О. Уальд. Кентервільський привид. Інсценізація оповідання

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Позакласний захід для учнів 8-9 класів

Тема « О. Уальд. Кентервільський привид»

Сценарій інсценування англійською мовою  для учнів 8-9 класів

The Canterville Ghost


практична: поповнити лексичний запас учнів 8-9 класів з теми « Мистецтво», ознайомити з біографією Оскара Уальда та його твором  « Кентервільський привид»

розвивальна: розвивати навички невимушеного мовлення; творчі та акторські здібності

виховна: виховувати позитивне ставлення до навчання; до літератури , історії та культури країни, мову якої вивчаємо

освітня: формувати соціолінгвістичну компетенцію, розширювати світогляд учнів, залучатися до діалогу культур

обладнання: мультимедійний екран та проектор, фрагменти музичного супроводу до кінофільму «  Пригоди Шерлока Холмса. Собака Баскервілей», відео фрагменти з кінофільму « Кентервільський привид» 1996р


Speaker I Oscar Wilde.( фрагмент із фільма-презентації про О. Уальда)

Ladies and gentlemen! May I introduce myself. I am Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie Wills Wilde. I was born in Dublin on October 1854.

I studied at Trinity College, Dublin and at Oxford University London. My mother was interested in ancient Irish fairy tales and she passed this interest on me.  I was fond of writing and in 1881  wrote  my first book of poetry.

I told my two sons fairy tales and fantastic adventure stories to keep them happy and published many of them in a collection especially for my children.

One of my favorite was “ The Canterville Ghost”. It is a different from other ghost stories because it is funny story and it shows us that ghost stories haven’t to be frightening

At the time it was published, “ The Canterville Ghost” was very popular and even today it is still a very popular story. It has been made into a play and now we introduce this play.

Speaker 2( фрагмент із кінофільму «Кентервільський привид», та музичний супровід)

“ The Canterville Ghost” is set in the beautiful English countryside near an old town, Ascot ,which is famous for its horse racing. Here, in Canterville Chase, a beautiful old country house, lives a 300-year-old ghost from an old English family. The ghost is famous in the area and has frightened many people for years. He is proud of being a very scary ghost. However, things soon change when an American family comes to live in his house, and problems arise for the ghost right from the start.

Speaker 3 (фрагмент із кінофільму «Кентервільський привид», та музичний супровід)

The previous owner of Canterville Chase Lord Canterville, warns the Otis family that an ghost lives there, but they are not worried as they don’t believe in ghost.

When a gentle girl can win

Prayer from out the lips of sin

When a child gives up tears

And the barren almond bears

When the silent chapel bell

Sounds the ghoustly sinners knell

When shall the house be still

 And Peace shall come to Canterville

Mrs Otis:  Oh, dear! There is a mark on the floor!

Mrs Umney:  Yes madam! That is blood

Mr Otis: How horrible! I don’t want blood on my floors!

Mrs Umney: That is the blood of lady Eleanore de Canterviile. Her husband , Sr Simon de Canterville, murdered her there in 1575. Sir Simon disappeared suddenly nine years later. No one ever found his body, but his ghost haunts this house. No one can clean the blood from the floor.

Mr Otist: That’s silly! I can clean it up right now with Pinkerton’s Stainhappen  Remover! You see?

Mrs Umney: You must not make the ghost angry, sir. Terrible things happen in this house.

Mrs Otis: ghosts! Ha! We don’t believe in ghosts,

Mr Otis  but we would like some tea.

Mrs Umney: Yes, sir



Speaker I Oscar Wilde.: the Otis family didn’t believe in ghost, but the ghost was determined to change their minds.

( the chains sound)

Mr Otis: My dear sir, your chains are making a terrible noise. You really must oil them. This is a bottle of Tammany Rising Sun Lubricator. It’s just what you need.

( the sound of laughter)

Mr Otis: You sound ill. Please, take this bottle of Doctor Dobell’s medicine. It’s just what you need.

Ghost Argh!

Speaker I Oscar Wilde.. the ghost was very upset. He stayed in his room and didn’t come to expect to make a new  blood stain in the library each night. But one night, there was a terrible storm.

Ghost: a storm! Tonight is the night! It is time to frighten those stupid Americans! First, I must frighten that man who keeps cleaning up the blood stain! Aaaaaaa! what’s that?( зявляється ще один привід)

Oh, two ghosts are better than one. We can frighten the family together ( around a ghost) It’s not frightening  at all. Oh! What does this say? “ THE OTIS GHOST. THE ONLY TRUE GHOST!” those foolish Americans tricked me! How can I make them sorry for this?


Virg: oh! Ghost! You look sad! Don’t worry – my brothers are going back to school tomorrow. You must be good until then.

Ghost: How can I be good? It’s my job to walk in the hall, to make a noise with my chains and to frighten people

Virg: Mrs Umney told us that you killed your wife. Is that true?

Ghost: yes, it is true. But it was a family problem, and it’s no one else’s business.

Virg: It’s wrong to kill people.

Ghost: you don’t understand. My wife was a terrible woman. And her brother starved me to death! That was unkind, even though I did kill her.

Virg: They starved you to death? Oh, poor ghost. Are you hungry? I’ve got s sandwich in my bag.

Ghost: No, thank you. I never eat or sleep, but you are very kind. You are not like the rest of your rude dishonest family.

Virg: My family are not rude or dishonest! You are dishonest! I know you took all the paints from my paint box to make the stain in the library!

Ghost Well, what could I do? It is so difficult to get real blood these days! Oh!

Verg: Don’t cry! Why are you sad?

Ghost I want to sleep – but I need to help me.

Virg How can I help you?

Ghost You can help me to get the Garden of Death. You can ask the Angel of Death to let me sleep forever.

Virg I’m not afraid. Let me help you.

 hold me hand and come with me

I can help you to be free

All your sorrow’s in the past

And you can go to sleep at last



Speaker I Oscar Wilde.. The Otist family couldn’t find Virginia, and they were very worried. Then, at midnight, they heard a strange noise in the hall.

Msr Otist: it’s Virginia! Thank goodness!

Mr Otist: Where were you? 

 Virg: I was with the ghost. He gave me these jewels.

Mrs O. Oh! My dear .We were all so worried!

Virg: I have something to show you.

( фрагмент із фільму)

This is Sir Simon. He was bad man, but in the end he was very sorry. His wife’s brother kept him here until he died. He never ate or slept because Angel of death didn’t let him sleep forever 

Mr O: now we know the ghost’s secret. What a terrible story!

Virg  Now he can sleep.

Duke: You are an angel!


Lord Can: Well,well! The Canterville Ghost is gone. And now these jewels are Virginia’s. Sir Simon wanted her to have them, and she must keep them

Virg: Thank you lord Canterville.

Duke: You can wear the jewels when we get married, Virginia. What do you say?

Virg: Oh, Cecil! I’d love you to!

( Song What a wonderful world by L. Armstrong )

Пов’язані теми
Англійська мова, Сценарії
28 липня 2018
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