Позакласний захід "Christmas"

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Сценарій позакласного заходу з англійської мови для 3 класу за темою "Christmas"

Мета заходу: ознайомити учнів з історією, традиціями та обрядами святкування Різдва,

навчити оперувати новою лексикою з теми; розширити знання учнів про культуру країни мови, що вивчається; розвивати фонематичний та інтонаційний слух учнів,

здатність до імітаціі, слухової, короткочасної та тривалої пам'яті, мовну реакцію;

стимулювати комунікативну мотивацію учнів шляхом вказівки на сферу вживання

запропонованної лексики; виховувати культуру спілкування та розуміння англійської мови, як засобу мїжнародного спілкування в процесі вирішення висунутих комунікативних завдань.

Перегляд файлу

                        Позакласний захід у 3 класі за темою “Christmas”



Christmas Party

Мета: ознайомити учнів з історією, традиціями та обрядами святкування Різдва,

навчити оперувати новою лексикою з теми; розширити знання учнів про культуру країни мови, що вивчається; розвивати фонематичний та інтонаційний слух учнів,

 здатність до імітаціі, слухової, короткочасної та тривалої пам’яті, мовну реакцію;

стимулювати комунікативну мотивацію учнів шляхом вказівки на сферу вживання

запропонованної лексики; виховувати культуру спілкування та розуміння англійської мови як засобу мїжнародного спілкування в процесі вирішення висукнутих комунікативних завдань.


                                                       Хід заходу


P1:   Is it Christmas? Merry Christmas?

P2:   Yes, it’s merry, merry Christmas.

It’s a time for hanging stockings.

P1:   It’s a time for riding sleighs

P2:   Oh, how I love you, merry Christmas

P1, P2:  You’re the best of holidays!  


Sing “Jingle Bells”

 I love those J-I-N-G-L-E bells

Those holiday J-I-N-G-L-E bells

All those happy J-I-N-G-L-E, B-E double L-S

I love those J-I-N-G-L-E bells

Jingle bells, jingle bells

Jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh

Jingle bells, jingle bells

Jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh

Dashing through the snow (Rudolph)

In a one-horse open sleigh (today)

O'er the fields we go (Rudolph)

Laughing all the way (today)

Bells on bob-tail ring

Making our spirits bright

What fun it is to ride and sing

A sleighing song tonight

Jingle bells,…


P1:   Dear pupils, teachers and parents. Today is the 25th of December. On this day English people celebrate Christmas. It’s a happy holiday for many people in different countries. On this day we wish you to be happy, healthy and wealthy.

P2:  Some weeks before Christmas English people are busy. They sent greeting cards to all their relatives and friends. You can buy Christmas cards or you can make them. Many children make their cards at school.

P3:  People buy a Christmas tree and decorate it with toys, coloured balls and little bright lights. We also have a beautiful Christmas tree in our hall.

P4:  On Christmas Eve people put their presents under the tree. When children go to bed, they put their stockings near the beds.

P5:   At night Father Christmas comes. He has got a big bag of presents for children.                                           

                        He puts the presents in the children’s stockings.


P6:  We celebrate Christmas on winter. Let’s name winter months.

Children:  December, January, February

T:  Listen and say what month is it?

(шапочку на голову или поднимают карточки December, January, February)


December:  This is the season when children ski

                        And father frost brings New Year Tree

January: The windows are blue at night

                        But in the morning they are white

  And  snowflakes are falling

  “Come out” they are calling

February:  The snow is falling

  The north wind is blowing

  The grownd is white

  All day and all night

Wind:              Little snowflakes come and play

                        I have nothing to do today

Snowflakes1: Yes, we’ll come and oh, what fun,

  We will dance, and skip, and run.

Wind:              Come on, snowflakes, come with me

  There are many things to see.

Snowflakes2:  Come on, sisters, back we go

  To where the earth is white with snow.

  (They go round the Wind and sing  a song and dance).

  Snowflakes fall on trees and walk

  Snowflakes fall as white and chalk

  Snowflakes fall into my hand

  Snowflakes brighten up our land


  A Christmas Diary

P1:  Traditionaly the British start there preparation for Cristmas long before the holiday. So they plan different kinds of activities befohand for each day that precedes and follow Christmas day.

P2:                  Take these activities and put it in correct order




December 20th

Posting Christmas cards

December 21st

Bying presents and Christmas tee

December 22nd

Making decorations for the sitting-room and the Christmas tree

December 23d  

Decorations the sitting-room and the Christmas tree

December 24th

Christmas Eve!

Putting the presents under the Christmas tree. Going from door to door singing the trditional Christmas carols. Attending churches for Christmas services.

December 25th

Christmas Day!

Opening presents and congratulating each other. Listening to the traditional Queen’s speech. Having Christmas dinner: eating turkey and Christmas pudding.

December 26th

Boxing Day!

Writing thank-you letters. Going to a pantomime. Visiting friends.


Teacher: Dear friends, I have a present for you. It’s a crossword. If you will guess it, Santa   Claus comes into our class. Let’s try to guess it.
























































































































Across:              1. We celebrate Christmas on the 25 of December

     2 .On the Eve of Christmas we decorate Christmas tree                                   3. The traditional dish of British Christmas pudding

     4. On Christmas day we give our family present

     5. We send for all our friends. Christmas cards


Teacher: Somebody is knocking at the door! Who is that?

Santa Claus:    I am a Santa Claus, ho, ho!

  Here I come jumping over the snow

  Shaking my bells with merry din –

  So, open your doors and let me in.


S.C.:  Red, yellow, green and blue!

  Hello, dear, friends,

  How are you?

Ch-n.:             Red, yellow, green and blue,

  Hello, Santa Claus,

We are glad to see you.

S.C.:  Today is the 25th of December. So, as you know, it is a tradition to speak about Christmas on this day, to recite poem, to play merry games.What do you know about me?                            

P1:  Santa Claus lives in England,

  He is funny and merry,

  His cheeks are like roses,

  His nose is like a cherry.


P2:   With a branch of green holly,

  And robbins, his friends,

  To all dear children

  Christmas wishes he sends.


P3:  Santa Claus, Santa Claus,

  Come in to my house.

  New Year is near

  Come quickly here!


P4. :

  Singing, dancing merrily

  Round the Chrismas tree                                    Merrily, merrily, merrily,

  Round the Chrismas tree.


P5. :  Santa Claus brings lots of toys                                   To lucky little girls and boys,                                                                                                                                            Sing a song of winter,                                                                                                                                                          Be happy and gay.                                                                                                                                                        Dance around              the snowman,

      Come out and play. 


P6. :  Winter is snowy,                                     Winter is frosty,                                                                                                                                                          The ground is white                                                                                                                                                          All day and all night.


P7. :  I am runing on my skis,                                    White and silver are the trees.                                                                                                                              I am warm as warm can be.

  Try to catch me, one two, three.


P8. :  It is cold and still,

  The wind is away

  And little Jack Frost

  Is working hard today.



S.C.:  Oh, you are right. I was born in the North Pole and on the hight before Christmas I come to your place and put presents into your stocking.

 You often send letters for me and tell what do you want for Christmas. Here some letters from you. Who can help me and read these letters? 

P1. :  For mother:

  Bring her gloves for the cold,

  Bring her earrings made of gold.

  Bring her chocolates, candies, nuts,

  Bring her money, bring her luck.

P2.:   For father:

  Bring him ties for his suits,

  Bring him leather cowboy boots,

  Bring him chockolates, candies, nuts.

  Bring him money, bring him luck.

P3. :  For me:

  Bring me boots for the rain,

  Bring me cars for my old train,

  Bring me chockolates, candies, nuts,

  Bring me money, bring me luck.

P4. :  For all:

  Bring us snow, bring us ice,

  Oh, white Christmas would be nice,

  Bring us health and happines and love,

  Merry Christmas, that’s enough!

S.C.  Thank you for your letters.

  Present I bring for each and all:

  Big folks, little folks, short and tall.

  But each of you present may win

  So, open your heart and let me in.

  In different countries there are different ways of giving presents for Christmas and

different names for Father Christmas. Who brings presents for Christmas? Read and match.


  Ukraine   Father Frost

  England   Fairy Qween

  The USA   Father Christmas

  The Netherlands  The Three Kings

  Spain    Christ Child  

  Italy                                         St. Nickolas

  France    Santa Claus


S.C. :  I am working hard today. I would like to eat. I think, it is time to speak about Christmas dinner. Do you know what English people eat on Christmas Day?


Ch-n:  They eat turkey, goose, roast beef, nuts, oranges, pumkin pie, plum pudding.

  But turkey is the traditional British Christmas dinner.

S.C.:  Now, let’s look at the McDonald ‘s farm, where old McDonald grows the turkeys.


  Children sing a song “Old McDonald”


Ch-n:   Old MacDonald


  Old MacDonald has a farm,

  Ee – i – Ee –i – Oh,

  And on his farm he has some ducks,

  Ee –i – Ee – i – Oh,

  With a quack, quack here,

  And a quack, quack there,

  Here a duck, there a duck,

  Everywhere quack, quack.


  Old MacDonald has a farm,

  Ee – i – Ee –i – Oh,

  And on his farm he has some pigs,

  Ee –i – Ee – i – Oh,

  With a hoink, hoink here,

  And a hoink, hoink there,

  Here a pig, there a pig,

  Everywhere a  hoink, hoink.


  Old MacDonald has a farm,

  Ee – i – Ee –i – Oh,

  And on his farm he has some chicks,

  Ee –i – Ee – i – Oh,

  With a chick, chick here,

  And a chick, chick there,

  Here a chick, there a chick,

  Everywhere a chick, chick.


McDonald Christmas is coming,

  The gees are getting fat

  Please, put a penny in an old man’s hat.

  If you haven’t got a penny,

  A ha’ penny will do

  If you haven’t got a ha’penny,

God bless you.

  Dear friends, I made a plum pudding for you. Taste yourself. Merry Christmas!


P1 :  A Merry Christmas to you,

P2 :  A Merry Christmas to me,

P3 :  A Merry Christmas to all our friends

P4 :  Whatever they may be.


P5 :  A Merry Christmas to school.

P6 :  And to our teachers, too.

P7 :  A Merry Christmas to everyone

P8 :  And let my wishes come true.    


                      (All sing a song “Will wish you a merry Christmas’’)



We Wish You a Merry Christmas

Celtic Woman

Good tidings we bring

To you and your kin;

Good tidings for Christmas

And a happy New Year!

We wish you a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas

And a happy New Year.

Bring us pudding

Bring us pudding

Bring us pudding

And a cup of good cheer

We won't go 'til we get some

We won't go 'til we get some

We won't go until we get some

So bring it out here!

We wish you a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas

And a happy New Year

And a happy New Year

We wish you a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas

And a happy New Year.

Merry Christmas…






















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Англійська мова для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів 3 клас (Карпюк О. Д.)
14 січня 2019
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