Діагностувальний тест 6 клас екстернатна форма навчання

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Створено за підручником Мітчелл. Тест пройшов випробовування під час підсумкового оцінювання 2023-2024 року.
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image                        image   б) They don`t like shopping.

B:  I`d love to.

A:  Is the club open at the weekend?

B:   No, but it`s open till ten tonight.

A:   Let`s go and join!

B:   Sure, why not?

image          а) Person A and Person B decided to join the           image       б) Person A and Person B decided to join the youth club.          karaoke club.

imageMy best friend Marco has got short brown hair and blue eyes. He is rather tall and slim.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   image   б) This text is about the boy`s personality.


Adam: " Last month I was in Bangkok and I wanted to try Thai food. The hotel receptionist told me about a good restaurant near the Chao river. I dacided to go on foot and explore the city."

image                    image   б) Adam was in Thailand in 2023.

A:  Jack doesn`t have a car.

B:  Yes, I know. I drove ............. to the airport yesterday. He didn`t want to take a taxi.

image              а) his                                                                   image    б) he

в) him


A:  How did Sophia break her leg?

B:   Well, she ........................... near the swimming pool and she slipped and fell.

image                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   image   б) were running

                                                                                                                   image   б) anything

                                                                                                                   image   б) hotter


A:   "Will people still have smartphones 20 years from now?"

B:   "I think that people will still have smartphones 20 years from now, but they will be very different from the smartphones we have today."

image          а) These people are making predictions about image   б) These people are making predictions about what gadgets will be like in 20 years` time.            their future occupation.


2)   Save water. Turn off the tap.

3)   Plant trees. Don`t cut down trees.

4)   Save energy. Turn off the lights.

image     а) These are good ideas to help protect the        image    б) This is a shopping list.



A:  "I feel bad today."

B:  " You should stay in bed today. You .........go to school."

image                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   image   б) shouldn`t

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   image    б) is he


B:  Yes, I have. I .................... a dance competition.

A:  Really? I`ve never won anything.

image                                    image    б) has wone

A:  .................... car is this?

B:  It`s mine.

image                                    image   б) Who`s

A:    "I`ve got a problem with my brother. I`ve got no time to help him with his homework, because I`ve got exams soon. He`s not talking to me at the moment. What should I do to help him?"


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12 червня 2024
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