Календарно-тематичне планування 3 клас 1 семестр Карпюк НУШ

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Календарно-тематичне планування для 3 класу 1 семестр за підручником Карпюк НУШ
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Календарно-тематичне планування уроків англійської мови у 3 класі

“ENGLISH WITH SMILING SAM” (автор О. Д. Карп’юк ) І семестр (3 години на тиждень)











 на слух

Усне мовлення



Тема 1:

Радий знову бачити тебе! (4 години)




Зустрілися знову!

Stand up!

Touch your ….

Kiss, touch, speak, wink

Ex.1 p.6

Ex.1 p.6

Ex.2 p.6

Ex.4 p.6






Я можу

Can you ….?

Yes, I can

No, I can’t.

Jump, fly, swim, run, play football, ride a bike,  fish

Get up at …..

Ex.1 p.7

Ex.1 p.7

Ex.2 p.7






Розповідь про себе та свою родину

I like …

I can …

This is my …

He is swimming

 Some lemonade?

Yes, please


Ex.2 p.9

Ex.1 p.8

Ex.3 p.9

Ex.4 p.9





Мій розпорядок дня

 I get up at ….

I make my bed

Eat, read, skate, drink, make a bed, swing, get up, have a breakfast, talk, watch TV, go to school, wash face, talk on the phone, write, make faces, catch a bus, speak, sleep, put on clothes, brush teeth

Ex.1 p.10

Ex.3 p.11

Ex.2 p.11

Ex.1 p.10



    UNIT 1 ME, MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS                             

Тема2: Я. моя сім’я і друзі  (14 годин)





What’s your name?

How old are you?

What’s your telephone number?

She – Her

He – His

Ex.4-5 p.13

Ex.1 p.12

Ex.2 p.12


Ex.1 p.12

Ex.3 p.12

Ex.6 p.13






Знайомство з новим однокласником

These are my friends

What’s your name?

How old are you?

What’s your telephone number?

She – Her

He – His

New classmate


Ex.3 p.15

Ex.1 p.14


Ex.2 p.14

(fly – leaf #1)

Ex.4 p.15







Знайомство з новим однокласником

He (She) lives in…

His (Her) family is …

His (Her) pet is …

His (His) hobby is …

He (She) likes ..

His (Her) favourite ….

New classmate






Ex.2 p.16

Ex.1 p.16

Ex.3 p.16 (fly – leaf )






Рада знайомству. Hi! I’m Ann.

There are my …

This is my …





Ex.3 p.18

Ex.2 p.18 (fly – leaf )

Ex.1 p.17






Звідки ти?

I’m from …

He (she)  is  from …..



Hard-working, clever, lazy




Ex.2 p.19

Ex. 1 p.19





Наші друзі

Be good at ..



He (She) is good at ..


Be good at ….


Ex.1 p.20

Ex.1 p.20

Ex.3 p.21

Ex.2 p.21





Моя родина та друзі

This is my …

He (She) is good at ….

Good, nice, a bit lazy, funny, helpful, clever

Cards for reading


Ex.2 p.22

Ex.1 p.22

Ex.3 p.22








Мій собака

This is my dog.

It is….on, in, under ….

It can ……

In, on, under

Ex.1 p.23


Ex.2 p.23






Час історій




Ex.1 p.24-25

Ex.1 p.25






Яка твоя улюблена іграшка?

My book

Steve’s book

Ann’s book

Basketball, sport, go out, comics


Ex.1 p.26

Ex.1 p.26

Ex.4 p.27

Ex.2 p.27

Ex.3 p.27

Ex.5 p.27







Чиї це іграшки?

Rosie’s ball or her ball

Bob’s car or his car

Ball, car, kite, bike, doll, robot, train, ghost, wolf, clock


Ex.1 p.28

Ex.2 p.28

Ex.2 p.28

Ex.3 p.28








His (Her) favourite….

Ex.2 p.29

Ex.1 p.29

Ex.3 p.30

Ex34 p.30





У твоє Порт фоліо



Cards for reading


Ex.4 p.31












Підсумкове оцінювання.

Контроль знань з теми









                                                                                                   Тема 3: Помешкання (15 годин)




Познайомся з моєю родиною

Who is this?

Who is that boy (girl)?

Who lives in …..?

Sweethearts, cousin, daughter, uncle, husband, aunt, son

Ex.3 p.32

Ex.1 p.32

Ex.2 p.32






Родинне дерево

Who is Tim’s brother?


uncle, husband, aunt, son, wife

Ex.2 p.33

Ex.1 p.33

(fly – leaf)

Ex.3 p.33






Де  ти живеш?

Where is Bill?

Where are they?

.. at the camp

…at home

… in the village

Cards for reading

Ex.1 p.34

Ex.3 p.35

Ex.1 p.34

Ex.2 p.34

Ex.4 p.35






Мій дім

This is a …

There are…..

Kitchen, bathroom, living room, bedroom, new, house, screen

Ex.2 p.36

Ex.1 p.36







Мій дім

This is …

That is ….

On the left, on the right, in, on, under

Cards for reading

Ex.1 p.37

Ex.1 p.37

Ex.2 p.37






У пошуках Тоббі

Where is the ….?

Is it  on, under, in ….?

Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

On the left, on the right, in, on, under

Cards for reading

Ex.1 p.38

Ex.1 p.38

Ex.2 p.38

Ex.3 p.38






Дім у селі

Look at the plan. Where is / are the …?

Kitchen, bathroom, living room, hall, bedroom


Ex.1 p.39

(fly – leaf)







Мій дім

Where is the ….?


Sofa, armchair, carpet, floor, armchair, bathroom,

Next, in front of, near, above

Ex.2 p.40

Ex.1 p.40







Моя кімната

Where is the ….?


Above, in front of, next to, under, on, near

Ex.1 p.41


Ex.2 p.41

Ex.3 p.41






Професія моїх батьків

Who is this?

This is my father.

What’s his job?

Doctor, singer, secretary, driver, dancer, waiter, businessman, farmer, seller

Man-men, woman-women

Ex.3 p.42

Ex.1 p.42

Ex.1 p.42

Ex.4 p.43






Місце роботи моїх батьків

Where is he (she)?

In an office, at school, on a farm, in a hospital


Ex.2 p.44

Ex.1 p.44

Ex.3 p.44







Час історій


Just right, hard, soft, high, low

Ex.4 p.46

Ex.1 p.45

Ex.2 p.45


Ex.3 p.46






Where is it?

Where can your doll…?

Above, in front of, next to, under, on, near

Ex.6 p.48

Ex.1 p.47

(fly – leaf)

Ex.2 p.47

Ex.3 p.47






У твоє портфоліо

What’s your father’s job?

He is a …

Family Tree

Ex.1 p.49


Ex.5 p.48

Ex.5 p.48 Ex.1 p.49

Ex.3 p.49

Ex.7 p.48





Підсумкове оцінювання.

Контроль знань з теми








       Unit 3 SCHOOL TIME

Тема 4: Школа (16 годин)




Розклад уроків

I’ve got ….

Timetable, Maths, English, Sport, Reading, Art, Music,

Days of the week

Ex.3 p.50

Ex.1 p.50

Ex.2 p.50






Мій розклад

On Monday I have got ….

Timetable, Maths, English, Sport, Reading, Art, Music,

Days of the week

Ex.4 p.51

Ex.4 p.51

Ex.6 p.51

Ex.5 p.51





Розклад уроків

What day is it today?

What lesson do you like?

What is Bill’s favourite lesson?


Timetable, Maths, English, Sport, Reading, Art, Music,

Days of the week

Cards for reading

Ex.1 p.52

Ex.2 p.52

(fly – leaf)

Ex.3 p.52 Ex.4 p.52

Ex.5 p.52






На уроках

When is Sport?

Is it on Tuesday and Friday?

When is…? It is on …

Maths, English, Sport, Reading, Art, Music,

Days of the week

Cards for reading

Ex.2 p.53

Ex.1 p.53






Улюблені уроки Віки

Which day does Vicky like?

What is her favourite lesson?

His favourite lessons

Ex.1 p.54

Ex.4 p.55

Ex.2 p.54

Ex.3 p.54

Ex.4 p.55














Улюблені уроки мого друга (подруги)

He doesn’t like ……

I don’t like painting.

I don’t …..

He (she) doesn’t …

Ex.4 p.57

Ex.1 p.56

Ex.2 p.56

Ex.3 p.56

Ex.5 p.57








Лист від друга


He (she) doesn’t …

His  (her) favourite days are …

Maths, English, Sport, Reading, Art, Music,

Days of the week

Ex.3 p.58

Ex.3 p.58

Ex.1 p.58

Ex.2 p.58

Ex.4 p.59

Ex.5 p.59






Час. Годинник.

It’s 9 o’clock.

It’s half past 10.

It’s ten to 11.

It’s quarter past 12.

It’s 2 o’clock.

When does he (she) wake up?

Half, past, quarter.

Wake up, wash, dress, breakfast









Розпорядок дня

What time is it?

Have lunch, do one’s homework, after, go to bed, help, must

Ex.3 p.62

Ex.1 p.62

Ex.2 p.62

Ex.4 p.63






Мій розпорядок дня

What time do you ….?

Could you …?

May I ….?

Can you …..?

She must do …

Have lunch, do one’s homework, go to bed, help, go to school, wash your face

Could, may, can, must

Ex.4 p.65

Ex.1 p.64

Ex.2 p.64

Ex.5 p.65

Ex.3 p.64





Розпорядок дня Боба

Could you …?

May I ….?

Can you …..?

Could, may, can, must


Ex.1 p.66

Ex.2 p.66

Ex.1 p.67

Ex.2-3 p.67






Час історій



Cards for reading

Ex.1 p.68

Ex.2 p.69








Ex.1 p.70



Ex.2 p.70

Ex.3 p.70

Ex.4 p.71 Ex.5 p.71





У твоє портфоліо

Підсумкове оцінювання.

Контроль знань з теми



Ex.1 p.73


Ex.6 p.71

Ex.10 p.72

Ex.7 p.72

Ex.8 p.72

Ex.2-3 p.72





Пов’язані теми
Англійська мова, Планування
10 лютого 2022
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