Контрольна робота складена відповідно до теми "School Life". Метою тесту є визначити рівень володіння учнями навичок читання шляхом різноманітних вправ до тексту. Також учні повинні висловити свої власні думки щодо основної ідеї тектсу.
Reading Comprehension
Form 7
Schools of the Air
In Australia, many families live a long way from a town, so the nearest school is often very far away. For this reason, many children attend a very different kind of school of the Air because the students have classes over the radio.
Most areas have a school like this for children between 4 and 12 years old. They study at home but they are still members of the class. The children have radio lessons with their class three times a week. Each lesson lasts about 30 minutes. Students also have a 10-minute private lesson with their teacher once a week.
The school provides the radio, books, videos and other resources. The children send their work to the teacher once a week. The children’s parents help them to do their work at home. Teachers and students also communicate by phone, fax and e-mail and the teacher visits children at home at least once a year.
The school of the Air may sound like a strange idea. For the isolated students of Australia it’s the only way to learn.
Task 1. Fill in the gaps.
M__mb__r, l__ss__n, p__r__nts, pr__v__te, ch__ldr__n, st__d__nt, pr_v_de, c__mm__nicate, t__ach__r.
Task 2. Choose the correct item.
A Canada B Austria C Australia
A radio B telephone C TV
A 5 and 19 B 4 and 13 C 4 and 12
A twice B once C three times
A teachers B friends C parents
A twice B four tomes C once
Task 3. Write the information what these numbers refer to
4 and 12 _______________________________________________________
Once a week____________________________________________________
Once a year_____________________________________________________
Task 4. Answer the questions.
Task 5. Write your attitude to this idea of learning.