Дидактичний матеріал "Let's talk about our holidays in the countryside."

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Let's talk about our holidays in the countryside.

Fill in the blanks with the verbs in the Past Indefinite. Complete the questions with the correct question words.

Age: 12-14
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         Let’s talk about our holidays in the countryside.                                                                                          Fill in the blanks with the verbs in the Past Indefinite.  Complete the questions with the correct question words.                          

P1:- Where / When /What/ How/ How long   did you V1?                                                                          P2:- I V2 /V-ed.                                                


IRREGULAR VERBS (V1-V2):                    get – got; go – went; give gave; grow –grew;   eat –ate; feedfed; spend-spent; taketook.

IRREGULAR VERBS (-ed):                              help; look; milk; mow; gather; stay.

- ______ did you spend your summer holidays?                       -I ______ my holidays in the countryside at my grandparents.                                                                                                 

                       - _______ did you go there?                                                              - I ______ there in …           

           - _____ did you go there?                                                               – I ____ there by bus/ by car/ by train/by bicycle.                       

- _______ did you stay there?                                                                        - I _____one/two /three weeks there.                                            

- ______ did you get up in summer?                                                       - I ____ up late on my holidays.              

- ______ did your grandparents grow vegetables?                                      -They _____vegetables in the garden.


Pull weeds                                                  - ______ did you help your granny in the garden?                                                                           - I ______ to pull weeds and water the plants in the garden.

     Well                                   - ________ did you take water?                                                                                                                                 –I _____ water in the well. 

              - _______ fruit did you eat there?                                                                    – I _____ cherries, apricots, plums, apples, pears there.      


                                            - _____ domestic animals did you look after? ______ food did you give them?                                                                       - I _____ after the dog/ the cat/ the rabbits/the goat/.   I _____ them water and grass.      

                           - _______ poultry did you feed?                                                 - I _____ hens, turkeys, ducks, geese.

. - ______did your granny milk the cow?                                          –She _____the cow in the morning and in the evening.

     Mow                                                   - ______ did you help your granddad?                         – I ______ the grass in the yard.

           - ____ did you go fishing / swimming? – I _____fishing/ swimming to the river/ to the lake/ to the pond.

                                - _____ did you gather in the forest?                 - I _______ strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and mushrooms in the forest.   


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  1. Rabcheniuk Iryna
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
15 лютого 2018
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5.0 (2 відгука)
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