Показовий урок англійської мови для 7 класу по темі " Сімейні традиції"

Про матеріал

Урок англійської мови відповідає всім вимогам до уроків іноземних мов. Вправи підібрані так, що учні на уроці розвивають всі види комунікативної діяльності: аудіювання, читання, письмо, говоріння.Урок сприяє розвитку уваги, памяті, мислення, логічного мислення.

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Ніжинська гімназія №3











Урок англійської мови

у 7-Б класі

Учитель  Василенко І.К.









Сімейні традиції


Мета:      Повторити й активізувати вживання лексики теми.

             Продовжувати формувати навички усного мовлення.

             Навчати учнів висловлювати й аргументувати власну думку.

Тренувати учнів у вживанні різних часових форм дієслова та    запитальних речень.

 Удосконалювати техніку читання.

Розвивати вміння діалогічного та монологічного мовлення.

Виховувати повагу до родини, традицій та прагнення їх   підтримувати.

Обладнання:  картки для роботи в парах, групах, додаткові тексти для читання,     репліки діалогів,  прислів’я та висловлювання про родину.















Хід уроку

I. Greeting.

-Good morning, everyone! Glad to see you! How are you today? I hope, you are well.

II. Warming up.

     -To warm you up, repeat a tongue-twister after me.

 William always wears a very warm woolen vest in winter. Victor, however, will never wear woolen underwear even in the Wild West.

What sounds have you practiced?  [w-v]

III. Revision

    So, it is English now. We have English 3 times a week. Tell me, please, why do people learn English?

( учні висловлюють власні думки, доводять свою точку зору, вживаючи вивчені вирази).

IV. The main part of the lesson.

Does your mum speak English? Who else speaks English in your family?

  1.    Guess who it is:
  • A female parent------------------------------- a mother
  • A wife of an uncle------------------------------an aunt
  • A daughter of a brother or a sister----------a niece
  • A son of a brother or a sister-----------------a nephew
  • A male parent-----------------------------------a father
  • A mother of a mother--------------------------a grandmother
  • A father of a mother----------------------------a grandfather
  1.         There are some proverbs and famous sayings about family.

Match the parts of them.

Other things may change us,                    but we start and end with family.

You don’t choose your family.                 They are God’s gift to you.

The family is                                                 a heaven in a heartless world.

We don’t need sugar, flour or rice or

anything else                                                we just want to see our dear ones.

When you look at your life, -         the greatest happiness is family happiness.

Which one do you like? Why?

  1.         Answer my questions.
  • What is your family?
  • What does your mum do?
  • What is your father?
  • Have you got any sister or brother?
  • What is your mum’s hobby?
  • Do you help your parents?
  • What do you do about the house?
  • Do you go shopping?
  • Are your parents always pleased with your work?
  1.                                      Speak about your family.

Vika has prepared a project “My Family Tree”. Listen to her story and be ready to ask her questions.

  1.            Translate my sentences into Ukrainian.
  • The girl helps the mother make breakfast in the morning, doesn’t she?
  • The parents ask their son to tidy up the bedroom.
  • Does the father have a lot of work to do about the house on Sunday?
  • Our uncle often comes to see us.
  • I don’t like to wake up early in the morning.
  • My brother often goes fishing with the father in summer.
  • In autumn our family rakes leaves in the kitchen garden, doesn’t it?
  • Granny does the laundry once a week.
  • Who has whitewashed all the trees in the garden?
  • Mary and John don’t dry the dishes after supper, do they?
  • It is not difficult for me to shake out the rug.
  • Take out the garbage every week!
  1.             Now, complete the questions with the question-tag.

     This lawn looks wonderful,…?

     Her grandparents are gathering fruit in the garden,…?

     My younger sister doesn’t wash up,..?

     We gathered a lot of fruit in summer,….?

     Kim has planted the flowers…?

     My friends help me to rake the leaves,..?

    It is important to spend holidays with your family,…?

     My sister can’t visit us on Sundays,…?

     My mum is the nicest mother in the world,…?

  1.              What is your mum? What does she do? What is her hobby? Can you get good advice from her? Does she tell you interesting stories? What has she taught you to do?

Speak about the dearest person in the family.


  1. Reading.

Underline the correct verb form in the text “Mothering Sunday”.

  Mothering Sunday

  1. For at least three centuries Mothering Sunday (is\has been) a day of small families reunions when absent sons or daughters (return\returned) to their families, and gifts are made to mothers.
  2. The roots of this pleasant custom (must\can) be traced back to pre-Reformation times.
  3. When the day also (became\was becoming) a festival of human motherhood is uncertain, but family gatherings were already well (establishing\ established) in the middle of the seventeenth century.
  4. Flowers and cakes (have\are) the traditional mothering gifts.
  5. Sometimes the whole family (went\will go) to the church together, and then there was a special dinner.
  6. Mothering Sunday is not (the same\like) as Mother’s Day, which is an American festival (celebrating\celebrated) on the second Sunday of May as an occasion for each person to (remind\remember) his mother by some act of grateful affection.
  7. The American Mothers Day is a modern anniversary which (begun\began) in 1907.
  1.     Relations in the family are very important. Some families are very kind and friendly. Others are rude and unfriendly.

 Find the correct explanation of these words. What does it mean?

A friendly family-              members of the family love and respect each other;

A caring family-                                                          is very friendly with friends;

A loving family-                                                            spends much time together;

A hospitable family -                                        shares their problems and secrets;

 A close family-                                                                               helps each other

And what family do you have?    Do you support and respect each other? Why is your family so important for you?   Speak about your family relations.

  1. Do you have your duties at home? What do you do to help the family? Is it important to share the household chores?

Work in groups!

  1. Make up a list of household chores all the members of the family can do together
  2. Make up a list of household chores children can do without the help of grown-ups.
  3. Make up a list of household chores that only men can do.
  1. You know that every family has its own traditions. It plays an important role in the life of a family.

What traditions do you have in your family?

Do you gather together for Sunday dinner?

Or do you make parties?

Do you celebrate great holidays in a unit?

Tell us about your family traditions!

  1.   Project work.

While preparing for the lesson I came across a book “The Village Basket Weaver” by Jonathan London. It takes place in a Carib Village. There is only one old man in the village, Pollicarpio, who remembers the art of basket weaving. These baskets are used for preparing cassava bread which is necessary for survival of the village. All the young boys are leaving to find jobs in the city. Nobody wants to stay in the village where there are no entertainments, but older people.

Pollicarpio’s grandson decides to become the next basket weaver. So, now you will be making your own baskets and be putting your traditions or family values you don’t want to lose or forget about in it.

First – color your baskets, then – cut out the basket, and – write your tradition or values down. Present your baskets to the class and explain why you choose this tradition.

  1. Summing up. How do you like our lesson? Your marks are…

Your home task is to find suitable responses to the questions. Make up short dialogues. (Pupils receive cards with the task)

Match the first part of the conversation on the left with the other part on the right

  1. –Where do you come from?                                A) –In summer, on the 30 th of June
  2. –How old are you?                                                B)-She doesn’t work
  3. –When is your birthday?                                      C)-Quite well.
  4. –Do you have brothers and sisters?        D)-I’ll soon be thirteen. 
  5. –Do you live in a flat?                                            E)-From Ukraine.
  6. –What is your mother?                                         F)-No, I have only cousins.
  7. –How do you get along with your family?         G)-Yes, I do. But it is very small.
  8. –How do you help your parents?                    H) - I don’t like it, but I want to see my mum happy, that’s why I do washing up, shopping, tiding the rooms.                                   
  9. –Are your grandparents retired or do they still work?   I) - They are retired now.

   10) - What is your town famous for?                         J) – At a children’s festival. 

   11) - Where did you meet for the first time?            K) - Many famous people lived there.

До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
14 січня 2018
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