Тема: Хвороби та їх лікування
Aim сприяти: активізації лексичного матеріалу через виконання
лексико-комунікативних вправ
розвитку умінь розповідати якими можуть бути хвороби
та їх лікування
розвитку умінь розуміти на слух розповідь про нещасні
випадки у житті людини
удосконаленню навичок вживання модального дієслова
розвитку умінь аргументувати свої висловлювання з
питань профілактики хвороб
вихованню бережливого ставлення до свого здоров’я
Учень зможе: володіти лексичним матеріалом з теми через виконання
лексико-комунікативних вправ
розповідати якими можуть бути хвороби та їх лікування
розуміти на слух розповідь про нещасні випадки в житті
вживати модальне дієслово’’should’’
аргументувати свої висловлювання з питань профілактики
бережливо ставитись до свого здоров’я
Хід уроку.
I. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
1.Greeting.T: Good morning, pupils. I am glad to see you.
T:Today we are going to speak about people’s health, illnesses and their treatment.
T: look at the blackboard and match the parts of the famous proverbs.
1. An apple a day a)healthy, wealthy and wise
2.Good health b)is above wealth
3.Early to bed and early to rise makes a man c) keeps a doctor away.
T: Do you agree or disagree with them?
II. Основна частина уроку.
1.Revising Vocabulary. Mind-map.
How can people feel and look?
How do you fell today?
What health problems do people have?
Where do you usually get medical care? Have you got a family doctor? What treatment can your doctor prescribe?
People in the medical profession. What do these people do? Match the words and their definitions.
1)a surgeon 2)a sister 3)a dentist 4)a pediatrician 5)a nurse 6)a physician 7)an oculist 8)an ear doctor 9)cardiologist 10)a pharmacist |
a)looks after children and treats their illnesses b)is trained to prepare drugs and medicines c)examines and treats people’s eyes d)looks after patients in hospital e)looks after your heart f)is a senior nurse in a hospital g) examines and treats people’s ears h)does operations in hospital i)is trained in general medicine j)looks after your teeth |
T:When did you have your last medical check-up? Did the doctor prescribe any medicines to you?
3.Check-on homework.Діалогічне мовлення.
T: At home you prepared dialogues ‘’At the doctor’s’’.Розігрування діалогів.
4.T: Most accidents happen at home. Most illnesses begin at home. So, what should we do? Match the problem and it’s solution. Use’’should’’.
1.I’ve got a headache 2.I’ve got a toothache 3.I’m coughing 4.My nose is blocked 5.My nose is running 6.I’ve got a temperature 7.I’ve broken my arm 8.My stomach aches 9.I’ve burnt my hand 10.I’ve cut my finger 11.I can’t move my leg 12.I’ve got a sore throat
a)give up smoking b)have it X-rayed c)place under cold water and apply bandage d)consult a surgeon e)use some gargle f)take some aspirin g)stay in bed for a while h)take some medicine i)go to the dentist j)lie in the sun for a day or two k) use nasal drops l)use some antiseptic |
T: Today we’ll read a very interesting story’’ The doctor’s help’’
1)Pre-Reading activities
T: Firstly, read the text and number the events in order they happen in the story .
The doctor’s help.
’’Go to the doctor’’, said his wife and show that foot to him’’.’’No’’,he said. ‘ ‘I will wait until the doctor comes into the shop next time. Then I will ask him what to do about my foot. If I go to see him I will have to pay him’’.
There was a bookseller in a small English town who didn’t like to spend his money. One day a big box of books fell down and hurt his foot.
‘ ‘Yes’’, said the doctor, ‘ ‘ you must put that foot in hot water every night. Then you must put some ointment on it.
The next day the doctor came into the shop and bought some books. As the bookseller was wrapping up the books he told the doctor about his bad foot. The doctor looked at it.
‘ ‘How much?’’ said the doctor.
He took out a piece of paper and wrote a prescription on it. ‘ ‘ Buy this and put it on the foot before you go to bed every night’’. ‘ ‘ Thank you, said the bookseller, ‘ ‘and now,sir,here are your books’’.
‘ ‘Two pounds’’.
‘ ‘Good, said the doctor, ‘ ‘I won’t need to pay you anything. ‘ ‘ Why not?’’ asked the bookseller in surprise.
‘ ‘You asked me to look at your foot. I did so and wrote out a prescription. If people come to my house I ask them to pay one pound for a small thing like that. But when I go to their houses I want two pounds. And I came here, didn’t I?’’
3)Post-Reading activities.
a) Agree or disagree.
1.There was a bookseller who liked to spend his money.
2.One day a big heap of books fell down and hurt his head.
3.He waited for the doctor to come to his bookshop next time.
4.The bookseller told the doctor about his bad foot.
5.The doctor took the books and paid for them.
6.The doctor said that he would not need to pay.
b)Answer the questions.
1.Who didn’t like to spend his money?
2.What has happened one day?
3.What did his wife advise?
4.Why did a bookseller decide to wait for the doctor?
5.When did the doctor come into the shop?
6.Did he buy newspapers or books?
7.What did the doctor recommend?
8.The doctor didn’t pay anything , did he? Why?
T:What do you think about the doctor’s help?
T:So, what should we do to avoid accidents? Let’s watch the video. Try to remember the rules.
Post-Listening activities.
T: If you agree with me, raise your blue cards.
If you disagree with me, raise your red cards.
1.Accidents may occur anywhere and cause pain.
2.The floors at home should be kept clean and wet.
3.We should always be careful while working in kitchen.
4.One should wear cotton clothes and must not wear synthetic clothes.
5.Gas oven should be turned on when not in use.
6.We should take medicines that is prescribed by the doctor.
7.Presence of a trainer is not always advised during swimming.
8.While crossing the road, we should first look to our right, to our left and again to our right.
T: Carelessness often lead to accidents. So, how can we help people? Explain and demonstrate. P-s answers
T:let’s summarize everything we heard today. What should we do to be healthy?
III. Заключна частина уроку.
T: Your homework is to write a composition ’’ Is it important to be healthy?’’
You worked hard, your marks are
What was especially interesting for you to do today?
Did you like the story you read at the lesson?
Конспект уроку:
Клас: 7
Тема: Охорона Здоров`я
Підтема: Хвороби та симптоми
Тип уроку: вироблення практичних комунікативних умінь і навичок
Методи: комунікативний, проектний
Обладнання: комп`ютер, мультимедійна презентація (схематичне зображення людини на плакаті «Parts of human body», нова лексика «Match the pairs», граматичне завдання, завдання до гри ), виписка зі статті про організацію медичної допомоги у Великобританії, картки із текстами для читання, картки із завданнями для вистави із пантоміми.
Структура уроку:
Хід уроку
Good morning, children!
I am glad to see you.
You may sit down.
Let us begin the lesson.
Who is absent? Why?
Вчитель питає в учнів , чи знають вони назви частин тіла на англійській мові, пропонує учням згадати.
Are you sure you know the words for each part of your body?
1 – hair 2 – head 3 – eye 4 – ear 5 – nose 6 – lips 7 – face 8 – neck 9 – shoulder 10 – arm 11 – elbow 12 – wrist 13 – hand 14 – thumb 15 – fingers 16 – breast 17 – chest 18 - stomach/tum/ tummy 19 – abdomen 20 – bottom 21 – thigh 22 – leg 23 – knee 24 – ankle 25 - foot/feet 26 - big toe 27 – toes
Після того, як учні назвали те, що знали, вчитель відкриває сторінку з назвами частин тіла і разом з учнями співвідносять переклад та значення слів .
Вчитель пропонує учням сформулювати тему уроку і задачі, які вони повинні вирішити на цьому уроці.
The topic of the lesson today is «A visit to the doctor. Illnesses and their treatment». By the end of the lesson you should be able to use the topical words in your talk with a doctor, to express complaints if you feel not well and to explain to the doctor what is wrong with you.
Вчитель пропонує згадати видочасові форми дієслова та виконати вправу, завдання якої знаходиться на дошці.
You still have difficulties with the correct usage of verbs tenses. Let's review and practice Present Perfect and Past Indefinite Tenses.
Name the tenses in the following sentences. Then match them with the uses below:
Supposed answers: 1b, 2c, 3d, 4a, 5d, 6a, 7e, 8b, 9a, 10c.(Слайд 6)
Вчитель пропонує учням ознайомитися з інформацією про медичну допомогу у Великобританії та порівняти з явищами в нашій країні.
Вчитель читає, а учні сприймають інформацію на слух, після чого порівнюють та обговорюють явища різних країн.
Listening information about Medical Aid in Britain, and let's discuss it. Say what you know about the cost of health service in Ukraine and in other countries nowadays.
If you want to see a doctor, you must ring first and make an appointment. If you want to see one quickly, you can go along to a surgery and wait. You can go to a hospital, but only if it is very serious and you cannot wait to see a doctor.
Most countries have an agreement with Britain whereby it does not cost you to see a doctor. Check first!
If you need medicine, the doctor will give you a prescription to take to a chemist's. There is a charge of a few pounds for each prescription.
If you need to go to a dentist, you will have to pay for your treatment.
Семантизація нової лексики (Слайд 7)
Вчитель пропонує поглянути на дошку та записати хвороби та їх симптоми. Після чого учням необхідно скласти власні речення
In order to be able to talk to a doctor about your bad health and ask him for help you should learn some useful words and expressions.
a patient the feeling that you have in your body when you are hurt or ill.
a hospital your body is too hot because you are ill.
an ambulance a sick person that a doctor is looking after.
pain a place where doctors and nurses look after sick people.
ache a special van that takes people who are ill or hurt to
a hospital.
to cough a pain that last for a long time, e.g. a toothache, a headache,
a stomach-ache.
a cold to send air of your throat with a sudden loud voice.
to catch a cold an illness that makes you cough and sneeze.
flu(e) an illness like a bad cold that makes you ache
fever to become ill with a cold.
sore throat to feel very hot because you are ill.
epidemy (epidemic) a disease that many people in a place have at the same time, to have a temperature having pain in your throat.
Вчитель пропонує об`єднатися в 2 групи. Кожна група отримує картку з текстом, який вони повинні прочитати .
Now let's divide into three groups. Read and translate the texts below.
CARD 1 In Great Britain primary health care is in the hands of family practitioners who work within the National Health Service. The family practitioner services are those given to patients by doctors, dentists, opticians and pharmacists of their own choice. Family doctors who are under contract to the National Health Service have an average about 2,250 patients. They provide the first diagnosis in the case of illness and either prescribe a suitable course of treatment or refer a patient to the more specialized services and hospital consultants. A large proportion of the hospitals in the National Health Service were built in the nineteenth century; some trace their origin to much earlier charitable foundations, such as the famous St. Bartholomew's and St. Thomas' hospitals in London. About 85 per cent of the cost of the health services is paid for through general taxation. The rest is met from the National Health Service contribution and from the charges for prescriptions, dental treatment, dentures and spectacles. Health authorities may raise funds from voluntary sources. (See: "Britain 1983". Lnd., 1983)
CARD 2 Hob sat in the doctor's waiting-room. On the chairs at the wall other patients were sitting. They all looked sad except Hob who was reading an exciting story in a magazine. Just then the doctor came in to say that he was ready to see the next person. Hob got up and went into the consulting room. Before Hob could say a word the doctor said, "Now what's the trouble? Sit down there and we'll have a look at you. Unfasten your jacket and your shirt, please. I'll listen to your heart." Hob tried to speak, but the doctor interrupted him and ordered him to say "ninety-nine". Hob said it. "Now let me see your throat, open your mouth wide." The doctor had a good look and then he said, "Well, there's nothing wrong with you." "I know there isn't," said Hob, "I just came to get a bottle of medicine for my uncle." (From Essential English for foreign students by С. Е. Eckersley, Lnd., 1977)
Вчитель пропонує кожній групі коротко розповісти класу, про що йшла мова в тексті.
Summarize the text in 5-6 sentences.
Один учень з класу одним реченням підводить підсумок про що йшлося в текстах.
Who can summarize this information in one sentence?
Вчитель пропонує учням , прослухавши значення слів , сказати , які це слова.
Give it name.
1. The upper front part of the body.
2. One of the two organs of breathing in the chest of a man or an animal.
3. To force air from lungs with a sudden sharp sound.
4. A movable organ in the mouth, used for tasting, swallowing or speaking.
5. The front of the neck.
6. A person who needs a medical help.
7. A person who gives a medical help.
8. A thing you take to recover.
9. A state of being well.
Supposed answers : (Слайд 9)
1. chest
2. lung
3. to cough
4. tongue
5. throat
6.a patient
7. a doctor
8. a medicine
9. health
Вчитель :Багато випадків з приводу здоров`я трапляються вдома. Багато хвороб починаються саме вдома. Тож, що ми можемо робити? З`єднайте проблему з її вирішенням, використовуючи конструкцію «should»
1.I’ve got a headache 2.I’ve got a toothache 3.I’m coughing 4.My nose is blocked 5.My nose is running 6.I’ve got a temperature 7.I’ve broken my arm 8.My stomach aches 9.I’ve burnt my hand 10.I’ve cut my finger 11.I can’t move my leg 12.I’ve got a sore throat
a)give up smoking b)have it X-rayed c)place under cold water and apply bandage d)consult a surgeon e)use some gargle f)take some aspirin g)stay in bed for a while h)take some medicine i)go to the dentist j)lie in the sun for a day or two k) use nasal drops l)use some antiseptic |
Вчитель спонукає учнів до самостійних підсумків уроку.
What have you learnt to do at the lesson?
Which activity did you enjoy most?
What was the most difficult for you?
Which activity do you find the most useful for you in real life situations?
Remember the proverb: An apple a day keeps the doctors away.
Вчитель пропонує учням знайти декілька жартів по темі «Здоров'я» та розповісти їх класу на наступному уроці.
Find some jokes on a medical subject and tell them to your fellow-students.
The lesson is over. Thank you for the lesson! You may be free. Good – bye!
Додаток 1
Listening information about Medical Aid in Britain, and let's discuss it. Say what you know about the cost of health service in Ukraine and in other countries nowadays.
If you want to see a doctor, you must ring first and make an appointment. If you want to see one quickly, you can go along to a surgery and wait. You can go to a hospital, but only if it is very serious and you cannot wait to see a doctor.
Most countries have an agreement with Britain whereby it does not cost you to see a doctor. Check first!
If you need medicine, the doctor will give you a prescription to take to a chemist's. There is a charge of a few pounds for each prescription.
If you need to go to a dentist, you will have to pay for your treatment.
Додаток 2
CARD 1 In Great Britain primary health care is in the hands of family practitioners who work within the National Health Service. The family practitioner services are those given to patients by doctors, dentists, opticians and pharmacists of their own choice. Family doctors who are under contract to the National Health Service have an average about 2,250 patients. They provide the first diagnosis in the case of illness and either prescribe a suitable course of treatment or refer a patient to the more specialized services and hospital consultants. A large proportion of the hospitals in the National Health Service were built in the nineteenth century; some trace their origin to much earlier charitable foundations, such as the famous St. Bartholomew's and St. Thomas' hospitals in London. About 85 per cent of the cost of the health services is paid for through general taxation. The rest is met from the National Health Service contribution and from the charges for prescriptions, dental treatment, dentures and spectacles. Health authorities may raise funds from voluntary sources. (See: "Britain 1983". Lnd., 1983)
CARD 2 Nobody pretends that the National Health Service in Britain is perfect. Many doctors complain that they waste hours filling in National Insurance forms, and that they have so many patients that they do not have enough time to look after any of them properly. Nurses complain that they are overworked and underpaid. Many Health Service hospitals are old-fashioned and overcrowded, and, because of the shortage of beds, patients often have to wait a long time for operations. Rich people prefer to go to private doctors, or to see specialists in Harley Street, the famous "doctors" street in London. When these people are ill they go to a private nursing-home, for which they may pay as much as £ 100 a week. Alternatively, they may hire a private room in an ordinary hospital, for which they will pay about £ 10 a day. (Musman R. Britain To-day. Lnd., 1974)
CARD 3 Hob sat in the doctor's waiting-room. On the chairs at the wall other patients were sitting. They all looked sad except Hob who was reading an exciting story in a magazine. Just then the doctor came in to say that he was ready to see the next person. Hob got up and went into the consulting room. Before Hob could say a word the doctor said, "Now what's the trouble? Sit down there and we'll have a look at you. Unfasten your jacket and your shirt, please. I'll listen to your heart." Hob tried to speak, but the doctor interrupted him and ordered him to say "ninety-nine". Hob said it. "Now let me see your throat, open your mouth wide." The doctor had a good look and then he said, "Well, there's nothing wrong with you." "I know there isn't," said Hob, "I just came to get a bottle of medicine for my uncle." (From Essential English for foreign students by С. Е. Eckersley, Lnd., 1977)
Додаток 3
Group 1 At the Doctor's
Група 1 У лікаря а) Пацієнт входить до кімнати і розповідає лікарю, що його турбує. б) Лікар просить пацієнта роздягтися до поясу та оглядає хворого . в) Пацієнт питає у лікаря що з ним. Він здається стурбованим. г) Лікар намагається заспокоїти пацієнта та виписує рецепт. |
Group 2 At the Dentist's
Група 2 У дантиста а) Пацієнт скаржиться на сильний зубний біль. б) Дантист просить пацієнта сісти і оглядає його ротову порожнину. Один із зубів потрібно удаляти. в) Пацієнт наляканий. Його нудить і паморочиться в голові. г) Дантист видаляє зуб і показує його пацієнту, якому стало краще і він виглядає щасливим. |
Group 3 At the Bedside
Група 3 Біля ліжка хворого а) Хлопець скаржиться на запалення в горлі. б) Його мати хвилюється. Вона вимірює у сина температуру, яка в нормі. Його горло теж в порядку. в) Потім хлопець скаржиться на болі у шлунку і головні болі, його нудить і паморочиться в голові. г) Його мати розуміє, що він симулює і відправляє його до школи. |
Додаток 4
Додаткові завдання до уроку з теми «Візит до лікаря. Хвороби та їх лікування»
Are you healthy? Answer the questions:
Yes No
Put "one" for each "yes"-answer!
My total score_____________
What does your score tell about?
0-2: Oh, dear! Forget about chips and sweet! You need fruit and vegetables!
3-4: Do more exercises and eat more carefully!
5-6: You keep fit! Well done!
Вчитель читає твердження, а учні кажуть, чи може бути це правдою.
Am I right? Agree or disagree:
10) You should consult the doctor regularly.
You know a proverb "Health is the best wealth." But there are a lot of others about health!
An apple a day…………………(keeps the doctor away).
Early to bed and early to rise....……………(makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise).
Healthy mind …………….. (in a healthy body).
He who has health has hope, …………… (and he who has hope has everything).
Prevention is better………………….(than cure).
Health is not all,……………………(but all without health is nothing).
Now let's divide into two groups. One group will discuss and tell us what we should do to be healthy, the second group will tell us what we shouldn't do to be healthy.
You should get up early and go to bed early
wash your hands before you eat
take regular exercises
eat healthy food
take a cold shower
clean teeth
eat vitamins
go in for sports
be friendly
spend much time outdoors
sleep enough
keep to a diet
You shouldn't smoke
eat too much or too little
eat too many sweets
watch TV too long
eat between meals
drink alcohol
go to bed late
take too much medicine
work on your computer too long, etc.
Answer the following questions:
What are the symptoms of flu (tonsillitis, measles, mumps, scarlet fever, etc.)? 2. Who is treated at the policlinic, and who is treated at the hospital? 3. What do you do when you fall ill? 4. What does the doctor do when he comes to examine you? 5. What do you feel when you have flu? 6. How does a sick person look? 7. How should we translate into Russian "He is ill" and "He has ill manners"? 8. What catching diseases do you know? 9. Do people in this country get their pay when they are ill?
Список використаних джерел
Конспект уроку:
Клас: 7
Тема: Охорона Здоров`я
Підтема: Хвороби та симптоми
Тип уроку: вироблення практичних комунікативних умінь і навичок
Методи: комунікативний, проектний
Обладнання: комп`ютер, мультимедійна презентація (схематичне зображення людини на плакаті «Parts of human body», нова лексика «Match the pairs», граматичне завдання, завдання до гри )
Хід уроку
Good morning, children!
I am glad to see you.
You may sit down.
Let us begin the lesson. (Слайд 1)
Вчитель питає в учнів , чи знають вони назви частин тіла на англійській мові, пропонує учням згадати.
Are you sure you know the words for each part of your body?
1 – hair 2 – head 3 – eye 4 – ear 5 – nose 6 – lips 7 – face 8 – neck 9 – shoulder 10 – arm 11 – elbow 12 – wrist 13 – hand 14 – thumb 15 – fingers 16 – breast 17 – chest 18 - stomach/tum/ tummy 19 – abdomen 20 – bottom 21 – thigh 22 – leg 23 – knee 24 – ankle 25 - foot/feet 26 - big toe 27 – toes
Після того, як учні назвали те, що знали, вчитель відкриває сторінку з назвами частин тіла і разом з учнями співвідносять переклад та значення слів
Today we are going to speak about … So, can you guess what we would be talking about at the lesson? Look at the board. Let`s open the words.
O – a fruit and a colour
U – the name of our country
R – a flower
H – we wear it on our heads
E – an active person has a lot of…
A – a fruit that keeps the doctor away
L – What is the best medicine?
T – the doctor who treats common diseases
Вчитель пропонує учням сформулювати тему уроку і задачі, які вони повинні вирішити на цьому уроці.
The topic of the lesson today is «A visit to the doctor. Illnesses and their treatment». By the end of the lesson you should be able to use the topical words in your talk with a doctor, to express complaints if you feel not well and to explain to the doctor what is wrong with you.
express complaints if you feel not well and to explain to the doctor what is wrong with you.
ІІІ. Основна частина уроку
І. Group work (Групова робота)
( “Асоціативний кущ”)
T. Look at the word “Health”. There are only six letters in this word, but we can’t live without it. (слайд 5)
H –heart
E –eat
A –accident
L –lungs
T –take
H –hospital
T. I have written one word to each letter. It’s your turn. Take your exercise books and write your words. So you may consult one another. Ready? Who will be the first? Ok. Read the words under the letter H… E…A…L…T…H (слайд 6)
H – heart, headache, hear…
E –eat, earache, easy …
A –ambulance, accident, ache…
L –lungs, local, lifestyle…
T –take, temperature, throat, tummy…
H –hospital, high, hurt…
T.Good work, thank you.Let’s play the game “Snowball”
T. I’ll say the words according to our topic. You have to make up word combinations.
T. So, if we are ill, we go to the doctor. But do you remember some medical specialties? And now your task is to guess what doctor is this. (слайд 8)
ІІ. Presenting new vocabulary and writing
(Презентація нового матеріалу) (Слайд 9-10)
T. Look at the new vocabulary, on the blackboard. Repeat after me
Т: And now we`ll speak about the most common illnesses and their symptoms. (The pupils split into 3 groups according to the clip colours. Your task is to name the symptoms of a given disease):
When the illness is serious we use medicines the doctors order.
What are the main forms of medicines?
ІІІ. Revising grammar
(Огляд граматики)
Багато випадків з приводу здоров`я трапляються вдома. Багато хвороб починаються саме вдома. Тож, що ми можемо робити? З`єднайте проблему з її вирішенням, використовуючи конструкцію «should». Слайд 11
1.I’ve got a headache 2.I’ve got a toothache 3.I’m coughing 4.My nose is blocked 5.My nose is running 6.I’ve got a temperature 7.I’ve broken my arm 8.My stomach aches 9.I’ve burnt my hand 10.I’ve cut my finger 11.I can’t move my leg 12.I’ve got a sore throat
a)give up smoking b)have it X-rayed c)place under cold water and apply bandage d)consult a surgeon e)use some gargle f)take some aspirin g)stay in bed for a while h)take some medicine i)go to the dentist j)lie in the sun for a day or two k) use nasal drops l)use some antiseptic |
IV. Listening.
Now, pupils, I want you to split into 3 groups according to the doctors you`d like to be. You`ll listen to the text “Dr Brown`s surgery” and do some tasks.
Pay attention to some words and word-combinations: (Слайд 12)
Appointment - за домовленням (призначена зустріч)
surgery – doctor`s study, the name of the very unit, appointed hours;
provide – give;
ailment – illness;
refer – send;
operate – work;
Dr Brown`s surgery
Dr Brown`s surgery is responsible for about seven hundred patients. It provides all kinds of services that patients need, from treating everyday ailments to referring patients to hospital for more serious illness. Patients also come for regular check-ups and to get vaccinations according to their needs. In order to improve his service, Dr Brown holds a mother-and-baby clinic on Thursday mornings. The surgery operates an appointment system, but in case of emergency you can come to ask advice or receive treatment at any time during surgery hours.
The surgery is open from 10 a.m. to 12 noon and from 1 to 5.30 p.m. Monday to Friday.
Post- Listening
Well, pupils who want to be the eye doctors will answer the questions:
The pupils who`d like to be ear doctors will say if the statements true or false.
And the 3d group of doctors will fill in the necessary words in the text and read it.
Dr Brown`s surgery
Dr Brown`s surgery is 1) … for about seven hundred patients. It 2) … all kinds of services that patients need, from treating everyday 3) … to referring patients to hospital for more serious 4) …. Patients also come for regular check-ups and to get 5) … according to their needs. In order to improve his service, Dr Brown holds a 6) … on Thursday mornings. The surgery operates an 7) … system, but in case of emergency you can come to ask advice or receive treatment at any time during surgery hours. The 8) … is open from 10 a.m. to 12 noon and from 1 to 5.30 p.m. Monday to Friday.
V. Робота з підручником (ех.6, р.114)
III Summary (підсумки)
T. You have done a great job. I hope now you can give advice for people if they are ill and you’ll have healthy way of life.
P1. Health is better than wealth. When we are healthy we are strong, active and full of energy. We have to take care of our health and do the things that are useful for us.
P2. Everybody must do everything possible to stay healthy. If you want to live until 100 you should keep the rules of a healthy lifestyle.
P3. Our recommendations for your health are