На даному уроці використані інтерактивні,ігрові, проектні технології та розроблено ряд вправ з різних видів комунікації: "Читання", "Сприйняття на слух", "Використання мови". Матеріали даного конспекту уроку можуть бути використані під час вивчення теми "Україна" у 8-х,9-х класах.
Ukraine is an independent state
interest, about Ukrainian constitution.
T: Good morning! Glad to see you. Are you in a good mood today? I think you will try your best and succeed. Today you'll show your skills and abilities in making projects. What do you think about the motto of the lesson written on the blackboard?
"Know yourself and you will know the world."
Hryhoriy Skovoroda
(Pupils explain the motto.)
T: We have already finished studying the topic “From the history of Ukraine". And this theme cannot be complete without speaking about most picturesque sights of our country, Ukrainian history and constitution.
Ps: We have many historic places and places of interest in our country.
T: Let's play the game "Brain-ring". Split into two teams. I'll ask you some questions about Ukraine and you should answer as quickly as possible. So, let's start.
1. How do we call Russians, Byelorussians and Ukrainians in one word?
(The Slavic people)
T. Listen to some songs about Ukrainian capital and Ukrainian people and after listening be ready to answer the question: “Why are we proud of our Ukrainian history, capital, people?
Kyiv, My Dear
Waves are tenderly creeping
And the day is to the end.
Rising Banks of the Dnieper
Are my ancestor's land.
Rustling branches are singing
Their dreams in my ear.
And the melody's ringing:
Kyiv, my dear.
Cannas, dark red and amber,
I shall give you my heart.
Let my sweetheart remember
Faithful friends miles apart.
Days and evenings are winging.
Our meeting is near.
And the melody's ringing:
Kyiv, my dear.
Tired Kyiv is sleeping,
All its dreams are serene,
Nights lights necklaces keeping
Dnieper waters in sheen.
Velvet evenings are bringing
New gladness and cheer,
And the melody's ringing:
A Ukrainian Girl
Lots of various khans
Took me captive, using guns.
They whipped and mauled me,
Many times enthralled me.
They failed to make my hair curl.
I revived from my tear, a pearl.
It occurred since I am a Ukrainian girl.
Our fellows used to say I am a blooming bud.
And my phrases sing and play,
words like spring streams scud.
That the music from my heart
makes them dance and whirl.
But I'm just my nation's part, a Ukrainian girl.
But I'm just my nation's part, a Ukrainian girl.
T: You know that the main law of Ukraine is our constitution
Task 1. Remember words. Consult a dictionary.
To adopt |
Law |
Fundamental |
To secure |
Duty |
Voter |
Body |
Legislative |
Responsible |
Accountable |
Justice |
Juridical |
Entirely |
Establishment |
Unitary |
Frontier |
Source |
Authority |
To facilitate |
Censorship |
To prohibit |
Task 2. Match two parts of sentences.
- a presidential-parliamentary republic.
V . Reading
T: Read the text
On June 28, 1996 the Supreme Rada of Ukraine has adopted the Constitution of Ukraine, its Fundamental Law. The 28th of June has been proclaimed a state holiday.
The Constitution establishes the country's political system, secures rights, freedoms and duties of citizens, and is the basis for all its laws.
According to the Constitution the head of the state is the President, who is elected directly by the voters for a term of five years with no more than two full terms.
The Supreme Rada is the only body of the legislative power of Ukraine. There are 450 people's deputies who are elected for a term of five years.
The highest body of the executive power is the Cabinet of Ministers. It is responsible to the President and is accountable to the Supreme Rada.
Justice in Ukraine is exercised entirely by courts. The Supreme Court of Ukraine is the highest juridical body of general jurisdiction.
Task 1. Match pairs.
1. The main law of the country _____________________________________________
2. The head of the state ___________________________________________________
3. The highest body of the legislative power __________________________________
4. The highest body of the executive power ___________________________________
5. The bodies which exercise justice _________________________________________
6. The leader of the government ____________________________________________
7. The person who elects the power __________________________________________
8. The person who is elected to the Parliament ________________________________
(the Prime – Minister, the Constitution, a voter, courts, the Cabinet of Ministers, The President, the people`s deputy, The Supreme Rada)
Task 2. Answer the questions.
10. Who exercises justice in Ukraine?
Task 3. Read some articles of Ukrainian Constitution.
Chapter I General Principles |
Розділ І Загальні засади |
Article 1 Ukraine is a sovereign and independent, democratic, social, lawbased state. |
Стаття 1 Україна є суверенна і незалежна, демократична, соціальна, правова держава. |
Article 2 The sovereignty of Ukraine extends across its entire territory. Ukraine is a unitary state. The territory of Ukraine within its current frontiers is indivisible, and inviolable. |
Стаття 2 Суверенітет України поширюється на всю її територію. Україна є унітарною державою. Територія України в межах існуючого кордону є цілісною і недоторканною. |
Article 4 In Ukraine there is a single citizenship. The bases for the acquisition and termination of Ukrainian citizenship are prescribed by law. |
Стаття 4 В Україні існує єдине громадянство. Підстави для набуття і припинення громадянства України визначаються законом. |
Article 5 Ukraine is a republic. The people are the only source of power in Ukraine. The people exercise power directly and through the bodies of state power and local self-government. The right to determine and amend the constitutional order in Ukraine belongs solely to the people and may not be usurped by the State, its organs or officials. No one may usurp the authority of the State. |
Стаття 5 Україна є республікою. Єдиним джерелом влади в Україні є народ. Народ здійснює владу безпосередньо і через органи державної влади та органи місцевого самоврядування. Право визначати і змінювати конституційний лад в Україні належить виключно народові і не може бути узурповане державою, її органами або посадовими особами. Ніхто не може узурпувати державну владу. |
Article 6 State authority in Ukraine is realized on the basis of its division into legislative, executive, and judicial power. Organs of the legislative, executive, and judicial power exercise their authority within the limits prescribed by this Constitution and in accordance with the laws of Ukraine. |
Стаття 6 Державна влада в Україні здійснюється на засадах її поділу на законодавчу, виконавчу та судову. Органи законодавчої, виконавчої та судової влади здійснюють свої повноваження у встановлених цією Конституцією межах і відповідно до законів України. |
Article 10 The state language in Ukraine is the Ukrainian language. The State guarantees the comprehensive development and use of the Ukrainian language in all spheres of society across the entire territory of Ukraine. The unfettered development, use, and protection of Russian, other languages of national minorities in Ukraine is guaranteed.
Стаття 10 Державною мовою в Україні є українська мова. Держава забезпечує всебічний розвиток і функціонування української мови в усіх сферах суспільного життя на всій території України. В Україні гарантується вільний розвиток, використання і захист російської, інших мов національних меншин України. Держава сприяє вивченню мов міжнародного спілкування. Застосування мов в Україні гарантується Конституцією України та визначається законом. |
Task 4. Read the sentences and put “Plus” if it is true and “Minus” if it is false.
The Constitution of Ukraine was adopted on behalf of Ukrainian nation –
Ukrainian citizens of all nationalities.
Ukraine is an independent, democratic, law based state.
Ukraine is a federal state.
The citizen of Ukraine cannot be the citizen of another country.
Power in Ukraine belongs to the President and the Parliament.
The Verkhovna Rada has the right to change the Constitution.
The power in Ukraine divides into three brunches: legislative, executive and
The only state language in Ukraine is the Ukrainian language.
The people of Ukraine cannot use any other languages besides Ukrainian.
There are some kinds of censorship in Ukraine.
Task 5. Translate sentences into English in written.
1. 28 червня – це державне свято, День Конституції. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. Конституція України забезпечує політичні права громадян. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. Державним прапором України є синьо-жовтий прапор. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. Державною мовою в Україні є Українська мова. Держава гарантує вільний розвиток мов національних меншин. ___________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________
5. Територія України є неподільною. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6. Згідно з Конституцією Україна є парламентсько-президентською республікою. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
7. Громадяни України мають не тільки права, а й обов’язки. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
8. Кожен громадянин віком від 18 років має право обирати. ____________________________________________________________________
T: Before you start presenting your project remember some project assessment points:
Leader: Let us introduce you our project. It is a crossword. When you guess all the words you'll read the name of one of the Ukraine's wonders.
T: You were excellent at presenting project. Now each of you has an opportunity to analyse your work, to tell us about your impressions.
PI: We must learn and know the history of our country.
P2: Today's lesson has broadened our outlook. We have learned more about constitution of Ukraine.
P3:1 want to cite Byron's words: "He, who loves not his country, can love nothing". I'm proud of the cultural and historic values of Ukraine, of our Ukrainian people, of our capital.
T: Write a short essay about history of Ukraine, Ukrainian constitution.