Ця збірка загадок про спорт на англійській мові стане в пригоді вчителям англійської мови по темі "Cпорт'. Учні із задооленням розгадують загадки, закріплюючи лексичний матеріал.
Загадки англійською про спорт
(Riddles about sport)
I’m a star sports.
I make a lotof money.
I play for big clubs.
I wear football boots.
Answer: a football player
I am only played outdoors.
Men and women play me.
I use a very small, white ball.
My special equipment is a bunch of things likes ticks.
The goal of my sport is to put the ballin a tiny hole.
The person who takes the least amount of shots wins
I am a winter sport.
You need a stick and a flat black puck to play me.
I am a team sport.
My games are very exciting.
When you score a point, it is called a goal.
You wear a helmet and skates when you play me.
I am the world’s most popular sport.
I have 2 different names.
I am a team sport.
Men and women play me.
Every4 years there is the World Cup.
There are many competitions–in each country, in Europe, Asia etc.
Answer:–football, soccer
I used to be necessary to catch food for dinner.
Now I am just a sport.
Robin Hood was famous in my sport.
I am done outdoors.
I need a target.
If you hit the bull’s eye, you get the most points.
I am played at Wimbledon, at the US Open, and the Australian Open.
Men and women play me.
You need a racquet and a yellow ball.
I can be played indoors and outdoors all year long.
Answer: tennis
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