Презентація роботи з англійської мови "Роль емоційно-забарвленої лексики у розкритті мотиваційно-вольових концептів творів Девіда Гоггінса"

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Презентація з англійської мови МАНівської роботи у м.Хмельницькому 2024 рік
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Номер слайду 1

THE ROLE OF EMOTIONALLY-COLORED VOCABULARY IN REVEALING MOTIVATIONAL AND VOLITIONAL CONCEPTS OF DAVID GOGGINS 'WORKAleksandrina Vasylivna Bezpalko, 11 grade, student of the Communal institution of general secondary education "Lyceum № 13 of Khmelnitsky сity Council"Lyubov Valeriivna Liadetska: English teacher of Communal institution of general secondary education "Lyceum № 13 of Khmelnitsky сity Council"The relevance of the topic - general awareness of emotions and their control - is always significant. Emotions are what each of us has, we live with them all the time. This is an integral part of our lives. The subject of the study of motivation and control of emotions through the books of David Goggins and his interviews. The aim of the work is to explore the ways of finding motivation and its importance, analyzing the control of emotions as an important influence on life

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The importance of research lies in the fact that now it is very important to use emotionally colored vocabulary, to be able to control your emotions and remain motivated even during war. Things that will help us achieve the goal: - learning the term of the word «emotion» and the skills to control it. - Analysis of the sense of motivation as an integral part of human life. - the study of the vocabulary of books by David Goggins which will help us to find internal motivation. - conducting a study to find out the percentage of people who are knowledgeable in this topiс Being a source of motivation for yourself is very difficult, but important. The role of motivational concepts is something that helps us get up in the morning, do routine things, and helps us moreover achieve the goals that we have set for ourselves

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Why it is important to use emotionally colored vocabulary, to control emotions and be motivated?Emotional management is about being aware of your emotions and being able to manage them effectively. This will help you control your behavior on a day to day basis and also assist you in successfully navigating relationships and stressful times. Motivation is necessary for the effective implementation of decisions and planned tasks. If a person is motivated, his pleasure from work can lead to a quality result. It is generally known that people with a high level of intelligence show better results in life, work, everyday affairs, and even on the way to the goal. The origin and development of the skill of controlling emotions and emotional intelligence is an important stage in the life of each of us

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David Goggins is an American ultramarathon, veteran of the special forces of the US Marine Corps. He faced a difficult fate, he repeatedly faced bullying, misunderstanding, and problems that forced him to stop and not go to the goal. But it was Goggins who set an example for millions that only we can help ourselves. He went through all the difficult moments of fate and is now an example.

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Questionnaire of research work on the topic «The role of emotionally-colored vocabulary in revealing the motivational-volitional concepts of the works of David Goggins»1) What is a source of motivation for you? a. Familyb. Friends, colleagues, successful peoplec. Books, movies, songs.d. I don't know, I have no motivation. 2) Have you read books, watched videos, webinars about motivation with emotionally-tinged vocabulary of scientists that contributed to your development as a person? a. Nob. Yesc. I would like to know which ones there are 3) Do you think it is important to be able to control yourself with the help of emotionally colored vocabulary? a. Yes, it is important.b. Does not matter.c. I didn't think about it, because I don't know anything about such vocabulary 4) Can you control your emotions? a. Yesb. I can't, but I want to learnc. I can't, because I don't know how to do it 5) Do you know emotional vocabulary to achieve your goal? a. Yes, I knowb. I do not knowc. I did not consider before that there are motivational and volitional concepts.

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motivational conceptscolored vocabulary

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Motivation as a sense of inner strength arises in most people while communicating with other people - friends, colleagues, family, etc. This follows that a large role in the structure of our inner motivation is played by our environment, which affects us one way or another. You should properly build your environment, surrounding yourself with people who are able to help us grow emotionally upwards. Control of emotions as a factor that helps us both in full-time life and on the way to the goal. And the fact that the majority of people surveyed consider it important to control emotions, know how to control them, or just start this long, hard work, but still continue to improve, means that society continues to improve and evolve growing emotionally. Now, during the war - this is a very important skill that somehow we have all mastered and continue to improve. During our research, we proved that emotionally colored vocabulary plays an important role in the lives of people who want to achieve their goals. The conclusion is that :

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So, we have researched and completed all the tasks and can assure you that emotional-volitional concepts are the composition of a person, the property and characteristics of his feelings and emotions, which are achieved with the help of emotionally colored vocabulary. These concepts are expressed in a person's abilities, which leads to the process of transforming a person from an object into a subject of activity, and that is the beginning of his regulation of his activity. A person wonders about the knowledge of removing adverse emotions, and it is with the help of emotionally colored vocabulary that he can control them. A modern author, David Goggins raises such questions in his works and continues to this day in social networks and other sources with the help of emotionally colored vocabulary

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Thank you

20 січня 2024
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