Презентаця "Scary" до підручника English Plus 2

Про матеріал
Презентаця "Scary" до підручника English Plus 2, lesson 1, page78-79, знайомить учнів з новими лексичними одиницями та вживання прикметників з прийменниками
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Scary. Lesson 1

Номер слайду 2

What is a phobia?

Номер слайду 3

Do you have any phobia?

Номер слайду 4

Номер слайду 5


Номер слайду 6


Номер слайду 7


Номер слайду 8


Номер слайду 9


Номер слайду 10


Номер слайду 11


Номер слайду 12

Find adjectives 1-8 in the questionnaire and match them with the prepositions in the box. Listen and check.about at in of on goodhappyinterestedkeenfondscarednervousworriedofataboutinonaboutofabout

Номер слайду 13

Jessica is scared. Are you worried. They’re good Is he interested. Are you fond We’re happy at skateboardingof heightsof small animals? about the maths test? about the exciting trip in hip-hop music?Match

Номер слайду 14

Are you scared of/ at / in swimming in the sea?1 I’m not nervous at / in / about going to the dentist.2 My friend Esra is fond of / in / at French films.3 Is Danny bad of /at /about maths?4 I think Kate will be worried in / of / about going to the doctor’s.5 I’m very interested of / in / at learning the keyboard.6 Are you keen on / of / in fast rides?Choose the correct word

Номер слайду 15


Номер слайду 16

Who does not like being in small places?Who is happy being in high places?Shri Amelia

Номер слайду 17

Choose the correct word. Amelia is scared of snakes / spiders. Harry gets nervous about hospitals/ the dentist. Shri finds high places / small places scary. Swimming / Dancing makes Lilly happy..1234

Номер слайду 18

Key phrases. What are you________________ of?What do you ________________ scary?Do you ever get ______________ ?I get nervous _________________ hospitals. What makes you ______________?scaredfindnervousabouthappyrrrrr

21 квітня 2024
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