Граматичні завдання "Посібник з граматики"

Про матеріал

Посібник з граматики містить тести, які можна використати протягом вивчення певної граматичної теми. Матеріали можна використовувати у різних класах.

Перегляд файлу

















 (For pupils of 8th – 11th forms)



















1. Fill in the blanks with a/an or the.

1. I wrote to her last week but she hasn't received ______ letter yet.

2. What is______ name of this river?

  1. Kate is_________very nice person. You should speak to her.
  2. New-York is_________large city in America.
  3. What is____________largest city in Canada?
  4. You look very tired. You need__________holiday.
  5. «Let's go to________cinema this evening.» «That's_______good idea!»

8. John is in _________ bathroom.  He's having _________shower.

9. This is ______ nice room, but I don't like______colour of furniture.

  1. He turned off ______ light, opened ______ door and went out.
  2. There is ______ stadium not far from our ______ house. ______ stadium is the largest in our town.

12. My brother is ______ pupil of__8th form and he wants to become ______ engineer.

  1. Here is ______ book you need.
  2. Can you tell me ______ way to ______theatre?
  3. What ______beautiful flowers!


2. Fill in the gaps with the articles if necessary.

  1.                ___ children like ___ ice-cream.
  2.                ___ butter and ___cheese are made of ___ milk.
  3.                ___ England has to import_______materials, such as ___ petroleum, ___ wool and others.
  4.         I usually drink_______tea with ___ sugar.
  5.         Will you have_________ cup of tea?
  6.                ___ tea is very hot, I'll put ___ milk in it.


3. Fill in the or leave the space empty.

1. ___ United Nations 6. ___ Far East

2. ___ Mediterranean Sea 7. ___ New York Times

3. ___ Lake Victoria 8. ___ Mount Everest

4. ___ USA _______9. ___ Pacific

5. ___ Canaries 10. ___ Christmas


4. Put the where necessary.

  1. Ann lives in _____ Oxford Street.
  2. Have you ever been to _____ Royal Opera?
  3. «Where are you staying?» «At _____ Metropol.»

4. _____ Milan is a large city in _____ north of _____ Italy.

5. _____ Brussels is the capital of _____ Belgium.

6. Last year he visited ____ Philippines.

7. _____ National Gallery is in ______Trafalgar Square in _____ London.

8. _____ Rocky Mountains are in _____ North America.

9. In _____ London, _____ Houses of Parliament are beside _____ River Thames.

10. Alan studied chemistry at _____ London University.


The Verb “to be”

5. Put am, is or are.

  1.                I … a pupil of the 5th form.
  2.                She … my best friend.
  3.                They … brother and sister.
  4.                Sashko … from Kyiv.
  5.                What … your name?
  6.                Where … you from?
  7.                Peter … a good boy.
  8.                Her cat … black.
  9.                My new dress … white.
  10.            … you a student?
  11.            Who … the owner of this house?
  12.            Where … she from? She … from England.
  13.            My home exercise … very difficult.
  14.            Her sister … very clever and lively.
  15.            … Helen your friend?


6. Put the correct auxiliary verb shall or will:

  1.    I … go to my grandmother.
  2.    He … not be with us on Monday.
  3.    She together with her mother … go shopping on Saturday.
  4.    … you come to us  next week?
  5.    I … be here in an hour.
  6.    Mark … drive a car.
  7.    … Sasha go for a walk with you?
  8.    I don’t know where he … study.
  9.    … we play football?
  10. It … take only 10 minutes.


7. Put the correct auxiliary verb was or were:

  1.    I … doing my homework.
  2.    He … singing his favorite song.
  3.    She … playing with a baby.
  4.    … you making a newspaper?
  5.    What … they doing, when you came in?
  6.    You … not helping your mother.
  7.    They … learning a poem.
  8.    Max with his friend … in Lviv last winter.
  9.    What … your homework for today?
  10. Where … you last week?


Present Simple Tense

8. Open the brackets:

  1.    I… (to go) to work every day.
  2.    My boss… ( to read) letters in the morning.
  3.    Coffee…(to be) usually imported from Brazil.
  4.    The fair… (to be) much talked about.
  5.    He … (to want) to buy a new car.


9. Translate into English:

  1.    Я пишу листи кожен тиждень.
  2.    Моя сестра дивиться телевізор по вечорам.
  3.    Їм подобається чорна кава.
  4.    Дітям подобається грати в баскетбол.
  5.    Моя бабуся живе в Сімферополі.
  6.    Мої родичі завжди відвідують нас влітку.
  7.    В які дні ти працюєш?
  8.    Ми не любимо відпочивати на природі.
  9.    Мої онуки живуть закордоном.
  10. Її тато хоче знайти нову роботу.


Past Simple Tense

10. Translate into English:

  1.    Вони запропонували мені роботу.
  2.    Минулого року ми відвідали виставку квітів у Києві.
  3.    Вони не порушували правил дорожнього руху.
  4.    Я не знав, що робити.
  5.    Твої родичі приїхали вчора?
  6.    Мої тато й мама жили після одруження в Парижі.
  7.    Кілька років тому я працювала закордоном.
  8.    Я забула всі подробиці.
  9.    Де ти був, коли я тобі телефонував?
  10. Ми поговорили про всі проблеми.


11. Translate into Ukrainian.

  1.                            Mr. Brown moved to London three years ago.
  2.                            When I was in New York, I phoned him.
  3.                            He returned to Kiev last week.
  4.                            Peter wrote the letter, and sent it to his partner.
  5.                            Mary was very busy at the work yesterday.
  6.                            Helen came to me to ask an advice.
  7.                            In 1990 I studied at the university.
  8.                            Why did you decide to become an actress?
  9.                            Who was absent at the meeting?
  10.                        They didn’t invite me for the party.


Future Simple Tense

12. Translate using Future Simple:

  1.                            Вони не приїдуть завтра.
  2.                            Поїзд прибуде о 5 годині.
  3.                            Якщо у мене буде час, я зустрінуся з вами завтра.
  4.                            Він повернеться через пів години.
  5.                            Влітку у мене будуть канікули.
  6.                            Я збираюся піти в магазин.
  7.                            Що ти будеш завтра робити?
  8.                            Я думаю, він тебе запросить на вечірку.
  9.                            Де ви будете жити, як переїдете до Тернополя?
  10.                        Він не піде з нами в зоопарк.


13. What is it in Ukrainian:

  1.                I’m leaving Kiev tomorrow.
  2.                He is arriving from London next week.
  3.                The train will arrive at 7 o’clock.
  4.                I’ll give you my address.
  5.                He will be late.
  6.                The shop will be closed at 8 o’clock.
  7.                My mother will prepare a tasty dinner.
  8.                His friend, Mike, will meet you at the railway station.


Present Continuous Tense

14. Put the verb in Present Continuous Tense:

  1.                I … (to clean) the room.
  2.                He…(to  play) hockey.
  3.                She …( to cook) dinner.
  4.                We are reading a newspaper.
  5.                They …(to listen) to the radio.
  6.                … she (to drink) tea?
  7.                … they (to watch) television?
  8.                What … he (to do)?
  9.                What … you (to read)?
  10.            … I  (to have) dinner?


15.  Do as you are told and say what you are doing:

  1.                            Go to the shop
  2.                            Put your books into your bag.
  3.                            Take your notebooks out of your bags.
  4.                            Carry your friend’s bag.
  5.                            Help your mother.
  6.                            Drink a cup of tea.
  7.                            Read a new book.


16. Translate into English using Present Continuous:

  1.    Я малюю картину, вид на море.
  2.    Моя сестра працює в бібліотеці, шукаючи інформацію для її доповіді.
  3.    Мій тато читає журнал, а мама готує вечерю.
  4.    Я розмовляю зараз зі своїми батьками.
  5.    Чому йде дощ?
  6.    Де ти стоїш? – Я стою на зупинці біля коледжу.
  7.    Чому ти не працюєш? Я телефоную своїй дружині.
  8.    Діти садять дерева біля школи.


17. Translate into English

  1.    Що ви співаєте? – Ми співаємо українські пісні.
  2.    Куди ти йдеш? – Я йду на роботу.
  3.    Де моя сестра? – На ринку. Вона купує продукти.
  4.    Хто зараз на уроці? – Там учні нашого класу навчаються. Вони пишуть контрольну роботу.
  5.    Що ви збираєтесь робити?
  6.    Наталя вдома? – Ні, її немає. Вона зайнята.


Past Continuous Tense

18. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. He was writing a letter, when I came.

2. What was he doing, when you came in?

3. I wasn’t working in the field at that time.

4. Were you watching television at eight?

5. I was cooking dinner at 10 o’clock.

6. I was writing a letter, when the phone rang.

7. When I came to the office, Marry was drinking coffee.

8. They were working on their report when I came in.


19. Translate into English:

  1.    Коли я вийшла з роботи, падав сильний сніг.
  2.    Я бачила його наступного тижня. Він їхав додому.
  3.    Коли приїхали гості, ми всі сиділи за столом.
  4.    Де ви були о третій годині ночі?
  5.    Я бачила тебе, коли ти йшов у бібліотеку.
  6.    Ми поверталися пізно. Було холодно, але дощу не було. 


Present Perfect Tense

20. Translate into English:

  1.                Я написала вже 8 статей.
  2.                Скільки газет ти опрацював на цьому тижні?
  3.                Ми щойно переглянули цей фільм ще раз.
  4.                Я ще не написав листа.
  5.                Я знаю її з 2006 року.
  6.                Що вони робили? – Садили квіти.
  7.                Минулого року ми їздили на море. З того часу я не був там 2 роки.
  8.                Ми декілька разів на рік їздили туди.


Past Perfect Tense

21. Translate into English:

  1.    Ми закінчили роботу, коли він прийшов.
  2.    Вони грались м’ячем, який я купив у Києві.
  3.    Мама сказала, що приготувала обід.
  4.    Моя однокласниця писала, що вже поступила в інститут.
  5.    Минулого літа її батько їздив у Канаду, де він влаштувався на роботу.
  6.    Вчора Алла приїхала додому ще до 7-ї години.
  7.    Учень переклав текст до десятої години.
  8.    Коли ми повернулися з роботи, син вже спав.
  9.    Він написав мені лист, у якому була вкладена пасхальна листівка.


22. Translate the sentences. Make up questions to them and negative forms.

  1.                I had already drawn up the contract by Tuesday.
  2.                After she had finished typing the letter, she sent it by fax.
  3.                The courier had delivered the package before I came.
  4.                The pupils had translated the text before the bell rang.
  5.                The girls had cleaned the room by the time their mother came back.
  6.                We had reached the village before the sun set.
  7.                Had I decorated the building by that time?
  8.                Had she washed the dishes by the time you came?
  9.                Peter had studied English before he entered the institute.  


Passive Voice

23. Make up five sentences in Present and in Past:

Furniture                                         grown                         here

Radio sets                          IS          made                           there

Coal                                 ARE        repaired                      at our plant

Wheat                                              sold                             in this district

Tomatoes                                         mined                          at this shop


The theatre                                      built

Those cars                   WAS           opened                         last year

The library                  WERE         closed                          at ten o’clock

The bicycle                                      bought                         five years ago

The shop                                          repaired                       in summer


24. Make the following interrogative and negative.

  1.    The floor was painted last summer.
  2.    The room is being cleaned now.
  3.    This novel has been translated into Ukrainian.
  4.    The tickets had been sold out by that time.
  5.    They have been invited to the concert.
  6.    This question is being discussed at the meeting now.
  7.    His car was broken by his father.
  8.    The trees will be planted tomorrow.
  9.    I think this job will be received by Frank.
  10. These flowers are loved by Marylan.


25.  Turn into Passive:

  1.                            They published this magazine in Paris.
  2.                            They didn’t know this film last week.
  3.                            She made a very beautiful application.
  4.                            My sister teaches me English.
  5.                            He put the letter in the envelope.
  6.                            He showed me the way to the railway station.


26. Choose the right form of  the verb from the brackets.

  1.    The girl … last … here about twenty minutes to eleven. By midnight, according to medical evidence she was dead ( is seen/ was seen / were seen)
  2.    As a result of an earthquake the house there… and her parents and brothers and sisters all last their lives ( is burned down / are burned down / was burned down / will be burned down)
  3.    A second letter I … … … to a group of young officers ( was introduced / is being introduced / was being introduced).
  4.    While I sat there a note … me from the house ( is brought / has brought/ was brought / had brought).
  5.    I don’t want to stop here. I … … … ( recognize / will recognize / will be recognized)


27. Ask when – and – where- questions using the Passive Voice

      1. The   writer will publish his novel next year.

      2. The pupils wrote a dictation yesterday.

      3. Tom made this shelf last week.

      4. The brothers will write a composition tomorrow.

      5. Pupils spoke about him at the trade union meeting.


28. Translate into English using Passive Voice.

  1.    Кімната прибирається 2 рази на тиждень.
  2.    Коли було опубліковано цей журнал?
  3.    Дітям було наказано виконати домашнє завдання.
  4.    Мама сказала, що наш сніданок вже готовий.
  5.    Їй запропонували квиток у театр.
  6.    Бібліотека працюватиме завтра.
  7.    Книга була прочитана, перш ніж ми прибули туди.
  8.    Про цю статтю багато говорять.
  9.    Маму слухали дуже уважно.
  10. ЇЇ попросили зробити цю справу ще раз.


29. Rebuild into Passive:

  1.    We could not cancel the order because they had already sent it.
  2.    The influenced our business in the Middle East very badly.
  3.    They will make their advertisement soon.
  4.    We are printing our catalogues by Friday this week.
  5.    We make the compressors for those machines here.
  6.    He has not fixed the date for the next appointment.
  7.    We received this letter from Continental Equipment.
  8.    We can pay you in advance if you want.
  9.    They had to discuss the Contract before this departure.
  10. If I had lost that much public money, they would have fired me.


30. What is required:

1. These flowers … grown by my grandmother.

2. The car … repaired tomorrow and we’ll go to the forest to have picnic.

3. The house … built twenty years ago.

4. My sister … always presented beautiful presents for her birthday.

5. The door … closed and we couldn’t come in.

6. I … invited to the party today.

7. Their children … very good brought up, they always thank for everything.

8. Pupils of 10th form … asked to plant trees hear the school.

9. Sandra … bought a new dress by her mother.

10. The window … closed, that’s why it is so stuffy in the room.


31. What is the correct answer?

1. If he took the bus to work he ... late.

a. wouldn't be   b. won't

c. isn't    d. wasn't

2. Let's go to the zoo, ... ?

a. do we   b. don't we

c. shall we   d. shan't we

3. I didn't like the idea of ... to the cinema.

a. to go   b. going

c. go    d. went

4. If it ... I'll watch TV.

a. rain    b. rained

c. rains   d. will rain

5. I have my English class ... Monday morning.

a. in    b. at

c. for    d. on

6. She always works ...and does her best.

a. hard   b. hardly

c. harder   d. hardest

7. The friend ... party I went to is a pianist.

a. who    b. whose

c. which   d. those

8. British families ... to have at least one pet.

a. said    b. are saying

c. is said   d. are said

9. Violent programmes on TV may have a bad ... on children.

a. control   b. influence

c. power   d. pressure

10. Letters have not been sent to our customers ... .

a. still    b. else

c. already   d. yet

11. Do they ... arrive at the station early?

a. should   b. must

c. have   d. have to

12. The plane took ... at 4 p.m.

a. off    b. up

c. out    d. of

13. The film ... a great success.

a. is    b. has

c. gets    d. does

14. Who ... you the story?

a. said    b. spoke

c. told    d. talked

15. Do you want ... you?

a. my help   b. my to help

c. me help   d. me to help

16. He began ... plays at an early age.

a. write   b. wrote

c. writing   d. written

17. When my friend rang me up, I ... TV.

a. was watching  b. watched

c. am watching  d. had been watching

18. I wonder ... he will come in time.

a. whether   b. weather

c. what   d. that

19. Would you like ... a taxi for you?

a. me getting   b. my getting

c. me to get   d. me get

20. I wonder if they ... their promise to be here at 6.

a. keeps   b. would keep

c. will keep   d. had kept

21. The weather is terribly ... .

a. depressing   b. depress

c. depression   d. depressed

22. Your flat is bigger than ... .

a. our    b. ours

c. us    d. them

23. It ... for an hour when I started to drive home.

a. had been snowing  b. was snowing

c. snowed   d. is snowing

24. Why ... to go to the station last week?

a. had you   b. did you have

c. must   d. could

25. He proved ... a good doctor.

a. became   b. become

c. to become   d. becoming

26. It is important ... with the task.

a. him to cope  b. for him cope

c. for he to cope  d. for him to cope

27. The work ... is rather interesting.

a. be done   b. to be done

c. to done   d. is done

28. I don't like the salad ... .

a. both   b. too

c. either   d. neither

29. The cat has caught a lot of ... .

a. mouse   b. mouse's

c. mice   d. mouses

30. These are that ... boots.

a. gentleman   b. gentlemen

c. gentlemen's  d. gentleman's

31. I wish he ... a doctor.

a. is    b. was

c. were   d .be


32. Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct:

1. - Could you tell me ..... time, please?   

a) the;   b)   —,     c) a

- It's .... quarter past four.   

a)   the,   b) —-,    c)   a.

2. ...... not any glass in the window that is why .... so cold in the room.

a) it is,   there is;     b) there are,    it is;    c) there is,   it is.

3. I'd like to help you a little. I can .... walk the dog .... go shopping.

a) either,   and;   b) either,   or;     c) —-,    or.

4. Let's buy Liz a book with large print. She .... to read it more easily.

a) will be able;   b) will can;   c) must.

5. -I've bought a piano.

-Where ...... you it?

-I think I.... it in the dining-room.

a) will put,    will put;   b) are going, am going;   c) are going;   will put.

6. ... you ... him tonight?   - Yes, I always ... to him on his birthday. Do you want to send any


a) are writing,   write;    b) will write,   write:   c) Do write,   writing.

7. They ... in the gallery if you ... to speak to them.

a) are,   will decide; b) will be, will decide;   c) will be,   decide.

8. The letter and the parcel... yesterday.

a) was posted;   b) were posted;   c) have been posted.

9. I am not sure if they ... in time.

 a) will be,   b) are;   c) be.

10. While I... I.... a strange dream.

a) slept, had;   b) slept, was having;   c) was sleeping; had.

11.- George, is it true you ... on the art exhibition next week?

-Right It.... on May, 3.

a) are going, opens;   b) will go, will open;   c) go,   will open.

12. -Where is Tom? -1... him today, but he .... Mary that he'd be in for dinner.

a) didn't see,   told; b) haven't seen, has told; c) haven't seen; told.

13. Mary ... the house by the time it started to rain.

 a) had reached;   b) reached,   c) has reached.

14. Three biscuits are not many, they are .....

a) much;   b) few;   c) little.

15.1 don't want... at all.   .... can help me to relax.

a) anything, something; b) nothing; anything;   c) anything; anything.


Reported Speech

33. Multiple Choice:

  1.                Mary "I love chocolate."

Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ chocolate."
a. loved
b. loves
c. loving

  1.                Mary: "I went skiing."

Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ skiing."
a. went
b. had gone
c. have gone

  1.                Mary: "I will eat steak for dinner."
    Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ eat steak for dinner."
    a. willing
    b. will
    c. would
  2.                Mary: "I have been to Sydney."
    Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ to Sydney."
    a. had been
    b. has been
    c. was being
  3.                Mary: "I have had three cars."
    Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ three cars.
    a. has
    b. has had
    c. had had
  4.                Mary: "I'm going to go to Long Beach."
    Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ going to go to Long Beach."
    a. is
    b. was
    c. went
  5.                Mary: "I don't like spinach."
    Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ like spinach."
    a. doesn't
    b. don't
    c. didn't
  6.                Mary: "I have never been to London."
    Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ never been to London."
    a. had
    b. has
    c. have
  7.                Mary: "I was swimming."
    Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ swimming.
    a. has been
    b. had been
    c. have been
  8.            Mary: "I had a cat."
    Jill: Mary said (that) she had ___ a cat."
    a. have
    b. has
    c. had
  9.            Mary: "I can't swim."
    Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ swim."
    a. can't
    b. couldn't
    c. can not
  10.            Mary: "I won't buy a new car."
    Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ by a new car."
    a. won't
    b. will
    c. wouldn't
  11.            Mary: "I have to do my laundry."
    Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ to do her laundry."
    a. had
    b. has
    c. have


34. Finish the sentences using Reported speech. Always change the tense, although it is sometimes not necessary.
Example: Peter: "Clean the black shoes!"
Peter told me _________________________
Answer: Peter told me to clean the black shoes.


  1. Andrew: "Clean the blue bike!"
    Andrew told me
  2. Jessica: "Write a text message!"
    Jessica told me
  3. Nelly: "Help Peter's sister!"
    Nelly told me
  4. Fred: "Wash your hands!"
    Fred told me
  5. Anna: "Open the window!"
    Anna told me
  6. Tom: "Come at 8!"
    Tom told me
  7. Teacher: "Do your homework!"
    The teacher told me
  8. Doris: "Dance with me!"
    Doris told me
  9. Sabine: "Meet Sandy at the station!"
    Sabine told me
  10. Victoria: "Check your e-mails!"
    Victoria told me
  11. Karen: "Don't play football in the garden!"
    Karen told me
  12. Teacher: "Don't forget your homework!"
    The teacher reminded me
  13. Mike: "Don't shout at Peter!"
    Mike told me
  14. Yvonne: "Don't talk to your neighbour!"
    Yvonne told me
  15. Denise: "Don't open the door!"
    Denise told me
  16. Marcel: "Don't sing that song!"
    Marcel reminded me
  17. Jane: "Don't watch the new film!"
    Jane advised me
  18. Walter: "Don't ring Romy on Sunday!"
    Walter told me
  19. Lisa: "Don't fly via Paris!"
    Lisa advised me
  20. Jamie: "Don't eat so much junk food!"
    Jamie reminded me


35. Complete the sentences in reported speech.

Helen: I want to tell you something about my holiday in London.

Gareth: What does she say?

You: She says that 


Helen: I went to London in July.

Gareth: What does she say?

You: She says that 


Helen: My parents went with me.

Gareth: What does she say?

You: She says that 


Helen: We spent three days in London.

Gareth: What does she say?

You: She says that 


Helen: London is a multicultural place.

Gareth: What does she say?

You: She says that 


Helen: I saw people of all colours.

Gareth: What does she say?

You: She says that 


Helen: Me and my parents visited the Tower.

Gareth: What does she say?

You: She says that 


Helen: One evening we went to see a musical.

Gareth: What does she say?

You: She says that 


Helen: I love London.

Gareth: What does she say?

You: She says that 


Helen: The people are so nice there.

Gareth: What does she say?

You: She says that 


36. Complete using indirect speech.

  1.    "Where is my umbrella?" she asked. → She asked …
  2.    "How are you?" Martin asked us. → Martin asked us …
  3.    He asked, "Do I have to do it?" → He asked …
  4.    "Where have you been?" the mother asked her daughter. → The mother asked her daughter …
  5.    "Which dress do you like best?" she asked her boyfriend. → She asked her boyfriend …
  6.    "What are they doing?" she asked. → She wanted to know …
  7.    "Are you going to the cinema?" he asked me. → He wanted to know …
  8.    The teacher asked, "Who speaks English?" → The teacher wanted to know …
  9.    "How do you know that?" she asked me. → She asked me …
  10. "Has Caron talked to Kevin?" my friend asked me. → My friend asked me …


Tense Forms Revision

37. What is correct?  

  1. ___ Peter work at a factory?

 A. is  B. does C. has  D. do

  1. Every weekend he ________ tennis.

A. play  B. is playing  C. plays  D. playing

  1. Sorry, I’m busy. I ____ a letter.

A. write B. wrote C. am written  D. am writing

  1. I would like ____ it.

A. do  B. to do  C. doing D. does

  1. When he ____ TV, the telephone rang.

A. watched B. is watching    C. watching D. was watching

  1. She said she ______ come to the office on Monday.

A. would B. was  C. is   D. will

  1. Mary is tired. She ___ the flat, but the floor is still dirty.

A. cleaned     B. has cleaning      C. has been cleaning     D. has cleaned

  1. Olga did the work and  _______ for a walk.

A. went B. go  C. will go D. gone

  1. When  he was watching TV, I ____ my homework.

A. did  B. was doing C. had doing D. am doing

  1.            Two years ago I ____ Madrid together with my friend.

A. will visit B. visit  C. visited D. am visiting

  1.            My mother ____ ready in five minutes.

A. is  B. will be C. shall be D. was

  1.            The picture ____ painted with a taste.

A. am  B. will  C. are  D. was


38. Open the brackets.

  1. If I (know) his address, I (go) round and see him.
  2. It is necessary that he (buy) winter clothes.

3. What you (do)  if you (win)  the competition?

4. The teacher demands that the pupils (not be) late for classes.

5. If you (not spend) so much time on your chatting, we (not be) late for the performance.

  1. If I you (not to mind), I(use) a computer.
  2. If he (have) the keys last night, he (unlock) the door himself.
  1. It              (be) better if you (ask) me for help.
  2. If   you (say)   you   were   hungry, I (cook) something.

10. If it (not be) so cold, the children (play) in the garden.


39. Choose the necessary form.

1. If I had known that you were in hospital I______you.

a) will visit b) would visit c) would have visited

2. He might have understood it if you_______slowly.

a) have spoken b) had spoken c) would speak

3. If I knew that the traffic lights were red I______.

a) would have stopped b) would stop c) should stop

4. I wouldn't have believed it if I ________ it with my own eyes.

a) hadn't seen b) haven't seen c) didn't see

5. If you had obeyed my instructions you____into trouble.

a) wouldn't get b) wouldn't have got c) couldn't get

6. He would take me with him if I_________ready.

a) were b) had been c) should be

7. If I hadn't been wearing those shoes I______the bus quit easily.

a) would catch b) would have caught c) caught

8. The newspaper would print the story if it________true.

a) were b) had been c) was

9. If you______me the book, I would have read it.

a) brought b) have brought c) had brought

10. If he didn't ring me up, I_________

a) wouldn't come b) won't come c) had come


40. Complete the sentences using Subjunctive Mood.

1. If everybody thought like me ________________________ 

  1. If she had eaten less______________________________________
  2. If there were nothing good on TV tonight _________________
  3. If I had had bad dreams yesterday________________________
  4. If my friends were not so lazy ___________________________
  5. If he had taken my advice ______________________________
  6. If my English were better next year ______________________
  7. If she had practiced more ______________________________
  8. If I lived 200 years____________________________________
  9.           If my friend had phoned in the morning___________________


41. Choose the correct verb forms.

1. I'll   let   you   know   if I (find/found)   out   what's happening.

2. If I (know/knew) about your arrival, I would invite» some friends.

3. The team will win if Ted (plays/played) better in the next match.

4. If she (fails/failed) again, she'll lose her job.

5. He would go to school if he_______(isn't/weren't) ill.

6. (We'll/We'd) phone you if we come home early.

7. If you (pass/passed) your examination, we would have a celebration.

  1. If all of us (come/came), would you make a cake?
  2. It would be nice if you (spend/spent) more time with your children.
  3.           If she is free on Saturday, we (will/would) go to the museum.


Conditional sentences

42. Translate conditional sentences

  1. Якби не йшов дощ, вони прийшли б швидше.
  2. Шкода, що я поспішаю. Ми сходили б у театр.
  3. Я подзвонила б йому, але його немає.
  4. Вчора я  сказала б теж саме.
  5. Якби мама могла  прийти, ми б з братом поїхали в парк.
  6. Якби ви написали правильно, я б ніколи не зробив зауваження.
  7. Якби він закінчив школу, поступив би в інститут.
  8. Якби завжди було тепло, ніхто б не бачив зими.
  9. Мені хотілося б знати, коли ти змогла б приїхати і допомогти мені.
  10. Якби я прибрав швидше у кімнаті , моя мама похвалила б мене.
  11. Якщо завтра погода буде сонячна, то ми поїдемо до лісу.
  12. Якби він послухав мене, то не мав би таких проблем.
  13. Якби я закінчила роботу до 5 години, то, можливо, ми пішли б в театр.
  14. Якби ти прийшов вчасно, ми не запізнилися б на виставу.
  15. Якщо завтра приїде Олег, ми поїдемо на ринок разом з ним?


If I ... I shall ...

43. Translate into English:

  1. Якщо я поїду в Велику Британію, я візьму камеру з собою.
  2. Якщо я поїду до цієї країни, я скуштую традиційний пудинг.
  3. Якщо я відвідаю Об'єднане Королівство, я куплю кільт для мого тата.
  4. Якщо я поїду до Лондона, я відвідаю Лондонський зоопарк.
  5. Якщо мій друг поїде в Лондон, він сфотографує собор святого Павла.
  6. Якщо він поїде до Великої Британії, він купить ролс-ройс для мами.
  7. Якщо я поїду до Великої Британії, я візьму з собою український прапор.
  8. Якщо я поїду в Шотландію, я відвідаю музей Бернса.
  1. Якщо я буду в Лондоні, я піду до Національної галереї.
  2. Якщо я буду в столиці, я відвідаю матч Лондонського „Арсеналу".
  3. Якщо я буду в Лондоні, я відвідаю Музей мадам Тюссо.
  4. Якщо я більш дізнаюсь про Велику Британію, я відвідаю країну ще раз.
  5. Якщо я добре знатиму англійську, я знайду багато друзів в різних країнах.
  6. Якщо я матиму багато друзів, я буду щасливим.


Relative Clauses

44. Translate into English, using Relative Clauses

  1.                Дівчина, яка вчора до нас приходила, подруга моєї сестри.
  2.                Все, що мені потрібно, це розуміння і підтримка з твого боку.
  3.                Де та картина, яку я купила в подарунок для бабусі?
  4.                Батько Тома, якому 78 років, щодня відвідує басейн.
  5.                Гаррі працює на компанію, яка займається виробництвом кухонних приладів.
  6.                Вегетаріанець – це людина, яка їсть лише овочі та фрукти.
  7.                Ти чуєш, що я тобі кажу?
  8.                Мені не подобаються оповідання. Які мають нещасливий кінець.
  9.                Все, що сталося, було моєю провиною.
  10.            Причина, чому я почала займатися танцями в такому віці, це те що я маю багато вільного часу.
  11.            Мені потрібна книга, яка дає опис історичних подій нашої країни 19 ст.
  12.            Ти знайшов ключі, які загубив?
  13.            Хто та дівчина, з якою ти розмовляв біля кабінету директора?
  14.            Я не погоджуюся з думкою, яку ти щойно сказав.
  15.            Наступного тижня я поїду до Харкова, де живе моя сестра.
  16.            Вона дозволяє своїм дітям робити все, що вони захочуть.
  17.            Риба, приготовлена твоєю мамою, була справді дуже смачна.
  18.            Плаття їй не підійшло, тому вона повернула його до крамниці, в якій купила його.
  19.            Ти знаєш назву готелю, де зупинився Сем?
  20.            Я щойно повернулася з міста, де я народилася.
  21.            Я не хочу нікому розповідати, що сталося, так як це дуже неприємно.
  22.            Мені подобається моя робота, тому що я люблю людей, з якими працюю щодня.
  23.            Вечірка, на яку мене запросили вчора мої друзі, була дуже нудною.
  24.            Тут поблизу є магазин, де я можу купити записник?
  25.            Наталя є сестрою Ігоря, який допоміг тобі в купівлі будинку.


45. Complete the sentence with one verb from the list below. Be careful with negatives.

Add, pay, count, come, look, cry, put off, take, apologize, be, cook

1.  in, Ted, … your coat off. It's hot here.

2.careful while crossing the street!

3.! Everything will be all right.

4.in the mirror. You are so dirty!

5. … salt to potatoes when you cook them.

6. Never … till tomorrow what you can do today.

7. bills the days you get them.

8.  for your being late.

9.  chicken when it's frozen.

10.  your change after buying something


Plural of the Noun

46. Form plural from singular

Child –     Wolf –

Girl –      House –

Boy –      Man –

Goose –     Woman –

Mouse –     Tree –

Ox –      Foot –

Factory –     Song –

Baby –       Wife –



47. Write down in words:

  1. 9.02.1997
  2. 22.06.1941
  3. 5.08.1975
  4. 7 + 5 = 12
  5. 7 + 25 = 32
  6. I live in Tverskaya street 25, flat 69
  7. 121600 square miles


48. Write down in words:

  1. 9.02.1997
  2. 22.06.1941
  3. 5.08.1975
  4. 7 + 5 = 12
  5. 7 + 25 = 32
  6. I live in Tverskaya street 25, flat 69
  7. 121600 square miles


49. Put cardinal or ordinal numerals.

  1. There are ________ months in a year.
  2. January is ________ month of the year.
  3. May is ________ month of the year.
  4. There are ________ months in winter.
  5. December is ________ month of the year and ________ month of winter.
  6. There are ________ days in a week: ________ one is Monday, ________ one is Tuesday, ________one is Wednesday, ________ one is Thursday, ________ one is Friday, ________ one is Saturday and ________ one is Sunday.
  7. Sunday is ________ day of the week in England and ________ one in Russia.
  8. Monday is ________ day in Russia and ________ in Great Britain.
  9. There are ________ hours in a day, ________ minutes in an hour and ________ seconds in a minute.
  10. September, April, June and November have ________ days. All the rest have ________ except February.
  11. There are ________ days in February except the leap year. It's the time when February has ________ days.


Sequence of Tenses

50. Translate into English paying attention to the tenses:

  1. Я працював в бібліотеці з 2 до 5, а потім пішов відвідати свого друга.
  2. Якщо ви прийдете після 11, я буду спати.
  3. Я сказав, що піду туди наступного дня.
  4. Я буду відпочивати, в той час як ви будете виконувати домашнє завдання.
  5. Я отримала від нього лише два листа з тих пір як він повернувся з Києва.
  6. Ми вишлемо вам документи як тільки отримаємо їх з Києва.
  7. Я відвідаю свою бабусю, якщо не буде падати дощ.
  8. Я думаю, що до кінця року я навчуся розмовляти французькою.
  9. Ми ретельно оглянули підручники, які нам дали.
  10. Не встигли ми дійти до вокзалу, як розпочався дощ.
  11. Він прийшов додому пізно ввечері, повечеряв, почитав газету і ліг спати.
  12. Він прибув на вокзал, взяв таксі і поїхав до готелю, в якому забронював кімнату заздалегідь.
  13. Коли секретар отримала телеграму, вона негайно показала її директору.
  14. Коли вони пішли, він почав працювати.
  15. Я закінчив свою роботу до того як він повернувся з роботи.
  16. Я зробив звіт ще до того, як він попросив мене про це.
  17. Я сказав, що перепишу цей текст до 5 години.
  18. Я вже сиджу тут, читаючи газету, з 5 години.
  19. Я відчуваю себе втомленим, так як працював в саду декілька годин.
  20. Дощ падав вже 2 години, коли я вийшов з дому.
  21. Коли ви повернетесь додому о 5 годині, на той час я вже буду працювати 7 годин.
  22. Він сказав, що на 1 червня він працюватиме на цій фабриці 20 років.
  23. Мені показала дуже цікавий фільм і я вирішив купити його собі.
  24. Доставка буде здійснена через 2 дні, якщо не буде ніяких проблем з документацією.
  25. Мені запропонували хорошу роботу і я відповів, що маю обдумати пропозицію і порадитись з дружиною.


Modal Verbs

51. Translate into English

1. Я повинен вивчити це правило, що знати як правильно вживати «не» з дієсловами.

2. Вони не змогли прийти до нас, так як були дуже зайняті на роботі.

3. Я зможу прийти до тебе, як тільки закінчу прибирати кімнату.

4. Він не повинен кожного дня робити уроки замість тебе.

5. Можна увійти?

6. Можна я візьму ще одну цукерку?

7. Ти не повинен мені допомагати, в тебе і так повно своїх справ.

8. Я міг приїхати раніше, але не зробив цього через хворобу Мері. Я не міг залишити її саму.

9. Я можу вам допомогти?

10. Як ти могла так вчинити зі мною?


Different Tasks

52. Choose the best answer, a, b or c to complete the sentences.

1.   Last week my teacher __ me that I needed to work harder at my math.

a. said   b. told   c. spoke

2. John's father has __ a history book from French into Czech.

a. changed   b. revised   c. translated

3. We __ about the environment, so we try and save water in the home.

a. care    b. change  c. practice

4. Marco has been __ hard for his exams this week.

a. talking    b. translating     c. revising

5. Sally is very __ about getting enough sleep- she only comes out with us on Saturday nights.

a. ambitious     b. disciplined    c. hard-working

6. Paolo's business is very __ and he's made a lot of money.

a. successful     b. lucky       c. talented

7. My friends are __ my dog when I got on holiday.

a. bringing up  b. looking after    c. growing up

8. Jamie has __ a terrible cold, so he's not coming to school.

a. got    b. made    c. found

9. It's easy to __ a mistake of you do things too quickly.

a. make   b. do     c. get '

10. The teacher __ the pupils who were late for school.  

a. brought up    b. told off  c. took after.


53. Make up sentences from the following words:

  1. Unhappy, when, don’t, an, her, had, she, believe, says, she, childhood.
  2. Found, rude, hurt, when, the, one, another, he, unsuspecting, hardly, boy, victim, had.
  3. To, results, if, never, any, these, you, achieve, old, you, methods, will, keep.
  4. Would, wasn’t, as, the, had, I, as, monument, be, impressive, it, hoped.
  5. Being, playground, you, shirt, a, do, fight, your, remember, torn, favourite, in?
  6. Doubt, policies, is, by, is, little, government, that, there, unemployment, caused.
  7. Missed, when, had, saw, morning, just, bus, I, him, he, the, yesterday.
  8. Meeting, he, decide, and, workers, a, letting, calling, the, suggested, themselves, matter, the.
  9. When, were, something, arrested, bad, they, doing, they, been, by, have, the, must, police.
  10. Found, when, I, him, man, sociable, the, saw, but, first, tactless.


Reading Comprehension

54. a) Read the article about a photographer and choose the best title for it. .... .

1.   Lions in Namibia

2.   Photographing animals.

3.   Difficult life of a photographer.

4.   Traveling in different countries.

Photographer James Warwick often visits Kenya and Namibia and has just returned from India. James didn't find photography interesting when he was young, but on holiday in Africa during university, he decided on his future job.

James has to get up early for most of his African pictures. He takes a few when the sun is going down, but in the afternoon the light is" too strong. Being a photographer is hard work. Some photographers visit different places on one trip, but James prefers to stay in one place and learn about it.

He has some wonderful pictures of Indian tigers. Once, two tigers ran past him, stopped a meter away from his truck and began to fight. He was too afraid to photograph them.

In Namibia, one lion came even closer. It went all the way round James's truck checking for danger. Then it got up on the back and looked at him through the window. This was one of James's happiest moments. James doesn't use his flat in Britain much. He doesn't mind living out of a suitcase, but he sometimes finds it hard without his friends. Money isn't very important for him, but he likes traveling. His pictures make people think about animals in danger, from African elephants to British birds. This is what matters most to him.


b) For questions 1-7 choose the correct answers: a, b or c.

1. When did James choose to become a photographer?

a. when he was a boy.

b. when he was a university student.

c. when he left university.

2. In Africa, James takes most of his pictures

a. in the morning,

b. in the afternoon,

c. in the evening.

3. How is James different from some other photographers?

a. He works much harder.

b. He visits more countries.

c. He spends longer in one place.

4. In India, why didn't James photograph the two tigers together?

a. They were too far away.

b. It was too dangerous,

c. He was inside his truck.

5. In Namibia, what did the lion do first?

a. It got up on the truck.

b. It stood and watched James,

c. walked round the truck.

6. James finds it difficult when he

a. doesn't see his friends,

b. cannot use his flat,

c. can't work in Britain.

7. For James, the most important thing about his work is …

a. traveling round the world,

b. earning lots of money.

c. giving people information.


55. a) Read the text. Choose the best heading from the list (A-F) for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use.

a. Changing the land

b. Moving away

c. Medical problems

d. Different inhabitants

e. An interesting education

f. The way of life

1. _____________________

Tropical rainforests are full of life! Plants and trees grow quickly because there is a lot of rain and it is very hot. The tallest tropical tree in the world is recorded at 83 metres! The largest flower on Earth, the Rafflesia, grows up to one metre across! It is well-known that the rainforests have more species of plants and animals than the rest of the world put to­gether, but did you know that there are also about 50 million people living in the world's rainforests?

2.   _________________________

The largest rainforest in the world is the Amazon in South America, and there are also rainforests in Africa, South-east Asia and Australia. These places were home to many more people in the past. There are around 250 million people in the world who originated from the rainforests, but because these areas are getting smaller, many of these people have had to move to cities. The people who still live in the rainforests live in groups called tribes. These people depend on the forests for their food, medicine and shelter.

3.  _______________________

One of these tribes is The Baka Pygmies from Camaroon in Africa. The Baka are no­madic, which means they travel from place to place. They live in villages, and build huts made from branches and leaves. The Baka eat different things like fruit, nuts, fish and honey. The men usually go hunting for the food and get honey from the trees. The women carry their babies with them as they catch fish or gather vegetables.

4. _______________________

Most children don't go to school. Instead they learn about the forests from their parents. They are taught how to survive. They learn how to hunt and fish, and which plants are useful as medicine or as food. Some of these children know more about their environment than scientists who have studied rainforests for years! 5.  _______________________

Many of the things we use in our daily lives such as material, plant, soap, shampoo and medicine are provided by the rainforests. This is why big companies want to develop the area. They build roads, cut down trees and clear the ground for farming. This destruction has all sorts of terrible effects on the plants and animals. It also causes people to move away, and destroys the way of life of the people who remain.


b) Are the following sentences true (T) or false (F):

1.   The tallest tropical tree is more than 83 meters.

2.   There are rainforests in Africa, Australia and Asia..

3.   The Baka children are taught by their parents.

4.  250 million people live in rainforests.

5.   The Baka tribes travel from place to place because they don't live in homes.


c) Read the text again and choose the correct answer:

1.   Tropical rainforests are fall of life because:

a.   the largest flowers grow there

b.   they have a lot of species of plants and animals

c.   it is hot there and there is a lot of rain

2. People move from the rainforests because:

a. there is no food there

b. there are no hospitals

c. they are getting smaller

3. The Baka children know more about their environment than scientists because:

a. they don't go to school

b. they live in the forests

c. they know how to survive

4. Big companies want to develop the rainforests area because:

a. they want to destroy plants and kill animals

b. they want native people to move away.

c. Rainforests give us a lot of things we use in daily lives


56. Match the headings with the paragraphs. It is given one extra.

A. Advertisement

B. Music Review

C. Warning Notice

E. Instruction for Use

F. Book Cover

G. Difficult Task


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