Контроль читання 7 клас Тема «Кіно і театр»

Про матеріал

Проведення контроля читання ( розуміння прочитаного) в 4-7 класах двічі на рік є вимогою програми вивчення англійської мови в початковій та в середній школі. Але як власне перевірити розуміння ? Переказ або відповіді на питання на рідній мові?—якось не солідно, все ж таки ми вчимо англійську. Відповіді на питання по англійські? –Знову проблема—адже на цьому рівні діти ще мають багато проблем з англійською граматикою. Тож ми отримуємо «червону» роботу з якої зрозуміло, шо власне текст ( сюжет і навіть деталі) дитина зрозуміла. Яку оцінку поставити, чи враховувати граматичні і лексичні помилки? Багато вчителів переймалися цією проблемою.

Вихід—завдання, які є серед завдань ЗНО, але яких , на жаль, майже немає в підручниках. Учням пропонуються декілька текстів ( наприклад описи різних людей), і питання—котрий з цих людей має це, цікавиться цим, і так далі. Учні, відповідаючи пишуть номер тексту ( опису), або ім'я людини. При цьому питання може стосуватися як однієї людини , так і всіх. Крім того, лексика в тексті і в питаннях відрізняється. Щоб відповісти правильно учні повинні дійсно зрозуміти текст. Тексти вони мають перед собою весь час і просто змушені перечитувати і думати. Такі завдання розвивають навички критичного мислення.

Завдання, які пропонуються, я використовувала на уроках саме для вказаного рівня.

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Контроль читання 7 клас  Тема «Кіно і театр»


Delivered  доставляти        demands   вимагати                 goal  мета

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise - an American actor and filmmaker, who has been nominated for three Oscars and has won three Golden Globe Awards, -was born on July 3rd 1962, in Syracuse, New York, United States.

His parents divorced when he was twelve and his mother was left with four children alone. All four kids had jobs—his three younger sisters worked for different local restaurants while he cut grass and delivered newspapers. It took him a year to earn what he can now earn in one day.

Tom Cruise is a born leader.  He demands freedom of thought and action, and does not allow anything or anyone stand in his way when he is moving to his goal. He says,” I'm very careful in choosing things. Once I make a decision, nothing will stop it.”  “Personally I'm trying to do the right things and to learn. I'm an all-or-nothing kind of person, and when I become interested in something, I give it my all”.


Records  платівки                 adopted   всиновлені      without  без           cоme true  виповнитись


Madonna (16 August 1958 – ) is an American singer, actress, dancer and movie star. She has sold over 300 million records worldwide, making her the best-selling female singer of all time. Madonna is often called “The Queen of Pop”.

She was born in Bay City, Michigan.  Her real name is Louise Veronica Ciccone. Madonna was the third of six children in a Catholic family. Her father Sylvio, was a design engineer. Madonna's mother died of cancer when Madonna was five years old. In 1978, the future singer left college and moved to New York, without money.

She worked long hours at a hamburger restaurant and was so poor that she had to look for food in the rubbish bins. She also sold ice-cream and worked at a cafe in New York.

Madonna was married twice and has six children, four of whom are adopted.

She said.” “I went to New York. I had a dream. I wanted to be a big star. I didn’t know anybody. I wanted to dance. I wanted to sing. I wanted to do all those things. I wanted to make people happy. I wanted to be famous. I wanted everybody to love me. I wanted to be a star. I worked really hard and my dream came true.”


Available  доступний      band музична група         HIV and AIDS    ВІЛ та СНІД      stage  сцена                      supporter  --той, хто підтримує

Annie Lennox

Ann “Annie” Lennox is a singer known for her new musical style and sweet, melodious voice which helped her to become one of the most loved female British singers of the modern times.

Annie Lennox was born on December 25, 1954 in Aberdeen, Scotland. On leaving school at 17, the only jobs available were in the local fish factory. The smell there was terrible. Soon she went to London and found a job of a waitress. In 1971 Lennox started studying at the Royal Academy of Music in London. She studied there for three years and then left and started her music career. She became famous singing at the band Eurythmics, with Dave Stewart in the 1980s.

She is well known for her humanitarian works and is a public supporter of Amnesty International and Greenpeace. She started The SING Campaign to collect money for women and children with HIV and AIDS.

She has sold over eighty million albums worldwide. She did a song for the last “Lord of the Rings” movie, which starred Elijah Wood. She also won an Oscar for Best Original Song fort the film “Into the West” in 2004. She says, “What did you expect? I'm human; I feel what anybody else feels. There is a big difference between what I do on stage and what I do in my private life. I don't put my living room on magazine pages.”


Who of the people….

  1. Had a very dirty first job?
  2. Lived in a big family?
  3. Served food?
  4. didn’t have food to eat?
  5. is caring? 
  6. is determined?
  7. is ambitious?
  8. is responsible ? 
  9. doesn’t like to be in the public eye?
  10.  began   working in his/her teens?
  11.  does much social ( public) work?
  12.  is rich now?
  13.  was the oldest child in the family?
  14.  studied after school?
  15.  acted in films ? 

Відповіді :

Who of the people….

  1. Had a very dirty first job? 3
  2. Lived in a big family? 1,2
  3. Served food? 2,3
  4. didn’t have food to eat? 2
  5. is caring?  2,3,1
  6. is determind?1
  7. is ambitious? 2
  8. is responsible ? 1
  9. doesn’t like to be in the public eye? 3
  10. began   working in his/her teens? 1, 3
  11.  does much social ( public) work? 3
  12. is rich now? 1,2,3
  13. was the oldest child in the family? 3
  14. studied after school? 2,3
  15. acted in films ?  1,2
26 липня 2018
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