I like running. It’s my best pastime. I’m good at jogging and I do it every day in all weathers. Now I can run 3 kilometers. I have a good trainer and he says I can run longer distances. He says I’ll be a champion.Hi, I’m Jane. I live in Washington. It’s a beautiful city. But I want to tell you about my free time. I spend a lot of time sitting at the computer. I have a lot of friends all over the world and we often send e-mails to each other or talk using Skype. My mother says it is bad for my eyes but I can’t give it up.

TRUE or FALSE1. Magdalena likes reading books about famous people.  2. She likes historical books.                                                                                                                                3. She can tell you curious poems.                                                                                                                    4. Anita is keen on jumping.                                                                                                                                           5. She can run four kilometers.                                                                                                                                          6. She will be a champion.                                                                                                                             7. Jane lives in Washington.                                                                                                                          8. She is crazy about playing computer games.                                                                                                               9. She has a lot of friends all around the world.                                                                                                      10. Text is about three boys and their hobbies.    


Free  TimeReading

Hi, I’m Magdalena. I’m from Spain. I am fond of reading books. They are my best friends. I read a lot. I read everywhere. I have many different books in my library. I read about animals, children and science. I also like historical books. They are very interesting. I can tell you many curious stories.Hi, I’m Anita. I am from France. I like running. It’s my best pastime. I’m good at jogging and I do it every day in all weathers. Now I can run 3 kilometers. I have a good trainer and he says I can run longer distances. He says I’ll be a champion.Hi, I’m Jane. I live in Washington. It’s a beautiful city. But I want to tell you about my free time. I spend a lot of time sitting at the computer. I have a lot of friends all over the world and we often send e-mails to each other or talk using Skype. My mother says it is bad for my eyes but I can’t give it up.

TRUE or FALSE1. Magdalena likes reading books about famous people.  2. She likes historical books.                                                                                                                                3. She can tell you curious poems.                                                                                                                   4. Anita is keen on jumping.                                                                                                                                       5. She can run four kilometers.                                                                                                                                        6. She will be a champion.                                                                                                                             7. Jane lives in Washington.                                                                                                                          8. She is crazy about playing computer games.                                                                                                                 9. She has a lot of friends all around the world.                                                                                                      10. Text is about three boys and their hobbies.       


Find the  mistakes

My  hobby  is  play  volleyball.                                                                                                                  We  usually  swimming  on  Sundays.                                                                                                                     I  are  interested  in  dancing.                                                                                                                             She  is  good  on  drawing.                                                                                                                                They  can  riding  a  bike.


Find the  mistakes

My  hobby  is  play  volleyball.                                                                                                             We  usually  swimming  on  Sundays.                                                                                                                     I  are  interested  in  dancing.                                                                                                                             She  is  good  on  drawing.                                                                                                                                They  can  riding  a  bike.


Find the  mistakes

My  hobby  is  play  volleyball.                                                                                                                  We  usually  swimming  on  Sundays.                                                                                                                     I  are  interested  in  dancing.                                                                                                                             She  is  good  on  drawing.                                                                                                                                They  can  riding  a  bike.


Find the  mistakes

My  hobby  is  play  volleyball.                                                                                                                  We  usually  swimming  on  Sundays.                                                                                                                     I  are  interested  in  dancing.                                                                                                                             She  is  good  on  drawing.                                                                                                                                They  can  riding  a  bike.


Find the  mistakes

My  hobby  is  play  volleyball.                                                                                                                  We  usually  swimming  on  Sundays.                                                                                                                     I  are  interested  in  dancing.                                                                                                                             She  is  good  on  drawing.                                                                                                                                They  can  riding  a  bike.


Writing.Translate  into  English

Моє хобі – плавання.

Я читаю книжки у вільний час. В мене добре получається співати.

Мої друзі зазвичай бігають  у парку.

Він цікавиться історією.


Hometask.Finish the sentences

There are many __________.We can_______things,_____things, _______things  and _______ things.

In free time I always _________. But sometimes  I ______ and never ________.

My hobby is _________ because I like to_____.





Writing.Translate  into  English

Моє хобі – плавання.

Я читаю книжки у вільний час.В мене добре получається співати.

Мої друзі зазвичай бігають  у парку.

Він цікавиться історією.


Hometask.Finish the sentences

There are many __________.We can_______things,_____things, _______things  and _______ things.

In free time I always _________. But sometimes  I ______ and never ________.

My hobby is _________ because I like to_____.









                        Осіївський ЗЗСО І – ІІІ ступенів




     Відкритий  урок

        англійської  мови 

                          у 5 класі

      «Вільний  час. Дозвілля»







                           Вчитель: Настенко О.В.

                                  2022-2023 н.р.