Презентація до бінарного виховного заходу" Єднаймо українців Шевченковим словом!"має на меті поглибити знання учнів 9 - 11 класу щодо світової величі геніального поета України Т.Шевченка, визначити місце творчості Кобзаря в англомовному світі, познайомити з найвідомішими перекладачами творів Т.Шевченка
Мета заходу: розширити знання учнів про творчість і життя Т. Шевченка;удосконалювати навички виразного читання поетичного твору; розвивати творчу уяву та образне мислення учнів, зв’язне мовлення; підтримувати навички аудіювання, читання з української та англійської мови та навички перекладу ; виховувати любов до рідної мови та повагу до мов і культур інших народів.
1. Did Shevchenko spend his childhood in Moryntsi or in Kirilovka?2. Why was the life of his parents so hard?3. What jobs did his parents have to do?4. Who usually took care of the younger children in a peasant family?5. Why did the boy’s mother often refuse to eat after working in the field?6. Why did Taras stand out among his peers ?
17. Where did Taras learn to read and write ?8. Why were his teenage years difficult?9. Why did Taras have to come back home instead of learning to draw?10. Where did Taras go at the age of 15?11. Why did his master order to give Taras a good whipping ?12. How did the fortune smile to the young painter one day?
1. The Taras Shevchenko Museum is located in Toronto, Canada. It is famous for the Death Mask of Taras Shevchenko, March 10, 1861, demaged by fire in Oakville in September 1986.2. The collection in the museum is one of the best Shevchenko libraries in the Western World. It has about 825 Kobzars. They have the book which was published when Shevchenko was still alive. 3. There is the example of the very first Kobzar written in Syberia. 4. Shevchenko was genius both in poetry and painting. The famous self portrait is kept in the museum. There is the greatest painting Kateryna by Shevchenko next the portrait too. Питання для перекладу
Питання для перекладу 5. The portrait of Ira Aldridge the African-American actor painted by Kobzar is in the same room the Death Mask of poet is. Ira and Taras were keen readers of Shakespear. They were unusual friends. Shevchenko did not speak English and Aldridge did not speak Ukrainian.6. The president of Toronto museum Andrew Gregorovich is told by the director of Shevchenko museum in Kyiv that there are more then 600 monuments to Taras around the world.7. The head of the bronze Shevchenko statue stolen in Oakvill Memorial Park in 2006 became an exhibit in the museum in Toronto.