Матеріал конспекту полягає у закріпленні вивченого матеріалу по темі " Sport.". Рівень А 2
Lesson Topic:
- to revise the vocabulary of the topic and learn new words;
- to teach the pupils to work in groups and pairs;
- to develop listening, reading and speaking skills;
- to develop pupils’ imaginative thinking on the subject;
- to foster the pupils to get interested in learning English (to solve
puzzles, to guess riddles, etc);
English A2 level
Equipment: ноутбук, роздатковой матеріал, підручник.
I. Greeting
T: - Good morning, students!
Ss: - Good morning, teacher!
T: - Glad to see you!
Ss: - Glad to see you too!
T: I see you are in a good mood. Am I right?
Ss: Yes, that’s true. We are in a good mood, And what about you?
T: I am in a good mood too. Let’s begin our lesson. Look at the pictures on the blackboard and try to guess the topic of the lesson. What can you see there?
Ss: Will it be about sport?
T: Yes, that’s true. On today`s lesson we`re going to speak about sport. So, let`s start.
ІІ Warming up
Т: Match the funny riddles with answers
A - Eyeballs
B - Penal tea
C - The score is always 0-0 before a game
D - They stand close to the fans
1 - What tea do hockey players drink?
2 - How did the baseball fan know before the game that the score would be 0-0?
3 - I'm a ball that rolls but can't bounce or be thrown. What am I?
4 - How do football players stay cool during the game?
III Main part
Task 1
T: your task is to write as many words as possible which are connected to sport and answer why it is so important
Sport |
Ss: student`s answer
Task 2 “Brainstorm”
T: right now look at picture and try to guess sport.
Task 3
T: Your task is to guess the word? Put letters in the right order (pair work).
- laletbksab – basketball
- labl – ball
- meat – team
- aeledr - leader
- gsnaiil – sailing
- g b onx i – boxing
- grinowl – rowling
- yrehcra - archery.
- nstnie - tennis.
- sh cs e – chess
Task 4
T: your task is to complete text (group 1 – about Jonny, group 2 – about Jules):
Presenter: Now the __________ might seem a long way away to you, but people are already talking about what new sports might be included. Today I’m going to talk to two people who are hoping their _______ be included. The first is Jonny Mills whose sport __________. Jonny, can you tell us what wakeboarding is? Is it like _______-?
Jonny: Well, a bit. It started in California because people wanted to surf but didn’t have waves ... It’s also a bit like ________ in that the rider is towed behind a specially-built ________.
Presenter: How fast does the boat go?
Jonny: Usually at about 25 mph, or a bit less. The rider uses the wake the board produces in the water to launch into the air.
Presenter: And then you do __________- things in the air?
Jonny: That’s right, spins of up to 1260 degrees, things like that.
Presenter: 1260 degrees, that’s impossible isn’t it?
Jonny: Oh no, but it’s pretty crazy. You spin round three and a half times in the air.
Presenter: And then you _____ again without falling over.
Jonny: You’ll have to come and watch some wakeboarding if you haven’t seen any. Come to Wakestock in ______ if you can.
Presenter: That’s in Wales, isn’t it?
Jonny: Yep, Abersoch in North Wales. It’s a really _____________ and music festival. It’s right by the beach. It’s not quite the same as California, but it’s cool. It attracts a lot of great riders.
Presenter: Who does ___________?
Jonny: They reckon about 3 million people all over the world. More guys do it, but there are increasing numbers of girls too. The people who compete are usually in their _________-, but anyone can do it. There’s a lot of crossover with other board sports like surfing and skateboarding. The tricks people pull are similar and the names for things are often the same.
Presenter: And looking at you, I’d say the fashion was similar too.
Jonny: Yeah, the clothes and the lifestyle are similar.
Presenter: Right, now I’d like to ask Jules Russell about her sport. She’s __________ derby team. Tell us about that, Jules. Is it a ___________ sport?
Jules: Yes, it’s becoming really popular in the UK. There are about ___________ and 1,200 throughout the world. In the US and Canada, of course, and places like Scandinavia and Australia, but lots of other countries too.
Presenter: The sport began in _________, didn’t it?
Jules: Yes, in the 1930s, but it was more for ____________- and it died out by the 1970s. Then there was a revival in Texas in 2001 and from then on it’s just been growing and growing.
Presenter: So how do you play it?
Jules: Well, you have two teams of five people _______________, of course, and they go round an oval track in the same direction. Each team has a "jammer" who scores points by passing members of the opposing team. They do whatever they can to stop her, within reason. The team with the most points at the end of the match ____.
Presenter: It sounds a bit rough!
Jules: Well, it’s a contact sport, so there’s bound to be a lot of pushing and falling over. It’s all good fun, though; people don’t often get hurt. If you try and trip someone up you get penalised. You do try and frighten the other team a bit though.
Presenter: That’s right. You have frightening clothes and special names.
Jules: People used ____________ a couple of years ago. Now the sport is changing and becoming more professional. Lots of the teams train three or four times a week, and spend a lot of time in the gym you have to be really dedicated and fit. We still have nicknames, though. I’m “The Julifier”.
Presenter: And is the sport all female?
Jules: There are a few men who do it, but it’s ____________ at the moment. Things are changing fast though, so who knows what the future will bring. It would be fantastic to be an Olympic sport.
Presenter: What do you think about roller derby, Jonny?
Jonny: It’s wild! Those ladies scare me to death! Good luck to them with the _____________s thing though. And good luck to us too.
Presenter: Good luck to you both.
Ss: student`s answers
Task 5
T: complete the crossword puzzle below:
1 physical damage to a person
2. an unpleasant feeling which hurts
3. dark area appear on your skin where you hurt it
4. sport group
5.main person
Student`s answers:
2 p |
a |
3. b |
i |
r |
1i |
n |
j |
u |
r |
y |
i |
5 l |
s |
e |
4.t |
e |
a |
m |
d |
e |
r |
IV. Summing- up
T: Now, answer the question “What have we learnt?”
Ss: students’ answers.
T: You have worked well today. You were very hard-working.Your answers and your marks are.... Your homework is to learn new words. The lesson is over. Thank you very much