Буртівська ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів
Позакласний захід з англійської мови
для учнів старших класів
“How well do you know English?”
учитель англійської мови
Лощиць Юлія Володимирівна
Objective: During the quiz students will revise the material in
an informal atmosphere and practice their pronunciation.
By the end of the quiz students will be able to differentiate
British English and American English; improve their
understanding of British and American cultures;
T: Good afternoon , everybody !
Dear pupils and guests! I’m very glad to meet you and welcome you to our lesson. It will be an unusual lesson – a competition between the teams of our pupils. Now I want to introduce the participants of our competition, the pupils who love and know English. So, meet the teams and their captains. I wish both teams good luck!
Let’s start from the introduction. Each team has to tell us their names and mottos.
How well do you know Great Britain?
1. What’s the current Queen’s name?
A Queen Elizabeth I
B Queen Elizabeth II
C Queen Margaret II
2. What is a double-decker?
A a bus
B a disco
C a taxi
3. The Beatles came from …
A Liverpool
B London
C Cardiff
4. In Britain, cars are driven on the … side of the road.
A left-hand 6. Which sport do British people most
B right-hand enjoy watching on TV?
C wrong-hand A cricket
B football
5. What is the flag of the UK called? C swimming
A United Kingdom
B United Flag 7. The British currency is the...
C Union Jack A Euro
B British dollar
C Pound
How well do you know the USA?
1. Where's the White House?
A in New York
B in Washington, D.C.
C in London
2. Which city is the home of Broadway?
A Los Angeles
B Louisville
C New York
3. What is the number of States in USA? 5. Which is the tallest building in USA?
A 70 A Empire State
B 59 B White House
C 50 C St. Patrick’s Cathedral
4. Which city is known as the Big Apple? 6. When Americans celebrate
A Los Angeles Independence day?
B Washington D.C. A 4th July
C New York B 4th September
C 25th December
7. What city is the capital of USA?
A Washington
B New York
C Washington D.C.
American English |
British English |
1 |
eraser |
rubber |
2 |
vacation |
holiday |
3 |
pants |
trousers |
4 |
sneakers |
trainers |
5 |
truck |
lorry |
6 |
gas |
petrol |
7 |
sidewalk |
pavement |
8 |
apartment |
flat |
9 |
sweets |
candies |
10 |
garden |
11 |
soccer |
football |
12 |
fall |
autumn |
13 |
flashlight |
torch |
14 |
jelly |
jam |
15 |
Check (in the restaurant) |
bill |
16 |
closet |
wardrobe |
17 |
elevator |
lift |
18 |
Line (черга) |
Queue |
19 |
mailman |
postman |
20 |
sofa |
couch |
ІІІ. American English vs British English.
In this round we will see how well you know the difference between American and British English. Each team has to name as many pair of words as they can. The team that gives more examples wins (1 point for each pair of words)
b) Find the Ukrainian equivalent to the following
proverbs: (1 point for each right answer)
Both teams were given a task to find and recite the poems, written by famous Ukrainian poets, in English. Let’s listen to the poems!
(each team gets 5 points)
My Testament (by Taras Shevchenko)
When I am dead, bury me
In my beloved Ukraine,
My tomb upon a grave mound high
Amid the spreading plain,
So that the fields, the boundless steppes,
The Dnipro's plunging shore
My eyes could see, my ears could hear
The mighty river roar.
When from Ukraine the Dnipro bears
Into the deep blue sea
The blood of foes ... then will I leave
These hills and fertile fields --
I'll leave them all and fly away
To the abode of God,
And then I'll pray .... But till that day
I nothing know of God.
Oh bury me, then rise ye up
And break your heavy chains
And water with the tyrants' blood
The freedom you have gained.
And in the great new family,
The family of the free,
With softly spoken, kindly word
Remember also me.
The Mighty Dnipro
(by Taras Shevchenko)
The Mighty Dnipro roars and bellows,
The wind in anger howls and raves,
Down to the ground it bends the willows,
And mountain-high lifts up the waves.
The pale-faced moon picked out this moment
To peek out from behind the cloud,
Like a canoe upon the ocean
It first tips up, and then dips down.
The cocks don’t crow to wake the morning,
There’s not as yet the sound of man,
The owls in glades call out their warnings,
And ash trees creak and creak again.
VI. Giving prizes and saying “Goodbye”
So, our winner today is the team that has more points! I invite captain of both teams come to the jury and get their prizes.
Now our captains want to say goodbye to you in a special way. As you know, English people like to use rhymes when they say goodbye. Let’s see how they do it!
Girl 1: Congratulations! You worked great and deserve to win.
Girl 2: Thank you! Your team was also good! I hope you
enjoyed the competition.
Girl 1: Yes, it was fun! Goodbye!
Girl 2: See you later, alligator!
Girl 1: After while, crocodile!
Girl 2: Bye-bye, butterfly!
Girl 1: Gotta run, skeleton!
Girl 2: In an hour, sunflower! Out the door, dinosaur!
Girl 1: Adios, hippos!
Girl 2: Chop, chop, lollipop!
Girl 1: Gotta go, buffalo!
Girl 2: Give a hug, ladybug!
Girl 1: Better swish, jellyfish!
Girl 2: Take care, polar bear!
Girl 1: Hit the trail, tiny snail!
Girl 1: Better shake, rattle snake!
Girl 2: To your house, quiet mouse!
Together: Our school day now ends
So, goodbye dear friends!
Let’s congratulate our teams and say goodbye to them!
English is always fun and I hope you enjoyed watching our competition and cheering for your favorite team. Goodbye, everyone!