Визначні місця Лондона 7 клас за підручником О. Карпюк

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Конспект уроку для учнів 7 класу, за підручником О.Карпюк, тема "Визначні місця Лондона"
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Topic:  LONDON

Grade: 7

Author:  Posheliuzhna Valentyna Hryhorivna, teacher of English and German languages, Academy Lyceum of Karapyshi, Myronivka district.


     to practise using of new vocabulary;

     to practise listening and spelling;

     to practise  reading  and speaking;

     to develop critical thinking ;

     to use structure  I would like…;


Learning outcomes:

     by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to use new vocabulary;

     to use unprepared speech;

     to speak about famous landmarks of London.


Equipment: book O. Karpyuk, copybook, you tube video “London”, HO 1.




  1.      Greeting

Good morning pupils, today we’ll have very interesting lesson, we’ll speak about  “London”. We’ll watch video, read, speak and you’ll tell me what impressed you the most?

  1.      Warming up

Let’s watch video very attentively, because I’ll give you some questions.


So my dear, answer the questions please.

  • How do we call a big wheel in London?
  • When was it opened?
  • How do we call the famous clock tower in London?
  • Where is an Open Air Theatre?
  • What is in the centre of Trafalgar Square?

Thanks for your answers, you are very attentive pupils. And now tell me please what place would you like to visit the most? And why?




  1.           New vocabulary

an architect

a dome


a skyscraper

to collapse

to destroy

to save

to whisper



a government


a law

a gherkin

  1.                Vocabulary practice

Find the following words and expressions in ex. 1, p. 155 and give Ukrainian equivalents to them.

Medieval cathedral, it took him 35 years, a dome, walk around, whisper, huge building, government, take place, make laws, high-rise building, design, an architect, save energy, heating and cooling, too high, traffic, reopen, destroy, twist, collapse.

Complete the sentences with the words from Vocabulary Box (p. 156).

1. This fantastic ... was painted inside by a great artist.

2. If you are not careful, fire can ... the forest.

3. You don’t have to ..., no one can hear us.

4. New York is best viewed from ... .

5. Mummy baked a ... chocolate cake for me. It was incredible!

6. The dome ... long ago.

7. The house has got the ... and air conditioning system.

8. This fascinating hotel was designed by a famous ... .

9. We couldn’t take our eyes off this ... castle. It was something marvelous!

10. We’re trying to ... money to buy a house.

Key: 1 dome; 2 destroy; 3 whisper; 4 a skyscraper; 5 huge; 6 collapsed; 7 heating; 8 architect; 9 medieval; 10 save.

  1.           Reading, listening and speaking activity.

And now let’s do ex.1, p.155. Listen and read the paragraphs from the guide book and say which of these places you would like to visit and why.


  1.           Post-reading activity.


Do ex. 2, p. 157. Say if the statements are true or false. Correct the false statements.

Key: a T; b F; c F; d T; e T; f Т; g F; h F; I T; j T; h F.

  1.           Listening activity.

Listen to the text and do the task.

London was built by Romans in the place where they first crossed the River Thames. They built a city a square mile in size, surrounded it with a wall and called it Londinium. This original sight of London is now called the City of London and is Britain’s main financial centre.

At that time, about 1000 years ago, the Tower of London was built by William the Conqueror. Tower Bridge was built only in 1894.

The City is only a very small part of London, in the eleventh century; London began to expand beyond the City walls when King Edward the Confessor built a huge abbey at Westminster. Even today, Westminster Abbey and the Houses of parliament, as well as all the shops, cafes, theatres and cinemas of the West End, are in the City of Westminster and not in the City of London.

Answer the questions.

1. Who founded London?

2. Why was London built on the River Thames?

3. What area does the City of London cover?

4. What can and what can’t we see in the City of London?

5. Was Tower Bridge built at the same time as the Tower of London?

6. Who built it?

7. When was Westminster Abbey built?

8. Where can we find beautiful shops, cafes and theatres?


3.1. Homework

Search for some information about other famous landmarks of London. Write a short paragraph about some of them.

3.2. Evaluation. Summing up.

You are very hard-working pupils. I thank you for a good job. I hope that you liked our lesson. Your marks are…. The lesson is over.






1. This fantastic ... was painted inside by a great artist.

2. If you are not careful, fire can ... the forest.

3. You don’t have to ..., no one can hear us.

4. New York is best viewed from ... .

5. Mummy baked a ... chocolate cake for me. It was incredible!

6. The dome ... long ago.

7. The house has got the ... and air conditioning system.

8. This fascinating hotel was designed by a famous ... .

9. We couldn’t take our eyes off this ... castle. It was something marvelous!

10. We’re trying to ... money to buy a house.






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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
25 лютого 2024
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