Future simple - майбутній простий час

Про матеріал
В презентації подані основні правила використання, слова маркери, структура речення (питального, позитивного та негативного). Також це все доповнене комплеком вправ на закріплення матеріалу
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Future simple

Номер слайду 2


Номер слайду 3

Rules. Affirmative. Subject + will + verb (infinitive) Tony will work at school. My husband will buy this ring for me. We will find your key tomorrow.

Номер слайду 4

Rules. Negative. We will not find your key tomorrow She won’t go to the cinema. The project will not be presented next Tuesday.

Номер слайду 5

Rules. Quiestions. Will I go for a walk tomorrow? Where will I go tomorrow?When will we find your key?

Номер слайду 6

Rules. The future simple tense is used to talk about actions or events that will happen in the future. The future simple tense can also be used to make predictions or express beliefs about the future. The future simple tense is often used with time expressions such as "tomorrow," "next week," "in the future," etc. The future simple tense is not used for actions that are already planned or scheduled in thefuture, as these use other tenses like the present continuous or going to the future. The future simple can be used in informal situations or in more formal writing but may be avoided in academic or technical writing where more precise language is often required.

Номер слайду 7

Rules. Tomorrow. Next week/month/year In the future. Soon. Later Eventually. By [specific time or date]

Номер слайду 8

Rules. I will go to the store tomorrow. She will start her new job next week. They will travel to Europe sometime in the future. We will eventually find a solution to this problem. He will finish his homework soon. She will call you later. They will complete the project by Friday.

Номер слайду 9

Заповніть пропуски, використовуючи Future Simple: I _____ (to visit) my grandmother next Sunday. She _____ (to graduate) from university in two years. They _____ (to buy) a new house next year. We _____ (to travel) to Paris next summer.

Номер слайду 10

Виправте помилки в наступних реченнях, використовуючи Future Simple: I will to see you tomorrow. They will finish the project at the end of this week. She will goes to the gym every day. We will not to come to the party on Saturday.

Номер слайду 11

Complete the following sentences with the future simple tense: I _______________ (go) to the beach tomorrow. She _______________ (study) for her exams next week. They _______________ (play) football on Saturday. He _______________ (watch) a movie tonight. We _______________ (travel) to Europe next year.

Номер слайду 12

Use the future simple tense to make predictions about the following situations: The weather forecast says it will rain tomorrow. A new restaurant is opening in town next week. Your friend is planning to start a new job. You are going on a trip next month. Your favorite sports team is playing in the championship game next weekend.

Номер слайду 13

Складіть речення, використовуючи дані слова та майбутній простий час: We / visit / Paris / next year. He / buy / a new computer / when he saves enough money. They / start / their own business / after they graduate. She / take / a vacation / as soon as she finishes her project.

Номер слайду 14

Складіть речення, використовуючи дані слова та майбутній простий час:→ We will visit Paris next year.→ He will buy a new computer when he saves enough money.→ They will start their own business after they graduate.→ She will take a vacation as soon as she finishes her project.

Номер слайду 15

Tomorrow is a big day for me. I will be meeting with my boss to discuss my performance over the past year. I am a little nervous, but I know that I have been working hard and doing a good job. After the meeting, I will head home to pack for my trip to Europe. I am so excited to explore new places and learn about different cultures. I will be visiting several countries over the course of the next month, and I can't wait to try new foods and see famous landmarks. When I return from my trip, I will start looking for a new apartment. I have been living in my current place for a few years now, and it's time for a change. I will be searching for a place that's closer to my job and has more space for my hobbies. Overall, I am looking forward to the future and all the exciting things that are in store for me. With hard work and determination, I know that I can achieve my goals and make my dreams a reality.

11 березня 2023
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