FORMATION READING SKILLS IN SCHOOLCHILDREN AS A CONDITION FOR SOCIALIZATIONProject work has been completed: Nadvirniak Maria and Kasianchuk Zoreslava
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The topicality of the topic is dictated by the fact that today there is a low level of reading among children. Schoolchildren have lost interest in reading books, and this has a negative impact not only on learning, but also on the quality of life in general. Children who do not read have problems with academic performance. They cannot read fast enough to understand the material.
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The purpose of the work is: to investigate and analyze the level of interest in reading among schoolchildren
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Task:- investigate the problems that cause a decrease in interest in reading; - to study how reading in English affects the quality of knowledge and skills of schoolchildren; - using questionnaires to reveal the level of development of reading abilities; - to propose own ways of solving the popularization of reading;
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Research object: Reading as a social phenomenon in Ukrainian and English. Research subject: the importance of reading.
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Reading in Ukraine. Among those who don`t read, only 23% claim that their parents taught them to read and they liked it, compared to 70% of daily readers. Despite the fact that of all age groups, children aged 6-9 remain the most active readers, with age this habit actually disappears: interest in reading fades from 9-10 years
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Little publish in Ukraine. As of 2019, less than 0.5 books were published in Ukraine. This indicator does not take into account school textbooks, advertising and other publications that are not intended for free sale.
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Reading is boring. Among younger children, even those who declare their love for reading said that they find reading boring.
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Reading is a certain work. As for younger children, certain conditions must be created for reading, first of all - silence and peace. After all, reading is a certain work, so the conditions must be suitable so that nothing distracts.
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The main distraction is the smartphone. So, the results of the study in Ukraine revealed that interest in reading fades from the age of 9-10. The barrier is boredom, the main distraction is the smartphone.
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Reading of English. A student who reads everyday gets better at it over time. Not surprisingly, daily readers also gain more enjoyment from it than those that read less often. It can even improve memory and critical thinking skills.
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Reading books improves language proficiency. Fiction will give you an idea of mentality, social norms, tiquette. Professional literature will help not only to learn vocabulary from the field of your work or hobby, but also to be in the global context, at the cutting edge of relevance
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Identification of reader interests in gymnasium of Slobidka-Rakhnivska. A study was conducted in our gymnasium to identify reading problems among schoolchildren. The survey was anonymous. 45 students of our gymnasium, grades 5-9, took part.
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Do the books read help to prepare for lessons?When asked if they have a home library, the gap was small, only 5 votes, but again not in our favor, 20 - Yes" and 25 - "No". But to the question: "Do the books read help to prepare for lessons?" the situation has changed - 31 students believe that they help, and only 14 answered: "No!".
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How many books do you read in a month?To the last question: "How many books do you read in a month?" we got the following results: They wrote: "zero" or did not give an answer - 16 students, 0.5 - 3 students, 1 or 2-15 students, 2 or 3-8 students, more than three - 3 students.
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Ways to solve the problem of reduced interest in reading. To develop children's interest in reading, you need to start with reading together, inspired, every night, without missing a beat. It should not be forced. Reading should be systematic.
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Go to library. Going to library with your child is important, because there she will definitely show what she likes. She will have the opportunity to choose a book herself, there is no need to impose her choice on her.
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Conclusion: The research carried out in this work gives grounds for asserting that the problems of reading development among schoolchildren are urgent and require an urgent solution in order to avoid difficulties in the future life and development of each child as an individual. The child needs to instill interest in reading from an early age. Adults need not only to create suitable conditions for this, but also to take an active part themselves. It is necessary to go with the child to the theater, cinema, and book presentations. Apply game activity. You cannot force children to read, but interest the child so that it is his own decision.