Презентація на тему:"The most popular theatres in the capital of Ukraine"

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Презентація на тему:"The most popular theatres in the capital of Ukraine" стане чудовим додатком для роботи на уроці про столицю України або визначні місця Києва.
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The most popular theatres in the capital of Ukraine

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Kyiv Academic Puppet Theatre - one of two puppet theaters, working in Kyiv. In October 1927 the fate of the Kyiv Children's Theater named after Franko began operations the first puppet show in Ukraine.

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Kyiv National Operetta Theatre is contained in the former Trinity folk house, which was built on charitable funds to fork the 20th century. Long before there was a theater here often held various concerts and performances, vaudeville. Opera was launched in 1934 under the name of the Kyiv Theatre of Musical Comedy. Much later, in 1964, the theater was renamed the Kyiv National Operetta Theatre.

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National Philharmonic of Ukraine started its operations back in 1863, the circle was founded Kyiv branch of the Imperial Russian Musical Society. In the early 19th century musical life of Kyiv was very lively. Kyiv contract fairs attended by such prominent authors and artists, as Ferenc leaf, take Vesnyavski and other famous musicians of the time.

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History of National Academic Theater named after Franko began in the winery in 1920. A small group, James led the Ukrainian actor Ignat Petrovich George worked with unprecedented enthusiasm. During the first season actors showed 23 performances viewers - a huge number. Theater critics, noting the popularity of the new theater to the public, called it "theater of the new century." Then the troupe's been a lot of young actors who became a legend after a Ukrainian theater.

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National Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet named after Shevchenko is found at the intersection of two major highways Kyiv - Bogdan Khmelnitsky Street and Volodymyr, in a house that is an architectural monument of the 19th century. Near Kyiv Opera House are such famous landmarks as St. Sophia Cathedral and Golden Gate.

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History of Russian Drama Theater in Kyiv began with a repertory theater actor and director Nicholas Solovtsov. His theater work began in 1891. The first performances were in the building of this theater named after Ivan Franko. Further corpse was constant, and initiated Kyiv State Russian Drama Theatre in Kyiv.

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Kyiv Academic Theatre "Wheel" - Academic Chamber Theatre in Kyiv, created in late 1980 and headed by the same artistic director Irene Klischevska.

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Kyiv Municipal Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre for Young People - Theatre in Kyiv, was established in 1982 under the name of the State Children's Musical Theater. Theatre became the first (and currently only) in Ukraine and the second in the by similar profile.

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Kyiv Academic Theatre of Drama and Comedy on the Left Bank - theater in Kyiv, founded in 1970. Theatre is in two languages ​​- Russian and Ukrainian (play "Lies" on the play Vynnychenko (1992, dir. A. Balaban) was the first Russian-Ukrainian performances at the theater).

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15 квітня 2020
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