Контрольна робота для 7 класу

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Description: Solutions 2ndEd logo Pre-Intermediate   Cumulative Test Units 1–5 Test A




1 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 Next weekend we _______________ (play) in a tournament against other schools.

2 _______________ (she / often / go) to fencing classes at the sports centre?

3 I hope _______________ (move) to the city next year. The countryside is boring.

4 Lisa! _______________ (you / listen) to me?

5 The department store _______________ (open) at eleven o’clock on a Sunday.

2 Complete with the past simple, past continuous or present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

Dave 1_______________ (you / ever / try) snowboarding?

Alice Yes, we 2_______________ (go) to France last winter. My brother Harry                               3_______________ (not enjoy) it very much, though.

Dave Oh, why not?

Alice  He 4_______________ (fall) off the ski lift.

Dave Oh no!

Alice Yes, while he 5_______________ (go) up the mountain on the lift, another skier

  6_______________ (crash) into him. Harry 7_______________ (break) a leg.

Dave  Oh, bad luck!

3 Choose the correct answers.

1 There are only ______ students at school today.

 a much b a little c a few  d any

2 My cousins are vegetarians. They don’t eat ______ meat.

 a  b the  c a  d an

3 I think chess is ______ game that I know.

 a interesting b as interesting c more interesting d the most interesting 

4 Are you ______ to run a marathon?

 a as fit  b too fit c enough fit d fit enough

5 Is there ______ orange juice in the fridge?

 a many b any  c some d a few

6 We went to Buckingham Palace, but we didn’t see ______ Royal Family.

 a  b a  c the  d any

4 Complete the zero conditional sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs below.

do      go      have      sleep      spend      wake

1 If she feels tired, she _______________ her homework.

2 If the children have got money, they _______________ it on computer games.

3 If I _______________ my brother up in the morning, he doesn’t get to school on time.

4 If Sarah _______________ for a walk every day, she feels terrible.

5 If I _______________ time, I play tennis after work.

6 He feels tired in the morning if he _______________ for eight hours at night.

5 Complete each sentence with one word from A and one word from B.

A DIY      garden      pedestrian      rubbish      street

B bin      centre      crossing      lamps      store

1 The traffic is dangerous here. You must use the ________________.

2 Dad bought some paint at the ________________. He promised to redecorate my bedroom.

3 The new ________________ has some lovely little trees – and they’re half price!

4 Don’t drop that paper in the street! Put it in the ________________. There’s one on the corner.

5 All the ________________ in our neighbourhood are broken. It’s scary at night now.


6 You have bought a faulty item and you want to return it. Write a formal letter to the company.

  • Tell them what the item is and when you bought it.
  • Explain what the problem is.
  • Tell them what you want them to do.
  • Say that you hope the problem will be resolved quickly and thank them for their help.




20 серпня 2018
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