Опорні схеми граматичних часів англійської мови

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Використання опорних схем на уроках англійської мови в початковій школі для індивідуального та групового використання для полегшення вивчення граматичних часів

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    Опорні схеми граматичних часів: The Present Simple Tense,

                                                              The Present Continuous Tense,

                                                              The Past Simple Tense,

                                                              The Future Simple Tense.



                                                                                                                                 Підготував вчитель 

                                                                                                                                англійської мови

                                                                                                                               Одеської ЗОШ №55

                                                                                                                               Щур Інна Олександрівна



                                                   Одеса 2018 

                        The Present Simple Tense

                        (Теперішній простий час)

Key words:

Usually, often, sometimes

seldom, always, every day…

Positive  form   (+)                           

I                            play   football every day.

You                      play   football every day.

He (she, it)           plays  football every day.

We (you, they)     play   football every day

Negative form   (-)

 I                           do not play   football every day.

You                      do not play   football every day.

He (she, it)           does not play   football every day.

We (you, they)     do not play   football every day.

Questions         (?)

Do    I                    play   football every day?

Do    you               play   football every day?

Does he (she, it)     play   football every day?


                            The Past Simple Tense

                          (Минулий простий час)

Key words:

Yesterday, last Monday,

some years ago…

Positive  form    (+)                               

I                            played   football yesterday. I     wrote my   homework yesterday.

You                      played   football yesterday. You wrote your homework yesterday

He (she, it)           played   football yesterday.  He  wrote his    homework yesterday.

We (you, they)     played   football yesterday.  We  wrote ours   homework yesterday.

Negative form   (-)

I       did not         play football yesterday.       I    did not write my homework yesterday.

He    did not         play football yesterday.      He   did not write  his homework yesterday.

You  did not         play football yesterday.     We  did not write ours homework yesterday.

Questions         (?)

Did         I             play football yesterday?     Did    I   write my homework yesterday?

Did         he          play football yesterday?     Did    he write his homework yesterday?

Did         we          play football yesterday?     Did    we   write ours homework yesterday?



                        The Present Continuous Tense

                        (Теперішній  подовженний час)

Key words:

Now, at the moment, today

at present, at 5 o’clock. Look! Listen!

Positive  form      (+)                             

I                         am                playing   football now.

You                   are                playing   football now .

He (she, it)        is                  playing   football now.

We (you, they)  are               playing   football now.

Negative form     (-)

 I                       am not          playing   football now.

You                   are not         playing   football now.

He (she, it)        is   not         playing   football now.

We (you, they)  are  not        playing   football now.

Questions         (?)

Am     I            playing   football now?

Are    you        playing   football now?      

Is    he (she,it) playing   football now?

Are (we, they) playing   football now?


                         The Future Simple Tense

                      (Майбутній простий час)

Key words:

Tomorrow, next week, in 3 days,

in  2008…


Positive  form      (+)                     

I   (we)                     shall           play   football tomorrow.

You (they)                will            play   football tomorrow.

He (she, it)                will            play   football tomorrow.

Negative form      (-)

I    (we)                     shall  not    play    football tomorrow.

You (they)                will    not    play   football tomorrow.

He (she, it)                will    not    play   football tomorrow.

Questions           (?)

Shall       I   (we)      play football tomorrow?    

Will       he (she, it)  play football  tomorrow?    

Will       you (they)  play football   tomorrow?    


30 вересня 2018
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