Поданий урок є першим у системі уроків "Їжа" у 7 класі за підручником Несвіт. Урок на тему Healthy Food ( Здорова їжа). Метою уроку є 1) формувати лексичні навички учнів; 2) повторити граматичний матеріал: злічувані та незлічувані іменники; 3) ознайомити учнів з новими лексичними одиницями; 4) розвивати навички вивчаючого читання з повним розумінням прочитаного і з метою отримання корисної інформації,
розвивати мислення, допитливість та мовну здогадку
виховувати позитивне ставлення до здорової їжі;
виховувати свідоме прагнення вести здоровий спосіб життя.
Lesson 1
Тема: Healthy Food ( Здорова їжа)
практична: 1) формувати лексичні навички учнів; 2) повторити граматичний матеріал: злічувані та незлічувані іменники; 3) ознайомити учнів з новими лексичними одиницями; 4) розвивати навички вивчаючого читання з повним розумінням прочитаного і з метою отримання корисної інформації, розвиваюча: розвивати мислення, допитливість та мовну здогадку
виховна: виховувати позитивне ставлення до здорової їжі; виховувати свідоме прагнення вести здоровий спосіб життя.
Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, прислів’я про їжу, картки для роботи в групах, в парах, малюнки продуктів харчування. Хід уроку
I. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
1. Привітання
T: Good morning everyone! I’m glad to see you. How are you?
Ps: Good morning teacher! We are glad to see you, too. We are fine, thank you.
2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
The theme of the lesson is “Healthy Food. ”
The motto of our lesson is “Full of energy you will feel, after eating a healthy meal”
Today we are going to speak about healthy food and how it helps us to be healthy, fit and look good.
Comeout: At the end of the lesson you will be able to: lifestyle,
• Use the words on the topic,
• Listen to and understand what people say about their eating habits and healthy
Give advice about eating habits
3. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.
T: First to achieve good pronunciation and increase the ability to speak fluent English, I'd like to suggest you to read the poem about meals. I usually have breakfast at 7 о 'clock in the morning. I like tea with milk and sugar and a sandwich for breakfast.
(the teacher gives pupils cards with names Lee, Kate, Pete, Sam)
С1: What do you like for breakfast, Lee? (one pupil who has a card "Lee" answers)
Pl: I like two eggs, some milk and tea.
C1: What do you like for lunch, Kate?
P2: I like a plate of soup, some fish and cake.
C1: What do you like for dinner Pete?
P3: I like potatoes, soup and meat.
Cl: What do you like for supper, Sam?
P4: I like some cheese, some bread and ham. II. Основна частина уроку.
1. Pre-reading. (Робота в групах)
T: Oh, how tasty it is, isn't it? Of course our Ukrainian people like tasty food and your mothers can cook very tasty things. But are all kinds of food useful and healthy.
Let's make two groups and choose healthy and unhealthy foods and speak
about them. (Pupils work in 2 groups discussing pictures) Healthy Food Unhealthy Food
2. Reading. "We are what we eat” We all need food, but we must keep to a balanced diet. People say, “We eat to live, but we do not live to eat.” A balanced diet consists of all the things you need to be healthy and to have enough energy during the day. You must eat well, but not too much of the same food: eat a sandwich, an apple and drink a glass of juice, for example.
There are four main food groups to build your daily menu of:
1) milk and dairy foods (including cheese, yoghurt);
2) meat and fish (including eggs and chicken);
3) vegetables and fruit (including green vegetables, root vegetables, fruit juice);
4) potatoes and cereals (including bread, pasta, rice).
Each group is a good source of nutrients (поживні речовини). A nutrient is a chemical or food that provides the things you need to live and grow. A lot of meals are a combination of two or more of the main food groups. We also eat other things: fat (жир), oil, salt and sugar, for example. And of course, everyone eats snack foods (їжа для перекусу) (crisps, sweets, etc.). It’s better to eat only a little of these, because they contain a lot of fat, sugar or salt.
3. Post reading . Pair work.
Read and complete the sentences.
1) A balanced diet consists of_____________________
2) You must eat well, but_________________________
3) A nutrient is _________________________________
4) A lot of meals are _____________________________
5) It’s better to eat only a little of ___________________
6) Snack foods contain a lot of_____________________
4. Фізкультхвилинка
5. Listening "Healthy Eating—Food for Life"
T: We all need food but we need a balanced diet. Otherwise, we don't get all the nutrients we need. I would like to read you a text "Healthy Eating—Food for Life!". I need 2 groups. Your groups will work with different tasks. While listening, discuss and write the answers.
Healthy Eating - Food for Life!
It is very important to eat the right food, and to get the right balance of vitamins in our diet. For example, vitamin A, which we get from eggs, milk, fruit and green vegetables, is necessary for our growth, and for health skin and eyes. Another good example is vitamin C. We get vitamin С from green vegetables, fruit, and potatoes. We need vitamin С for healthy skin, bones and muscles. Food and drink also provide us with lots of important minerals—calcium and iron, for example. We get calcium from milk and cheese. Calcium is important for building healthy teeth and bones. As for iron, we get that from liver, meat, fish, cereal, and green vegetables. Iron helps to give us healthy blood.
The 1st group. Complete the sentences. It is very important to eat____________. a) junk food.
b) vegetables.
c) right food.
d) healthy food.
We get vitamin A from _____________. a) meat, fish and eggs.
b) eggs, milk, fruit and green vegetables.
c) porridge, cheese and ice-cream.
We get vitamin С from _____________. a) diary products.
b) sweets and cakes.
c) Green vegetables, fruit and potatoes.
We need vitamin С for_____________. a) healthy skin, bones and muscles.
b) healthy hair and nails.
c) healthy eyesight and scent.
The 2nd group
White down foods that have.
a) vitamin A_______________.
b) vitamin С_______________.
c) calcium_________________.
d) iron____________________.
6. Grammar
T: You know that some nouns are uncountable. They, have no plural. What are they?
Name the nouns that mean food.
(pupils name uncountable nouns the teacher writes them on the blackboard) fruit, butter, chocolate, meat, cheese, water, bread, tea, coffee, milk, lemonade, salt, pepper, fish, sugar etc
T: But some uncountable nouns can be made countable by using these words:
a bottle, a glass, a jug, a cup, a packet, a jar, a loaf, a slice, a carton, a can, a tin, a bowl, a kilo, a bar, a piece, a dozen.
Write them down
1) a bottle of a) honey
2) a glass of b) meat
3) a loaf of c) water
4) a cup of d) tea
5) a jar of e) bread
6) a kilo of f) milk
7) a bar of g) cheese
8) a piece of h) eggs
9) a dozen of i) fruit
packet of j) chocolate
carton of k) juice
7.Усне мовлення.
T: Now tell me please, what food do you prefer to eat at home, in the school canteen and in the café? Is this food the same or may me it is different?
III. Заключна частина уроку.
1. Homework
ст. 39, впр 3( усно), РЗ впр. 4 ст. 18 (письмово)
2. Оцінювання.
3. Підведення підсумків уроку T: Thank you very much children.
It was a great pleasure to work with you today. You were brilliant. Your work can be appreciated as good and excellent. Today we have spoken about balanced diet and your eating habits, we have discussed problems of healthy eating, learned some material about sources of nutrients, worked with many tables and cards.
Thank you for the lesson and be healthy. Good bye!