Places in a town/a village (урок)

Про матеріал
Урок розроблено для учнів 6-го классу (2й рік навчання) за підручником "Friends" . Основна мета-спонукати учнів складати розповідь про власне місто на базі вивченного граматичного матеріалу та активації лексики за темою.
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Тема :  Places in a town/a village


 узагальнення  граматичного матеріалу ,

вживання дієслова  to be та-структури «There is/are»;

опрацювання раніше вивченої лексики у тренувальних вправах;

  розвиток навичок говоріння на базі прочитаного тексту;

 виховування інтересу до читання іноземною мовою.

ОЧІКУВАННЯ: на кінець уроку діти можуть описувати місто,вживаючи граматичну конструкцію за темою.

Обладнання : магнітофон, підручник «Friends-1»,картки,малюнки.

Хід уроку:

  1. Organising  spell:

Good morning, children. Nice to see you .Hope everything is good with you.

  1. Warming up:

Look! I’ve got a basket. Who can help me to collect it with some school things?

Nice. Thank you. We’ve got a basket full of the things. Let’s name all the things

Please, say  what there is /are in the basket. T-Cl

(Pupils’ answers are- There is a pen in the basket. There are three sharpeners in the basket., etc.)

  1. Presentation:

1)Well, now  I want you to remind me all the places we can find in a town and in a country.

I have got two boxes. There are cards with   the  town and country places. Put the words in the correct column (town/country)

(Pupils work in small groups)

Places in a town

Places in a country












Train  station


2) Good job! Now let’s try to describe all the places .Look at the board! There are adjectives you can use for the description: beautiful, big, clean, high, long.

 Pupils’ work in groups/Pupils’ ideas : a beautiful castle, a clean lake, etc.)

3) Thank you for your ideas! Now, we are going to  work  in  pairs, not in groups.

 There are some cards with pictures for you. Look at the pictures and do the  task  -ask  your partner where the person in the picture is/or  where  the people in the picture are.

Pupils work in pairs :Ex.  A: -Where  is  the boy?

                                            B: -He is in the park.

3   Practising  the text  “The Monster in the Lake”

  1. Boys and girls, you remember we read the story ‘The Monster of Norland”

Let’s name all the characters!

Ps’ answers:  the King, the Queen, the Prince, the Princess, a monster

  1. Look at the picture. Here you can see the King and his family. I want you to say what they look like. Describe the characters of the story.

Let’s fill in the table.( There are 5 sections on the board. Pupils put the adjectives under the characters of the story including a monster)

  1. Super. Let’s describe them

 (Ps’ answers -The king is handsome. The  queen is pretty, etc.)

4)   Now let’s listen to the CD player (SB,c.14-15)

4. Production:  

Answer the questions:

 What is the capital of Norland?

What is the king’s/queen’s name?

Who are Jessica and Jeremy?

Where are the children?

What are there on the beach?

What is there in the lake?

(Ps’ answers)

So I think you are ready to speak about Norland  and its people.

(Pupils retell the text)

6.Summing up

We have practiced a lot today. Thank you for your active work. The marks are….

7. Home task-: write a story about your city, make up your  own characters for the story. Draw the picture to the story.