Ніжинська загальноосвітня школа І-ІІ ступенів №11
Конспект уроку
з англійської мови
5 клас
Градобик А.О.
Урок 5 клас
Тема уроку: Holidays
- ознайомити учнів із традиціями святкування Різдва у Великій Британії,
- збагачувати знання про свята України,
- розвивати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення з теми,
- фонетичний слух,
- розвивати творчо-пошукові здібності учнів,
- вчити логічно висловлювати думки,
- виховувати повагу до народних традицій та звичаїв.
- підручник Оксана Карп’юк,
- ілюстрації до теми «Свята і традиції»,
- роздатковий матеріал,
Текст «Сhristmas in Great Britain»
І. Іntroduction
T. Good morning, students . I’ m glad to see you. How are you/?
Cl. We are fine, thank you.
We are all at our places
With our shiny faces
Good morning to you,
Good morning to you.
ІІ. Warm-up
T. Listen to the poem about the New Year’s Day and read it all together.
New Year’s Day, a happy day,
We are glad and very gay.
We all dance, and sing, and say,
Welcome, welcome New Year’s Day.
ІІІ. Main part
T: What is your favourite holiday?
S1: My favourite holiday is St Nicholas Day. On this day I get presents.
S2: I love the New Year. We celebrate this holiday on the 1st of January. We have a party in my family.
S3: I like Christmas. We celebrate it on the 7th of January. We give presents to our parents and grandparents, sisters and brothers. We also send Christmas cards to our relatives and friends.
2.Pair work
1Match the holidays to their correct dates.
1) New Years Day a) 24 August
2) Independence Day b) Sunday in spring
3 ) Victory Day с) 19 December
4) Easter d) 1 January
5) St Nicholas Day e) 9 May
2. Women’s Day a) 14 February
1) St Valentine’s Day b )7 January
2) Constitution Day с)8 March
3) Halloween d) 28 June
4) Christmas e) 31 October
2. Ask and answer the questions. ex. 2, p.122
S1: When is….?
S2: It is on the ….
Fill in the text with the missing words. (Traditions, parades, dragons, traditional)
Pre -listening
T: When do we celebrate Christmas?
When do the British people celebrate Christmas?
Wat do you know about British traditions?
Listen to the text and find out.
Christmas in Great Britain
In Great Britain Christmas celebrations are great. British people prepare food, send Christmas cards, make house decorations. On Christmas Eve kids hang up their stockings on their beds to get presents.
In the afternoon people visit family and friends. Some people go to the church. British children write letters to Santa Claus and throw them into the fireplace so they float up the chimney to the North Pole.
The traditional plum pudding and turkey are served for dinner.
After listening
Answer the questions.
2.Say if it is true or false.
1. The British write letters to each other on this day.
2. Big red trousers by children beds are a necessary symbol of this holiday.
3. British children write letters and throw them into the streets.
4. The main dish for dinner is roast goose.
5 The traditional plum pudding is served on his day.
5.Group work
T: Can you make the groups of five? Every group will take a card with the name of a holiday.You mustn’t say the name of your holiday. You say when this holiday is celebrated and describe some traditions of its celebration, The students of the other groups guess the holiday.
6 .Homework
ex2., p.34 Make up the questions about the holidays and answer them.
7. Summing-up.
How did you like your work? What activity did you like the best?
Tank you for your work. Your marks are….