Let`s Take Care of Animals

Про матеріал
Урок доброти для учнів 6 класу до Всесвітнього дня захисту тварин , який відзначається 4 жовтня. Матеріал містить конспект заняття з активними посиланнями на відео та інтерактивні ресурси, які урізноманітнюють урок та розвивають цікавість до вивчення англійської та формують ключові компетентності здобувачів освіти.
Перегляд файлу

Year 6

Subject: Let's Take Care of Animals

Teaching Objectives:

1) to tell pupils about  a World Animal Day and kindness to animals;

2) to develop collaboration, creativity, critical thinking and communication;

3)  to bring up the feelings of respect and empathy;

4)  to expand knowledge and how to take care of them.

Teaching Aids and Materials: a Power Point presentation, an interactive white board and the internet resource YouTube, posters, markers, glue, scissors

The Type of the Lesson:  skills class




I The beginning of the lesson

1. Greeting

Good morning, my dear pupils! I am very glad to see you at our unusual lesson that will help you understand animals better.


2. Warm up

As you've understood you are going to work in groups. So, first of all take cards on your desks and find your group. Pay attention that we have 3 teams. (Children have 3 types of cards: 1 - domestic animals (a rooster, a rabbit, a turkey, a goose, a duck, a cow, a goat, a horse), 2 - wild animals (a wolf, a bear, a fox, a giraffe, a tiger, a zebra, a lion, a hippo), 3 – pets (a parrot, a hamster, a dog, a cat, fish, a mouse, a rat,  ). Pupils have to understand in what group they are. Then they choose a leader and a name of the team).

Now I would like you to memorize these tongue- twisters. Try to pronounce them quickly Each group has their own one on your desks. Those group that will do it the best, will get one point. Good luck!

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II. The  main part of the lesson

So, have a look on the board and the topic of our lesson. Why do you think we are going to talk about kindness to animals today on the 4th of October?

Remember that the 4th of October is a World Animal Day. That's why we are to speak about it in order to treat animals with love and respect.

Revising vocabulary and discussion

Now you are playing a game “Bank. Donate. Bankrupt”. On the board you see words and phrases. You have to make up a sentence with one of them taking turns.

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Рис 2.2.2.

(A teacher writes 50, 100, bank or bankrupt on the opposite side of the poster due to each phrase.

Take care of animals - 100

Feed animals properly -50

Clean up their cages - bankrupt

Wash and brush them - donate

Play with them – 100

Take to a vet – 50

Take to animals – donate.

Each team chooses a phrase and makes a sentence with it. Only then a teacher says the score)


Energizer  “A Bingo song”

(Pupils sing a song clapping instead of one letter. And at the end they clap instead of saying B-I-N-G-O)




A Project work

Now you should work on projects “Let's Take care of Animals”. You have posters, markers, crayons, glue, scissors, stickers and pictures. But first of all, let's review the rules of a group work.



Next step is to watch a video and while watching try to make notes about useful suggestions on proper attitude to animals



So, remember to write a short text with rules or tips how important it is to take care of pets.

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                      Рис.2.2.6                                                         рис.2.2.7

(In 10 minutes pupils present their projects and gets points for the story, a design and a group work)

Thank you so much for your great job! The winner is…


 III. The final part of the lesson

  1. Summarizing

To sum up, answer my question.

  • What impressed you most?
  1.  Homework

Your task at home will be to write a poem or a short story about your pets or animals. You can make up a crossword or a quiz too.  It's up to you to decide.

  1. Praising the pupils. Evaluation.
  2. Saying “goodbye”

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Рис. 2.2.8

23 лютого 2023
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