Інтегрований урок-гра з англійської мови на тему: “WATER”
Практична: закріпити вивчену по темі лексику; узагальнити і систематизувати матеріал з теми.
Загальносвітня: розширити ерудицію учнів, поглибити знання з теми «Water».
Розвиваюча: розширення кругозору учнів, розвиток пам'яті, мислення, уваги. розвивати творчі здібності учнів, навики роботи в групі, розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію.
Виховна: оволодіння умінням працювати в команді, виховання дружнього ставлення між учасниками команди, виховання вміння слухати один одного.
Гра складається з чотирьох станцій: “The General Information Station”, “The True/False Station”, “The Water Riddles Station”, “The Proverbs Station”. Обираються 2 команди по парній кількості учнів. Команди придумують назву. За кожне вірно виконане завдання команда отримує бал. Команда-переможець визначається шляхом підрахунку суми балів, зароблених на кожній станції. Переможці гри нагороджуються призами.
The main part of the lesson
The class is divided into 2 teams. Each team has to introduce its participants.
The General Information Station.
(Each participant of the team has to say some interesting facts connected with water. The winner is the team that names more interesting facts about water. The teacher may help the students).
Interesting facts about water:
Roughly 70 percent of an adult’s body is made up of water.
At birth, water accounts for approximately 80 percent of an infant’s body weight.
A healthy person can drink about three gallons (48 cups) of water per day.
Water intoxication is most likely to occur during periods of intense athletic performance.
While the daily recommended amount of water is eight cups per day, not all of this water must be consumed in the liquid form. Nearly every food or drink item provides some water to the body.
Soft drinks, coffee, and tea, while made up almost entirely of water, also contain caffeine. Caffeine can act as a mild diuretic, preventing water from traveling to necessary locations in the body.
Water dissolves more substances than any other liquid. Wherever it travels, water carries chemicals, minerals, and nutrients with it.
Somewhere between 70 and 75 percent of the earth’s surface is covered with water.
Much more fresh water is stored under the ground in aquifers than on the earth’s surface.
The earth is a closed system, similar to a terrarium, meaning that it rarely loses or gains extra matter. The same water that existed on the earth millions of years ago is still present today.
The total amount of water on the earth is about 326 million cubic miles of water.
Of all the water on the earth, humans can used only about three tenths of a percent of this water. Such usable water is found in groundwater aquifers, rivers, and freshwater lakes.
By the time a person feels thirsty, his or her body has lost over 1 percent of its total water amount.
The weight a person loses directly after intense physical activity is weight from water, not fat.
The True/False Station.
1. True or false? Sound travels faster through water than air? (true)
2. True or false? The Indian Ocean is the biggest ocean on Earth. (false)
3. True or false? Pure water is tasteless. (true)
4. True or false? Water is an example of a chemical element. (false)
5. True or false? Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit). (true)
6. True or false? Water is easy to compress. (true)
7. True or false? The consumption of bottled water has risen significantly over the last few decades. (false)
8. True or false? Ice sinks in water. (false)
The Water Riddles Station.
Give me food, and I will live. Give me water, and I will die. What am I? Fire.
I am the biggest alphabet, as I contain the most water in the world. Who am I? Alphabet 'C'.
If you drop a yellow hat in the Red Sea, what does it become? Wet.
If you were swimming in the ocean and a big alligator attacked you, what should you do? Nothing. There are no alligators in the ocean.
Large as a mountain, small as a pea,
Endlessly swimming in a waterless sea. Asteroids.
Small boats, 5 guests in each; sail on land but never on water; Busy during the daytime, anchored at night. What I Am? Shoes.
Wash it and it isn't clean. Don't wash it and then it's clean. What I Am? Water.
What always runs but never walks, often murmurs, never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but never eats? A river.
What has holes all around, but can still hold water? A sponge.
There are four brothers in this world that were all born together. The first runs and never wearies. The second eats and is never full. The third drinks and is always thirsty. The fourth sings a song that is never good. Who are they? Water, fire, earth, wind.
What runs all day, but never walks Often murmurs, never talks Has a bed, but never sleeps Has a mouth, but never eats? A river.
What did the ocean say to the sea? Nothing, it just waved.
What lives in winter, dies in summer, and grows with its root upward? An icicle.
What three letters mean "stiff water"? Ice.
What kind of bank needs no money? A riverbank.
What runs and has no feet, roars but has no mouth? The sea.
What runs but never gets tired? Water, from a tap or a river.
The Proverbs Station.
- Match each proverb to its translation.
1. A great ship asks deep waters.
2. As like as two peas.
3. Cross the stream where it is shallowest.
4. For a rainy day.
5. Hard put for a livelihood.
6. Know the breed, know the dog.
7. Like water of a duck's back.
8. Nothing seek, nothing find.
9. Rain at seven, fine at eleven.
10. Small rain lays great dust.
a. Великому кораблю - велике плавання.
b. Не знаєш броду, не лізь у воду.
c. Як риба об лід.
d. Як з гуски вода.
e. Сім п'ятниць на тиждень.
f. Як дві каплі води.
g. На чорний день.
h. Син рибака з дитинства у воду дивиться.
i. Під лежачий камінь вода не тече.
j. Малий, та вдалий.
Key: 1-a; 2-f; 3-b; 4- g; 5-c; 6-h; 7-d; 8-i; 9-e; 10-j.
\ Summarizing. Awarding the best team.