Presentation " Sport in our life. Sport in Ukraine"

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Sport in Ukraine has been worshiped since ancient times. Ukraine is a country of sports and healthy lifestyle
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Sports in Our Life. Popular Sports in Ukraine

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Sport in Ukraine has been worshiped since ancient times. At the times of Kyiv Rus the world was covered with the fame of invincible warriors, their duty was to protect people and the fatherland. Centuries later, Cossacks got the same glory. They were brave defenders of an independent state. At the beginning of last century there was well-known athlete Ivan Piddubny, one of descendants of famous Cossacks. He was called "Iron John" and "Champion of Champions". Today the Ukrainian sportsman Vasyl Virastyuk holds the title of "the strongest man in the world", a constant world champion in force-around.

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As in most countries all over the world, football has the first priority among other sports. It is the most popular game among children and adults. Football is actively developed and maintained at all levels. Ukrainian football clubs and the national team proudly represent the honor of the country within the international arena. The glory of Ukrainian football players such as Andriy Shevchenko, Andriy Voronin, Oleg Blokhin and others extends far beyond the country.

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Due attention is paid to Ukrainian basketball and hockey.

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All Ukrainian sportsmen who represent our country spend their lives training and working on themselves to achieve the best results. For example, the gymnast Anna Bessonova – the world champion in 2007. Anna is five times world champion and three times European champion. There are lots and lots of trophies in Anna Bessonova’s record list: two times world champion in hoop and club types, the winner of gold medals at the World Cup, three times European champion in individual all-around types, the absolute champion of the World in 2007, double bronze medalist in the Olympics and multiple World Championships, the silver medalist of Europe.

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Special attention is given to Ukrainian boxing. It's not a secret to everyone that Ukrainian brothers Vladimir and Vitaliy Klitschko are considered to be one of the best boxers of the world; they constantly prove their leadership and gain new champions belts. They both became world champions in the Heavyweight categories of professional boxing. Vitaliy regained the championship belt of WBC meanwhile Vladimir won WBO, IBF and IBO champion belts

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Sport activities in Ukraine are an integral part of everyday life, and many Ukrainians cannot imagine their well-being without doing different sports. Due to the country's geography and climate, the opportunities for sportsmen are almost endless. Everyone can find suitable locations and conditions for enjoying their favorite activities. Lovers of surfing or snowboarding enthusiasts can find suitable locations and conditions for enjoying their favorite activities.

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Nowadays, people are keen on workouts at the gym. Lifting weights and training on fitness equipment became a true addiction for lovers of healthy lifestyle

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Many Ukrainians are also interested in diverse martial arts. Men and even women regularly take part in boxing training and sessions of rather exotic martial arts such as capoeira, judo and karate. The Judo Federation of Ukraine was established in 1991 and today it is a large and influential organization. Members of the Federation won numerous medals and prizes from many European judo champions.

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Talking about sports we should surely mention the growing popularity of running and cycling. These kinds of sports are at the top list of sport activities in Ukraine. As for running races, this kind of sport is appreciated by hundreds of Ukrainian people, and holding all-city marathons has already become a good tradition. Kyiv dwellers and guests are always glad to participate in such events as Vyshyvanka Race or Kyiv Euro Marathon.

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Following European traditions, many people began to use bicycles instead of public transport, and the number of cycling tracks in the cities is continuously growing. If you do not have your own bike, you can always rent one at a special renting service.

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Ukrainian Carpathians are a perfect destination for lovers of hiking, offering both easy and complicated tourist routes.

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Еxtreme sports fans may try rafting along one of winding Ukrainian rivers such as Yuzhniy Bug. Every year there are hundreds of rafting lovers near picturesque cossack village Mygiia in Mykolaiv Region. Everyone can not only watch such competitions but try rafting themselves.

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Ukraine is a country of sports and healthy lifestyle. It is not a modern craze, but rather – a matter of honor and the choice of everyone. Even at school children learn to love sports by having physical training lessons. There are sports clubs and different sports schools in every town in our Motherland. The most talented among them continue to exercise as their main activity, making a pretty successful career going in for sports for their entire life.

5 березня 2023
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