Завдання для перевірки мовленнєвої компетенції учнів (письмо) для учнів 6- 7 класів за підручником Л.В. Биркун «Наша англійська»

Про матеріал

Завдання для перевірки мовленнєвої компетенції учнів (письмо) для учнів 6- 7 класів за підручником Л.В. Биркун «Наша англійська» розроблені за вивченими темами по різним рівням складності

Перегляд файлу










Завдання для перевірки мовленнєвої компетенції учнів (письмо) для учнів 6- 7 класів за підручником Л.В. Биркун «Наша англійська»


Вчитель англійської мови Веселинівської загальноосвітньої школи І – ІІІ ступенів Миколаївської області Латій Ольга Олександрівна

























6th form

Test (1)

Level 1


I.Match countries, nationalities, languages and capitals


the  USA








Great Britain













Egyptian/ Arab




Level 2


II.Translate into Ukrainian.


Serious, ferryboat, easy – going, as quickly as possible, raft, travelling, camper, shy, mean, honest, coach, upper berth, carriage, talkative, luggage compartment, energetic, reliable, lorry, tram, trolley – bus, fixed route buses, train, jet, bicycle, modelling club, biology club, athletic club, railway

The fastest way of travelling is by plane. More than 57, 000 people work at Heatrow.

Travelling by train is slower than by plane. They buy 26,000 cups of tea and 6, 500 sandwiches at Heatrow every day.


Level 3

III.Match the pairs.


  1. Wheel                      a) бензин
  2. Vehicle                    b) вітрило
  3. Sail                           c)диліжанс
  4. Carriage                   d) карета
  5. Coach                       e) колесо
  6. steam engine             f) паровий двигун
  7. gasoline                     g) транспортний засіб



Level 4


IV.Jane is going on a trip to Egypt. Here’s her list of things to do before her trip. Make sentences about the things she has done or hasn’t done so far.


V get a passport

X find some hotels

X learn some Egyptian words

V buy a ticket

X learn to eat Egyptian food

V watch some films about Egypt

V buy a camera

X save some money

V pack


Test (2)

Level 1.


I.Choose the correct letters to complete the words


  1. enj …able     a) oy b) oi c) eo d) ou
  2. pecul …rity  a) ea b) ia c) eo d) io
  3. ab..ad            a) ra b) re c) ro d) or
  4. pas …nger    a) si b) es c) sa d) se
  5. busin ... s      a) es b) is c) se d) si
  6. r ... lway       a) ia  b) ai c) ea d) ae


Level 2


II.Fill in the gaps using the words from the box


a) car                                    e) miss

b) return                               f) ship

         c) plane                                g) travelling

d) tickets                              h) take



1.The fastest way of  … is by …

2. Travelling by …you will never miss your train or plane.

3. Please, two … to Lviv, one single and one …

4. Hurry up! You can … the train.

5. Have you ever traveled by …?

6. How long does it … to get to Kyiv?


Level 3


  1. III..Make up sentences.
  1. booking – office, at, people, tickets, a, buy
  2. four, berths, are, each, compartment, there, in
  3. in, are, carriage, nine, there, a, sleeping, compartments


IV.Translate into Ukrainian


The Tube, taxi drivers, double – deckers, percent, London transport, underground, conductor, bus stop, on foot, by motorbike, by bike, travel card


Level 4

V. Write the composition on the topic “The best way of travelling”

  1. s

Test (3)

Level 1


  1. Match the equivalents.


  1. a talkative girl                                a) сови і жайворонки
  2. owls and larks                                b) щедра жінка
  3. to sing in the bathroom                  c) робити макіяж
  4. to feel nervous                               d) лінивий хлопець
  5. a generous woman                         e) почуватися знервованим
  6. a lazy boy                                       f) ненавидіти смак лимону
  7. to do make up                                g) співати у ванній
  8. twice a month                                 h) балакуча дівчина
  9. a good habit                                    i)   двічі на місяць
  10. to hate the taste of lemon                J)  гарна звичка


Level 2


II.Translate into Ukrainian


Three times a year, to feel angry, not very often, to listen to loud music,

An easy – going and clever man, to love getting up early,

I am reliable and neat but I am boring enough. My mother felt surprised when I did all my homework. My father says that I am energetic and optimistic but I am too honest. She felt nervous when he saw a tiger.


Level 3


III.Translate into English


Раз на рік, почуватися нещасливим, досить часто, егоїстична жінка, читати в ліжку, погана звичка,

Моя мама каже, що я занадто забудькуватий, але я дисциплінований і терпимий. Я дружелюбний і надійний, але я неохайний і сором’язливий. Я дійсно люблю грати в комп’ютерні ігри. Він звичайно одягається після сніданку.


Level 4


IV.Look through the information on the table and make up a story about them. 





Date of birth

25 November

25 November

Time of birth

9.40 am

9.50 am




Looks like



How tall




Oxford College

Oxford College





















Test (4)

Level 1


I.Make up 6 sentences and translate them into Ukrainian.









My classmates




do projects

learnt by heart

make up stories

listen to music

do sums

use dictionaries

copy from the board

go on excursions


sing songs








at the











Physical Education














Level 2


II.Answer the questions.


  1. What subjects do you study at school?
  2. What are your favourite subjects?
  3. What languages do you study?
  4. What do you usually do at the English lessons?
  5. How many words are there in the English vocabulary?
  6. Have your ever visited an English – speaking country?
  7. Have you ever read any book in English?
  8. Who can make up sentences with the words and word – combinations very well?
  9. Are your English lessons interesting? Do you like them? Why?



Level 3


III.Write a composition on the topic “My favourite subject”.


Level 4


 IV. Translate into English. Make up as many sentences as you can.


 Короткі речення, короткі диктанти, складати речення,  перекладати з української мови на англійську мову, записувати нові вирази, ставити запитання, дуже гарні оцінки, відповідати на запитання, переказувати тексти


Test (5)

Level 1


  1. Match the pairs.


1. the “greenhouse” effect      a) копати землю

2. to happen to                        b) простягатися

3. to take care of nature          c) приділяти увагу

4. to make bird – houses         d) необхідно

5. necessary                            e) парниковий ефект

6. to stretch                             f) робити шпаківні

7. to dig the ground                 j) краєвид

8. to pay attention                   h) трапитися з

9. picturesque scenery             i) дбати про природу



Level 2


  1.              Translate into Ukrainian.


  1. June 5 is celebrated all over the world as Environment Day.
  2. Forests and nature parks are very important for people’s health.
  3. Our country pays much attention to the question of nature protection.
  4. The birds come back from the South.
  5. Children like nature and take care of it.
  6. We can see the first green leaves in the trees and the first flowers in the fields.
  7. The Earth is millions years old, much older than people.
  8. The world is becoming hotter.
  9. Ukraine has picturesque scenery and a temperate continental climate.


Level 3


  1.           Make up 6 sentences and translate them into Ukrainian.






The pupils

My friends





almost always




using reusable grocery bags.

planting more trees.

taking care of birds in winter.

cleaning up litter in parks and forests.

planting flowers in lawns, squares and parks.

walking more.

recycling bottles.

making bird – houses.



Level 4

IV.Write a composition on the topic “Environmental Protection”.




Test (6)

Level 1

I.Fill in the articles where necessary.


1. _Oxford

2._ Irish Sea


4._ Green Street

5._ Mykolaiv

6._ Victory Park

7._ Ukraine

8._Artic Ocean

9._ British Isles

10._ Lake Sunny

11. _Hoverla

12._British Museum


Level 2

  1. Fill in the questionnaire.


1. Name:

2. Surname:

3. Age:

4. Sex:

5. Date of birth:

6. Place of birth:

7. Nationality:

8. Permanent address:

9. Occupation:

10. Languages:

11. Interests:

12. Date:                                     13. Signature:


Level 3


  1. Answer the questions:


  1. What city is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?
  2. What kind of city is it?
  3. What are the main districst of London?
  4. What is the City?
  5. What is Westminster?
  6. What can you see in the West End?
  7. What can you see in the East End?
  8. What sights of London do you know?


  1. Ask 6 questions to get some information.


 New York is the biggest city of the USA.



Level 4


  1. Write a letter to your pen – friend about London.





7th form

Test (Writing)


Level 1


I.Put the given words and word combinations into four groups.


Traveller, buy a ticket, travel to, trolley, airport, holiday marker, tourist, train station, sightseer, fly to, guide, visitor, arrive at, bus stop, departure, passport, credit card, go sightseeing, arrival, platform, return ticket, go on a trip, miss the train, travel agent, suitcase, receptionist, destination, tent, capital, village, castle, port, driver, guitar, city


  1. People –
  2. Places –
  3. Actions –
  4. Things/ Objects –


Level 2


II.Do a quiz. Fill in the blanks with the correct word.


  1. Orange juice is a –
  1. drink b) soup c) meal
  1. Pizza is a favourite dish in –
  1. France b) Spain c) Italy
  1. Breakfast is a – meal.
  1. evening b) night c) morning
  1. Porridge is eaten in –
  1. France b) Ukraine c) Britain
  1. Hamburger is –
  1. fish and chips b) a chop in a bun c) a sausage in a bread
  1. Yorkshire pudding is a –
  1. dish b) bus station c) street in London
  1. Varenyky is a –
  1. dessert b) first course c) second course
  1. Pork is –
  1. fish b) fruit c) meat


III.Write the name of the dish and match it with the country.


This is a kind of soup. You need onions, carrots, potatoes, beetroots and cabbages to cook it. What is it? It’s ______________________


This is eaten in the morning. Milk and sugar can be added to it. What is it?

It’s _______


This dog can be delicious. It is usually eaten with ketchup, mayonnaise and vegetables. What is it? It’s _________________


This flat bread is very tasty. You can find sausages, tomatoes, mushrooms and cheese on the top of it. What is it? It’s ________________



The USA                Ukraine                 Italy         Great Britain





Level 3


IV.Put the words in the correct order.


  1. your/ day/ Clean/ twice/ teeth/ a.
  2. diseases/ medicines/People/ to treat/ use/ different.
  3. cured/ illnesses/ be/ Most/can.


Level 4


V. Fill in Much or Many.


1. Please don’t put … pepper on the meat.

2. There were … plates on the table.

3. I never eat … bread with soup.

4. She wrote us …letters from the country.

5. There are … new pictures in this room.

6. Why did you eat so …ice – cream?


VI. Fill in Little or Few.


1. I have … time, so I can’t go with you.

2. He has … English books.

3. There are … bears in the zoo.

4. There is too …soup in my plate.

5. There was too … light in the room, and I could not read.

6. There are very … people who don’t know that the earth is round.


VII. Fill in Some or Any.


1. I have … stories in my English books.

2. Do you have … English books?

3. My mother has bought … butter.

4. I don’t have …French books.

5. Do you speak … foreign languages? – Yes, I do.

6. I speak … foreign languages. I speak English and Russian.




Test (1)

Level 1


I.Put the words into the following groups.


  1. doctors
  2. medicines
  3. medical problems
  4. hospital units


pills, dentist, surgeon, flue, pharmacy, broken leg, drops, powder, laboratories, cold, headache, pediatric unit, eye doctor, mixture, paediatrician, intensive care unit


Level 2


II.Match the equivalents.


  1. health care                                         a) вирвати зуб
  2. examine a patient                              b) охорона здоров’я
  3. get ill (sick)                                       c) полоскати горло
  4. sharp pain                                         d) добре відпочити
  5. emergency unit                                 e) лейкопластир
  6. sticking plaster                                  f) гострий біль
  7. heart doctor                                       g) захворіти
  8. gargle the throat                                h) прийомне відділення
  9. pull out the tooth                               i) кардіолог
  10.  have a good rest                                j) оглянути пацієнта


Level 3


III.Make up English proverbs and translate them.


  1. Good health is                        a) the best medicine
  2. Laughter is                              b) after supper walk a mile
  3. An apple a day                        c ) makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise
  4. Early to bed and early to rise  d) above wealth
  5. A sound mind                          f) keeps the doctor away


Level 4


IV. Read the information and complete the table.


Name, age

Medical problems



Hospital units




Intermediate care unit





Sammy. 6





A pain in the heart




A broken leg




Sore throat





V. Match the questions and their answers.


1. What is troubling you?              a) Salads and sandwiches.

2. What is your temperature?        b)  Take these pills three times a day

3. Where have I to go?                  c) Two days ago it was thirty –seven

4. What food do you eat?              d) I have a splitting headache

5. What medicine have I to take?  e) He is at the pediatric unit

6. Where is your son?                    f) Go to the dental surgery

7. Where did they take them after accident? g) To a surgical unit, they need operations. 



Test (2)

Level 1


I.Match the pairs.


  1. to play hockey                      a) показувати кращі результати
  2. both teams                            b) спортивні змагання
  3. to go in for sports                 c) грати в хокей
  4. sport competitions                d) наш спортзал
  5. to show better results            e) обидві команди
  6. our gymnasium                     f) займатися спортом


Level 2


II.Fill in the table. Use the words in the table.


Skating, football, boxing, chess, jumping, basketball, windsurfing, mountain climbing, hockey, swimming, scuba diving, handball


Outdoor Sports

Indoor Sports




Level 3


III.Form adverbs from adjectives. Translate them into Ukrainian.


Dangerous, beautiful, good, fast, happy, deep, quick, wonderful, dirty, long


IV.Make up the questions and write them down. Match them with the answers.


  1. hobby, you, in, what, do, for, go?
  2. is, sportsman, what, favourite, your?
  3. can, people, where, to, swim, learn?
  4. did, take, where, the, first, games, place, Olympic?


  1. My favourite sportsman is V.Klychko.
  2. People can learn to swim in the swimming – pools.
  3. My hobby is playing sports.
  4. The first Olympic Games took place in Olympia.


Level 4


V.Complete the sentences, write them down. Translate them into Ukrainian.


  1. Fox hunting is a …                                   a) include skiing and curtling
  2. Winter Olympic Games first …               b) because he is strong and energetic
  3. Olympic Games cannot take place in a …c) Beijing, China 2008
  4. The first Olympic champion was a …      d) traditional English sports
  5. The best sport for John is football …        e) took place in 1924
  6. Popular winter sports in Scotland …   f) a cook, who won a sprint race in 776 BC
  7. The 29th Olympic Games took place in …g) country which is at the war


VI.Answer the questions


  1. Are you a good sportsman?
  2. Do you go in for sports?
  3. What sports do you go in for?
  4. What games do you go in for?
  5. Do you take part in sport competitions?
  6. Who is your favourite sportsman?


VII.. Write a composition on the topic “My favourite sportsman”



Test (3)

Level 1

I.Match the pairs


a) January,1                      1.Victory Day

b) January,7                      2. The Day of Knowledge

c) January,13                    3. The Constitution Day of Ukraine

d) February, 14                 4. The Independence Day of Ukraine   

e) March, 8                       5. Christmas

f) May, 9                           6. The Old New Year

g) June, 28                        7. Women’s Day

h) August, 24                    8. The New Year

i) September, 1                 9. St. Valentine’s Day


Level 2


II.Fill in the blanks.


Detergent, vacuum cleaner, washing machine, scrubbing brush, broom, duster, dishcloth, dishwasher, mop, polish, iron


  1. I use a … and … to wash my cloth.
  2. You may use a … to sweep the floor.
  3. It is necessary to use an … to make your clothes smooth.
  4. After washing – up I use a …
  5. When the kitchen floor is very dirty, I have to use a …
  6. It is batter to clean the carpet with … than to beat it outdoors.
  7. We use special … to make the floor in the bedroom.
  8. I usually use a …. To wash the floor in the bedroom.
  9. All modern flats have a … to make washing – up easier.


Level 3


III. Make up the sentences using to be (not) allowed to do something.


Example: stay out late – You are allowed to stay out late on Sunday.


  1. Watch much TV
  2. Play computer games
  3. Go about the town alone
  4. Speak over the telephone for two hours
  5. Go to the park with friends
  6. Spend your pocket money the way you like it


Level 4


IV. Answer the questions.


  1. Do your parents let you wear make – up?
  2. What kind of housework do you most hate to doing?
  3. Where is it easier to find things – in a clean room or in a dirty room?
  4. What Ukrainian holidays do you know?
  5. Are there any traditions in your family?
  6. Is it important to have family traditions?



Test (4)


Level 1


I.Match the equivalents.


  1. To  beat the eggs               a) кислі лимони
  2. To peel the vegetables       b) покришити овочі
  3. Sour lemons                       c)  солодке морозиво
  4. Sweet ice – cream              d) взбивати яйця
  5. To mix the ingredients       e)  почистити овочі  
  6. To chop the vegetables       f)  солона хрустка картопля
  7. Delicious mutton                g) видавити лимон
  8. Salty crisp chips                 h) смачна баранина
  9. To squeeze the lemon         i)перемішати інгредієнти


Level 2


II. Grammar Review

  1. Fill in a few or a little. Translate.


Milk, glasses, juice, money, nuts


  1. Fill in much or many. Translate.


Pepper, cups, meat, ice – cream, cutlets


  1. Fill in the blanks with some or any.


  • Is there … bread left?
  • No, there isn’t. There’s … cake, though.
  • Have we got ….melons?
  • Yes, there are … in the basket.


Level 3


III. Put the phrases in the dialogue in the correct order. Translate them.


- For dessert I’ll take ice – cream. And you?

-  What is there in the menu?

- Yes, there is.

- I’d like a cup of tea.

- Is there a vegetable salad?

- What would you like to eat, Jenny?

- Well, I’ll take chops with macaroni. Will you take something?

- There is a meat salad and chops with macaroni.

- Yes, I’ll have a vegetable salad.


Level 4


 IV. Make up a dialogue (8- 10 phrases). Use the menu.


“At the school canteen”


Main courses



A vegetable salad

A green salad

A chicken soup

Fish and chips

Cutlets and rice

Roast beef and macaroni



Apple juice

Vanilla ice – cream

Chocolate cake


Test (5)


Level 1


I.Match the equivalents.


1.a commercial                      a) фільм жахів

2.an adventure film                b) комедія

3.a horror film                        c) мелодрама

4.a feature film                      d) реклама

5.a comedy                             e) пригодницький фільм

6.a trailer                                f) серіал

7.an animated cartoon            g) кіноафіша 

8.a documentary                     h) мультфільм

9.a soap opera                         i) художній фільм

10.a melodrama                      j) документальний фільм


Level 2


II. Fill in these words ( cast, screen, comedies, producer, trailer, commercial).


  1. An advertisement for a new film is called a …
  2. I enjoy watching …. With my friends at home.
  3. Let’s sit at the … I lime to listen to the loud music.
  4. The … of this film is excellent. There are the best actors in it.
  5. The … of  “The Star Wars” is Steven Spielberg.
  6. An advertisement for goods on TV or radio is a …


Level 3


III. Write English equivalents next to these Ukrainian words and word combinations. Make up 6 sentences with them.


Балкон –

Бельетаж –

Партер –

Сцена –

Оркестрова яма –

Декорації –

Куліса –

Куліси –

Ложі –

Театральна каса –


Level 4


ІV. Write a composition on the topic “ My favourite actor”


Test (6)


Level 1


I.Translate into Ukrainian.


Many inhabitants, ancient hills, population, many tulips, to consist of, crescent, avenue, the River Thames; London is the capital of Great Britain.

The streets are lined up with chestnut trees. People of Kyiv are proud of their city. Thousands of people visit the Tower every year to see the Crown Jewels of Britain’s kings and queens.


Level 2


II. Match the parts of the sentences. Write them down.


1. Kyiv is situated on

2.  The main sights of London are

3. The Kyiv Spring Festival is held

4. The main sights of Kyiv are

5. London consists of

6. Buckingham Palace is

7.  London stands on

8. Big Ben is

9.  London’s best – known shopping street is

10. The main street of Kyiv is

11. The Tower of London is

12. A small area in London’s West End is


  1. Soho.

b) London’s home of the British queen.

c) both banks of the Dnipro River.

d) the main clock in Great Britain.

e) Khreschatyk Street.

f) Oxford Street.

g) four parts.

h) the River Thames.

i) a museum.

j) in Kyiv every last Sunday in May.

k) Golden Gate, St. Sophia Cathedral, etc.

l) the Tower of London, Big Ben, etc.



Level 3


III. Answer the questions.


  1. What sights of Kyiv do you know?
  2. Is Kyiv an industrial and cultural centre of Ukraine?
  3. What sights of London do you know?
  4. Is London one of the biggest cities of the world?
  5. What is Andriivskyi Uzviz famous for?
  6. When was London Eye special?


Level 4


IV. Write a composition on the topic:


“London” (I variant)

“Kyiv”(II variant)


 V.Read the text and fill in the blanks with the proper words from the box.



Time, place, parks, designed



Hyde Park

Hyde Park is one of the largest… (1) in central London, England, and one of the Royal Parks of London, famous for its Speakers’ Corner.

It was the site of The Great Exhibition of 1851, for which the Crystal Palace was … (2) by Joseph Pa[ton. The park has become a traditional … (3) for mass demonstrations.












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