Контрольна робота № 5 у 5-му класі на тему"Жайворонок чи сова?"

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Контрольна робота у 5-му класі на тему Жайворонок чи сова."

Завдання тесту складені для перевірки вживання прийменників часу та прислівників частотності, перевірки розуміння змісту прочитаного, рівня писемної компетентності та вміння називати час.

Перегляд файлу

Form: 5 th

Topic:  Unit 5. An Early Bird or a Night Owl. Test

   Learning outcomes: By the end of the lesson students will be able to check:

-  usage of the topic vocabulary;

- usage of prepositions of time;

-telling of time (the clock);

- usage of adverbs of frequency;

-  reading and understanding of the text for a specific purpose;

- level of writing skills

 Equipment:   TEST 5 (handout)

 Type of the lesson; Test Lesson


  1.                    Introduction
    1.               Greeting and Aim

Good morning, pupils! How are you? Today we are having the last lesson in this unit so you are going to write a test in which we will check the knowledge of topic vocabulary, plurals and prepositions.

  1.  Main part


  1. Prepositions of time. Divide

May, spring Monday, 5 o`clock, the weekend, 1959, the evening, 13th May, winter, Friday








  1. Adverbs of frequency. Put the words in the correct order.

never/go/on Saturday/I/to school

the teachers/late/are never

Dad/always/for /along time/ looks at the menu


Isn`t/ the meal/usually/very expensive

rarely/go to/we/our local café

I/ hungry/after football practice/usually/am


  1. The Time. Write in words





  1. Reading Read the text and do the tasks.

          Every morning I get up at 7 o`clock in the morning. I wash my face, clean my teeth, do morning exercises and dress. At half past seven I have my breakfast. I usually have a cup of tea and sandwiches for breakfast.

          I go to school at 7.15. I have 5 or 6 lessons at school every day.

          I come home at 3 o`clock, have my dinner and do my homework.

          At 5 o`clock I go for a walk with my friends.

          In the evening my parents and I have supper. I always help my mother to wash the dishes. After that I like to watch TV with my father or read books in my room.

          I go to bed at 10 o`clock in the evening.



Answer according to the text

What time do you usually get up?__________________________________

How many lessons do you have at school? ___________________________

What do you have for breakfast? __________________________________

What do you do after school? _____________________________________

What do your family do in the evening? _____________________________

Do you help your mom to wash the dishes? __________________________

What time do you usually go to bed? _______________________________


I go to school at a quarter to eight.

I have three lessons at school every day.

I come home at three o`clock, have my dinner and watch TV.

In the evening my parents and I have supper.

I go to bed at nine o`clock in the evening.

  1. Writing. Write about your working day using the example above.

My Working Day








3. Closing

1. Summarizing

Next lesson we`ll analyse the test.

2. Marking

And you will get your marks for it.

3. Home task (Ex 1 p24 read, translate the comics)



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