загадок, ре5уа;д иш крссДсрйД
Укладач: О. О., вчитель мови Полонськот
Рецензент: Жалюк С. заступник директора з НВР Полонськот Полонськот Micbk0i ради ОТГ
Надруковано за науково-методичнот ради Полонськот
Полонськот Micbk0i ради ОТГ (протокол .NQ 1 26.12.18)
Thinking Minds
загадки, ребуси та кросворди, дозволяють через залучення до 1гровоТ дшльност1 полегшити процес початкового навчання мови школярам початкових удосконалити вже навички читання та передбаченим програмою лексичним
може використовуватись учителями навчальнот початковот ланки на p060Ti з англйськот мови.
Word puzzles6
Puzzles16 Answers21
Something [1]for You to Think about
l. What is it that never was, never will be and yet is?
2. The little old woman who has twelve children: some short, some long, some cold, some hot. What is it?
3. What has a face but no head, and hands but no fingers?
4. What is the first thing you do when you fall into the river?
5. In what month do children talk the least (HaüMemue)?
6. If yesterday two weeks ago it was Saturday, what day will it be tomorrow?
7. How long will a 7-day clock run without winding (öe3 3agoöy)?
8. Why can't it rain for two days without stopping?
9. What goes up and never goes down?
10. It is running night and day, but it never runs away.
I l. What always goes to sleep wearing its shoes?
12. What has teeth but cannot bite?
13. What can fly but has no wings?
14. It hears everything and says nothing.
15. They stand next to each other and yet (npome) they cannot see each other.
16. What has a hundred teeth but cannot eat?
17. I am asked l to come,
I am waited[2] for; But I make them hide[3]When I come.
18. Why is the letter "a" like 12 0'clock?
19. There are eight on a spider And six on a bee,
Four on an elephant, But only two on me.
20. What has feet but cannot run?
21. What is it that a cat has but no other animal can have?
22. What is full of holes but still (npome) holds water?
23. Three girls walked to school under one umbrella. Why didn't any of them get wet (He HQMOICJICI)? 24. What has arms and legs, but no head?
25. I run all day but I stay in one place. I keep what I tell you without talking What am I?
26. What goes through a door but never goes in or out?
27. I have cities with no houses, forests without trees, rivers and seas without water. What am I?
28. What is the difference between here and there?
29. Comes in at every window
And every door clack i
Runs round and round the house And never leaves a track.
30. What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries (cytuumb)? 31. What goes up and down at the same time?
1 at ...window (door) clack [klæk] TYT KOJIM BiAHMHfl€TbCfl BiKHO (ABepi).
Персвћр, знаеш ти десять с:йв, що складаютьс; чотирьох лЈтер, .asi з хотрих 00? В одному з оо читагтьсы як в В слонах читагтьсы в З словах — 1u:l. Напиши цЈ слова на окремому палерЈ.
2. Запоенн пропуски буквосполученнями з крупчкЈв ти лрочктаеш ијбстъ акг•л6Лськмх npMcjig”iB, Вбдшукай за зъпстом кожне англзйсь;е npVktDi8”T аналойчне ухратнському, лостав перед останнЛт лотрЈбну цифру в
1, Ап in the ..ftting is w0'1tt 1 in the „ening,
3. Every ..ing is до.. in its ..ason.
4 Firs1 then «еаК
5. AIl ..Јпдз аге ..tTvcult befo.„ they аге easy.
Е Лиха бћда— початок.
D На все свЈй час.
О CiM раз ярлътћр, один раз вЈдрћж.
D Хто рало встас, тому бог дар. б Bik жнви, Bik учис;.
Не н3лкОМ — квался
..ick to perform д(лом
4 Астронавтн на своему шляху зустр(лнся з чотлрма планетами рЈзнот величин“. Назви цих планет можна якшо правильно скласт•т слова з “iwep, гххзначентжх кл(тинках (для кожноТ планетн
можеш ну;що гзранлльно складети хо;кне слоно з двох p03pi3HeHwx частин.
мои |
6. Заговнн кожну пусту клзтин;у лЈтсрою, котроТ ПОЧННаЕТЬСЯ назва намальова.ного поряд предмету. назвн л*ялл• тва мн.
7. Для того щоб ло сходкнкам. заподнткти кожну з них словами, k0rpi починалнся б з До хожного слова е пояснення п(дхазка. Прочитай т.х уда:кно, Якщо буде валко корястуйся словником,
1) Vooand
2) аге f[5h , , thesea 3) Уоо ','R11.
4) Ab0ut 25 ccntijjjcttes.
5) Мои t1Tifjk thc:1jj: s:01j1Ctimcs •tltey ати good„ 5,ггтсЈттте5 (hey аге
, , , то ту рапу
8 Художник зббрався малазваттт картинку, Нщзви кольорк, хотрт BiH буде викорястовувати у свот p060Ti. Для [лього [10Tpi6H0 правильно скласгк хожне слово з двох розрбзиених частик.
10. peler-JHR TM Lue cim np14cniB'iB. B 1.1b0bty T06i A0110MOKYTb Ma-MOHKH, a 'Taxo»; cno»a I'lpoHYMepyrt tcc»to-ve Cli0H0
As quiet as
As light l as
As proud as
As wise as
As stubborn as
l) an Owl [aull 2) a fox
3) a feahter ['feöal
4) a peacock [ 'pi :kok]
5) a mouse [meus]
6) an elephant ['elifont]
7) a mule [mju:l]
1 light [lalt] — ,erKHii
2stubborn ['stAbon] — Bile1)THi1
3sly [slal] — MITI)Hii
4 clumsy ['klAmz1] — Henpa6HHi1
I l . Ilpoqvnavvm YBUKHO BCi CJIOBa, 110TiM A06epH AO CJ1iB nepumx
l) |
morning 9) black |
l) |
to open |
9) small |
2) |
night |
10) bad |
2) |
dog |
10) cold |
3) |
to cry |
I l) clean |
3) |
spring |
I l) uncle |
4) |
high |
12) big |
and |
4) |
day |
12) white |
5) |
aunt |
13) daughter |
5) |
winter |
13) good |
6) |
cat |
14) autumn |
6) |
son |
14) evening |
7) |
summer |
15) hot |
7) |
low |
15) to laugh |
8) |
to lock |
8) |
dirty |
12. BiA111YKaMrre B KO)KHiVV1 rpyni CJIOBO, KOTpe 3a TewraTHKOK) He
l) horse, cow, mouse, spoon, fish 2) green, big, orange, brown, red
3) brother, father, sister, uncle, grandfather
4) June, January, March, English, May
5) plate, meat, soup, milk, apple
13. A06epH 3 rmapH KJ1iTHHOK rraK, 11106 HUBH 306pa)KeHux Ha
14. B croea Toro, ix T10Tpi6H0 np0"HTaT11 BKuiBKY npo nopqnok nocniA0BHoc•ri Jimep y caoei,
The letter IJ is on the left of M N is next to (öin*) U
R is two letters after M.
And E is before R and after B
T is exactly in the middle,
E is between T and R.
T is two letters before E Sis before T
E is immediately after N.
O is between T and N
The letter R is immediately after F I is after IR
D is right Of N.
And E is between I and N
Т is before Н.
Е is after Н and before R. О is between М and Т.
15. Кожне слово, котре T06i визначити, складаеться з п'яти Три це слова?
1) br..d, 2) ch..d, З) и.с.е, 4) уо..д, 5) w..ch,
6) h.u.e, 7) то..е, 8) n..ht, 9) sc..f, 10) r.d.o
16. В поданих схемах слова, k0TPi складаються з З, 4, 5, 6 та 7 Якщо правильно заповнити пропущен1 лтери в кожному слов1 по вертикал, то по горизонтал1 зможеш прочитати слова.
17. Доповни речення i ти прочитаеш ще ciM
В цьому T06i допоможуть малюнки, а також слова праворуч. Пронумеруй кожне слово В кл1ТИНЦ1 перед кожним реченням.
То тип like 1) а f1Sh То swim like 2) а log бабак то до like З) а hare [hea] — заець То sleep like 4) aspen ['espan] leaf [li:f]
То f1ght like 5) а nightingale ['na1t1rjge11] соловей то sing like 6) а lion ['la1an] То tremble like 7) the wind
18. Знайд.и два «зашифрованнх» англјйських присл(в'я. Для дього спочатху погр\бмо прочитатлт подал речекны, Якщо твердженнз„ когр•е в реченнћ, в(рне. то у 11tat1.3i TRUE («Арно») обводиться, а якщо weeipj•o — обводиться ,йтера д графб UNTRUE («не, вфт•о»), Коли веб лозначкк проставлен(, лотрЈбно лос:йдовно вяписати лтери, хотр( обведенЈ, а noTiM лјтери та згрупуватк л(терн н слова
т т |
5) Febmaty 1]» Јпа уеаг, а lol ог •cgcklblcs irv З“КгЈЛЛЈ. Т) kjev 13 (lp of VJkrai11C.
fvvc 'vwcks а jjx.•rjIlt
9) i5 1Х31; ап
(Пе da„Y3 ше sh0I1er
11) fmw1ettews,
12) аге
т т А |
Е |
13) sevcrj days ига V(iL'N. Ы) мос“ is ch;ese,
15) T•jvLybirds fcathers.
16) kjcv is heautitu1'i1iesi11 11' wortd. [Т) Svmjneris (Пе ccldcsx s•uson уем, 18) Cu1sdon*t 1ike mi[k flSh.
19j уем.
ТУ) („01YLi0I1 СО 'T1&j1tWS.
Заподкн клгтиккн л(терамн i ти „:пзна€шся колб АЛЈ[фри
2. ЗЕТГОВНН хлпмнки кросворду Мерами так, щоб схлаляся назвя 6 предменз. зобра;кенлх на малинках.
кросворду втдповјдд•гнът'ј лћтерамн так, щоб утворилися нвзв]. хотрћ BCi дуже люблять. В цьому T06i допоможуть ма.МОНХЩ а якщо Hi, то хористуйся словјштком.
чнсла кожному з кроснордјв та другу. Яхяй результат?
лосгорюютьсы — ке драховуоться,)
о |
в |
000 |
1. What did Alice buy?
Mary. Jane, Sue and Alice went into a shop
One girl bought a pen and a pencil One girl bought a pen and a book, One girl bought a pencil and a book. One girl bought two pencils.
Mary bought a pen and one other thing. Jane bought a book and one Other thing.
Sue did not buy a book or a pen. Alice did not buy a pen. did she buy?
Tom, Dicl,o Bill and Jack wore shirts and (rousers, Their shirts veere red or blue. Their trousers were green or blue.
Two boys wore blue shirts.
Two boys wore green trousers.
One boy wore a red shirt and green trousers. One boy wore a blue shin and blue trousers One boy wore a red shirt and blue trousels.
Jack and Tom wore red shirts. Dick wore green trousers,
.sh/rj /ronser.s did
3. The cat, the mouse and the piece of cheese
One day Mr Barmy went to the shop and bought a cat, a mouse and a large piece of cheese] at a time . Then he had to cross the road to get his car. He could only carry one of the things. He couldn't leave the cat alone with the mouse, because the cat would eat i the mouse. And he couldn't leave the mouse alone with the cheese, because the mouse would eat the cheese.
pur these seven seniences 'Ire righr you will see what Mr Barmy did."
1, He came back willi in his Iv.nds.
He across and left il
3. He Imk thc n•nusc across and par the cal. the mc.usc 11tc cbccsc in car,
4. He returrccl 'Aitli nothing in h.is lunds again
He bmught EUOUSC
He mouse across.
He cheese acms.s.
5. A bucket and spade l cost 2 thirty pence3 together. If rhe bucket cosr rev pence more than the spade, hem mach did rhe spade cast?
6. At the cinema four children are sitting in a row . Bob is sitting next to Charles and on his left. Doris sits immediately on Charles'
3b Tight. Ann sits sornewhere2 to the left of Doris. (Skh+lGi1't want to be next to her.)
Name rhe children one affer anorher row.
zarles tja :lzl Doris I'd•rusl io a rms Irocl —nope
As I was going to St Ives
I met a man with seven wives Each wife had seven sacks Each sack had seven cats.
Each cat had seven kits:
Kits, cats, sacks and
How many were gomg to S/ Ives?
St Ives —eaua Micra
8m Professor Brainwave was asked l how old his young children were. "l cannot remember. Except — wait a bit If you take one age frotn the other you gel TWO. And When you multiple their ages, the answer is NINETY-NINE. I should be able to work it out from that." Con work if before rhe Professor does?
asked — {i:ioro} a hit [bill — to multiply —
= 99 |
9. Sally turns once every half an hour in bed at night. She goes to bed at nine in the evening, and wakes at seven the next morning
2.A year
3.A clock.
4.Get wet [wet] —
5. February because it is the shortest,
6. Monday.
7. A clock will not run at all without winding.
8. Because there is always a night between two days.
9. Your age
10. A clock
11. A horse.
12. A comb [kouml — rpe6iHeuu
13. lime.
14. An ear.
15. Eyes.
16. A saw Isa:] —
Rain. 18. Because it is in the middle of day
19. Legs.
20. A chair.
21. kittens.
22. A sponge —
23. It was not raining.
24. An arm-chair.
25. A clock.
26. A keyhole ["ki:houll — B ABepqx
271 A map.
28. The letter T.
29. Wind.
30. A towel
1. [o:l: door; book, good, look wood, wood, cook: room, food
2. l) An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.
2) It is never too late to learn.
3) Every thing is good in its season 4) First think, then speak.
S) All things are difficult befOre they are easy,
6) Be slow to promise and quick to perfortn
1—4, 2-5, 3-2, 4-3, 6
3. aquarium — fish library — book leaves — tree driver — car river— boat wool — sheep head — hat garden — flower rain — umbrella snow — sledge
4. C) Jupiter ['dsu:plta] —TOniTep.
C] Uranus ['juoranas] — Ypan, A Venus ['vi : — BeHepa, Mars [ma zl — Mapc.
5. rabbit, frog, horse, mouse, sheep, tortoise.
6. tiger ['taiga] —TWP, camel ['kamal] — Bepömon, bison ['balsnl — 6130B, horse, mouse.
2) in
3) ill
4) inch — (2,5 CM)
5) ideas [al 'diazl — inef
6) invite [In'valtl — ganp0111Y'BaTH.
8. white, yellow, blue, green, grey, black, orange ['ortnd3] nor.rapawrem'fi, pink [pt1Jkl— poxeBH1i , violet ['valalatl— #ioneTOBHii.
12. l) spoon, 2) big. 3) sister, 4) English, 5) plate
13. blackbird ['blækba:dl— nopeHii api3A, sunflower ['s,vnflaua] — football.
14. l) number, 2) water, 3) stone; 4) friend, 5) mother
15. l. bread, 2. child; 3, uncle 4, young, 5. watch;
6. house; 7. mouse'. 8. night', 9. scarf; 10. radio„
16. l) cow (ice, cow, two), 2) frog (off, dry, dog, egg), 3) green (egg, arm, leg, ten, one), 4) flower (off, all, cow, two, pen, 5) usually (cup, ask, buss cat, Old, eye).
11 з — Накиватл л'ятамк.
Плавати як в мас.л[.
7 — Брати ногм на пледј. 2 — Спати без заднЈх нтг. ђ — Битл•ся як лев„
5 — За.л•тватис; соловейком,
4 Тремттз як осихови:я лист.
18. Every day is not а Sunday. — Не щодт[я — вареники 1сти.
Минулг•ся рокк, що розпкрали бохи.
Better ear1y• than 1ate! — Чим скорпше. тим краще,
1.Acrass оле, nine.
(по r;epnnmmi): two, seven, t'we,
2.Acro.ss,' drtJ1j1 — барабан. реп, scissors ["stzaz] — но;ктЈ, faces.
pick, тар, 1jest [nest] — см]здо, roses, njouse,
З. Acro.ss,' peach [р; :tJ] — персмк, огапде ['artnd3] — апельснн„ арр[е, ]етол ['[елталј — лимон.
Ьапајла [1да'па; па] — банан. р1ит [p1Atn] — слива, реаг [pza] — груша.
4. А. Acvoss: 1) two, З) twe]ve, 4) опет
2) 3) tWO,
В. Across; З) three, 4) seven. I)own,• I) three, 2) seven.
р. 16-17
1. Ajice hought а pettcil а Ьоок, 2. Bill wore а blue shirt and hlue trousets.
4. Eight days. Оп the eighth day the йод climbs three metres 0d reaches (['ri :tJlz]) thc top ofthe well: Не is 0QItL
5. The spade costs ten pence, the bucket — twenty pence.
6. The children sit in this order: Ann, Bob, Charles and Doris.
p. 19-20
7. There was only one person going to St Ives
8. Their ages are eleven and nine years.
9. She turned 20 times.