In the World of Holidays. Halloween Party

Про матеріал
Знайомство з традиціями святкування Halloween в Британії та Америці у нестандартній атмосфері свята, з цікавими тематичними розвагами, конкурсами, переглядом відеоматеріалів, грою персонажів та неймовірною атмосферою.
Перегляд файлу

Міністерство освіти і науки України

Спеціалізована загальноосвітня школа з поглибленим вивченням

окремих предметів та курсів І-ІІІ ступенів №17










Вчитель Англійської мови

Бородій Н.М.






м. Бердичів 2021

МЕТА ЗАХОДУ: 1. Ознайомити  учнів із традиціями святкування Halloween в Ангілії  та     Америці;

                                 2. Розвивати навики сприйняття мови на слух;

                                 3. Практикувати у розмовному мовленні;

                                 4. Зацікавлювати до вивчення іноземної мови та традицій інших країн;

                                 5. Виховувати доброзичливе ставлення однин до одного та прививати                     

                                     почуття дружби, допомоги, командного духу.

ОБЛАДНАННЯ: Тематичні плакати, малюнки, різноманітні декорації, костюми, музика, тематичні смаколики., відео, проектор, екран.






For the  9th  Grade


Teacher: "Good afternoon dear boys and girls! Good afternoon dear guests . I'm very glad to see everyone of you here! Today we'll have an unusual meeting.

       As you know today is Friday, and it's the last day of our schooling week. I and my pupils of the 9th grade decided to show you the celebration of the American and English holiday Halloween. I think this holiday will be interesting for you, you'll get some useful information, deep your knowledge on this topic, get joy and fun, because it's not only leaning English but you'll show your speed reaction and understanding the language.

     I wish you success and a lot of fun during our "Halloween Party".


Put on your costume,

Tie your mask on tight,

Grab your bag for trick-or-treating

'Cause it's Halloween  night'.


Leader Vampire 1: Hello, friends. You know already that on the 31-st of Octo­ber people in Great Britain and America mark Halloween or "Hallow Eve" or just "Holy eve". Many years ago people believed that souls of their dead relatives come to their homes in this evening and they put food for them at their houses doors.

Leader Vampire 2: They also believed that witches and ghosts were everywhere that night and could do harm to people. But witches and ghosts were afraid of light, that's why people made jack-o'-lanterns out of pumpkins.

Now it's the time when children dress up as witches, ghosts, goblins, skeletons, elves, make lanterns out of pumpkins, go trick-or-treating and have very funny parties.

Leader Vampire 1: Would you like to have such a party? Would you like to learn more about Halloween traditions? Would you like to play and win prizes? Would you like to have fun? Then join us and welcome to our Halloween party!


Teacher:   Dear children , let’s watch a video about starting celebration of Halloween and get to know some more information about this holiday: Be attentive we will have a discussion after that.



 Let’s check how attentive you were , so answer for some of my questions:

           1. Who started to celebrate  Halloween?

           2. In what country was Halloween started to celebrate?

           3. What does the Halloween mean?

           4. What vegetables do the Celts use to celebrate Halloween?

           5. What is the new face of the holiday?

For every right answer the teacher treats the students with sweets.


(sounds of the clock – 12 times)

Leader Vampire 1: The clock strikes 12 on Halloween night.

Leader Vampire 2: The goblins  are ready to take off in flight!

Leader Vampire 1: The bats are all circling the bell tower light.

Together: Don't forget it's  Halloween night!


(The song from the "Adam's Family is playing". Four witches and Jack appear. They are dancing a funny dance.)


Witch 1: My name is Baba-Yaga and I'm the greatest fairy in the world. I want to make people happy. I am a kind fairy.

Witch 2: You are wrong. I am the greatest witch in the world and I don't want you to live in my country. It must be dark in my country. We must live in the darkness.

Witch 3: I am the greatest witch here. You must be afraid of me. Many years ago in Ireland, the 31st of October was the last day of the year and we, the witches, got a lot of presents from ghosts, pirates and goblins.

Witch 4: Stop talking. We must be friendly. We shall live in peace. Let's sing a song together.











(they sing a song "Witches, witches everywhere")


Leader Vampire 1: Witches, ghosts and goblins,

Stealing down the street,

Knock on every doorway, "Trick or treat"!

When your door is opened, this is what you meet,

People shouting, "Trick or treat".


Leader Vampire 2: Now Halloween is celebrated on October 31. Children go from house to house and say "Trick or treat". People give them sweets, cookies or money. There is "Jack-o'-lantern" on the window.



(A Guest Vampire is reading Halloween Rap.)





Ha-ha-ha Halloween, Sing ha-ha-ha Halloween...


It's October Thirty-one —

The time of year

 To have some fun!


I'm a vampire,

You're a ghost.

It's time of year

 I love the most.


Wear a witch's hat,.

Wear a white sheet.

Knock at the door,

Play trick or treat


Cut the pumpkin,

Put in a light.

No evil spirits

Can come tonight.


We've got chocolate,

Sweets and cake,

November one –

I've got toothache!



Teacher: There are  many  games which children play on this day. To begin to play, will you be so kind  to count the pumpkins in our hall. Who will be the first, will get a prize. 


(Children are counting)


Leader Vampire 1: Now lets have some fun. On this day children usually have a party where they play different funny and crazy games.

Let’s get to know about it.

Now we will play one of them.

 For this game we need two participants , who like fun very much, I will give you tights, you have to fill one of the leg of the tights with a ball, then put the tights on your head and nock down as more paper glasses as you can. The winner will get a surprise.

Ready, steady, go !

Witch 4: Another famous competition is making a marshmallow tower. I need four participants for it. Welcome, please.

                Using your mouth, take a marshmallow from the table with the help of your lips and put one on another to build a tower. The biggest tower will win and you’ll get a prize.



(Scaring music is playing.)


Jack: Hello, dear boys and. girls! Don't be afraid of me. My name is Jack. I lived many years ago. 1 was not a good man during my life and God punished me. So I must go around the Earth and carry a lantern made from pumpkin. I cut out holes for two eyes, a nose and a mouth and put a candle inside. I like to play jokes on the devil. Help me to scare him.

 For this competition we need 8 participants. Welcome, please. Your task will be to create a mummy using toilet paper. Be creative dear and get some fun. Let’s start

       (Energetic music is playing ) 



All Witches appear: We want to join your company and scare children.

( They all are  sitting round the table and telling horrible  stories)


In the dark, dark wood

There was a dark, dark house.

And in the dark, dark house

There was a dark, dark room.    

 And in that dark, dark room

There was a dark, dark bookcase…     

And in that dark, dark bookcase

There was a dark, dark box.

And in that dark, dark box

There was a GHOST!!!






Witch 2: There was an old man all skin and bones.


She lived down by the old graveyard...

One night she thought she'd take a walk...

She walked down by the old graveyard...

She saw the bones a-laying around...

She went to the closet to get a broom...

She opened the door and BOO!


Witch 3: A woman in the graveyard sat O-O-O-Oh

Very short and very fat O-O-O-Oh

She saw two ghosts coming in O-O-O-O-Oh

Very tall and very thin O-O-O-Oh

To the ghosts the woman said,

"Will I be like you when I'm dead?" O-O-O-Oh

To the woman the ghosts said,

"You'll be like us when you are dead!" O-O-O-Oh

To the ghosts the woman said, "AAAA"




Witch 4: Witches don’t forget about magic! They sing "Winnie The Witch's Song" 

Take three snake's teeth

And four frog's legs

A tortoise's leg, and feet, and eggs

Say "ABRACADABRA", gim-gem-gel

And now you've got a magic spell

Take a black bat's ear,

And monkey's toes,

A butterfly's eye,

And a rabbit's nose.

Say "ABRACADABRA", gim-gem-gel

And now you've got a magic spell.


Witch 1: Are you afraid of us?

Repeat these words  after me, they will help you:



"If a ghost ever scares you, just say:

Criss – cross, double cross,

Ghost, get lost".



(Witches are dancing.)















Teacher: Let’s touch to some Halloween traditions in America. I suggest you watch a video how they decorate their houses on this day.:

Now let’s decorate our hall and have a funny competition.

We need 5 participants who like to draw. Welcome, please.

Sit comfortable, put of your socks, take a brush and put it between your toes. Your task is to draw any Halloween creature.



Witch 3: Is it interesting for you  to be here today? Would you like to continue? We will have a funny competition to check your breath power. We need 4 participants. Here you can see paper lists and straws. You take a straw and try to gather with a breath power as more paper lists as you can into your plate. The winner is the person who will gather the most paper lists.















Teacher: Children, look who came to us! She is so bright and with a broom. She is the main witch. 

 She will present you a song

(Guest Witch is  singing the song )

Teacher: Our party is coming to the end. Hope you have got a lot of fun and pleasant moments.

My dear pupils, life is so unpredictable, you even don’t know what can happen with you in your future. I wish you to be kind, honest people, hard-working,  helpful,  friendly and open, loving people and nature.

 I invite you to attend our English classes and we'll continue to study this wonderful foreign language!













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