Даний урок цікавий тим, що він дає змогу навчити учнів використовувати вивчену лексику у різних мовленнєвих ситуаціях та оформляти вітання до Дня святого Валентина; удосконалювати навики читання та письма, вміння висловлюватися за темою.
План уроку
з предмету «Англійська мова»
Тема: Країни та традиції
Тема уроку: День святого Валентина
Навчальна мета: навчити учнів використовувати вивчену лексику у різних мовленнєвих ситуаціях та оформляти вітання до Дня святого Валентина; удосконалювати навики читання та письма, вміння висловлюватися за темою.
Розвиваюча мета: розвивати навики монологічного та діалогічного викладу думок; розвивати естетичне сприйняття дійсності.
Виховна мета: виховувати повагу до народних традицій; розширити знання учнів про свята в англомовних країнах.
Тип уроку: комбінований.
Метод навчання: словесно-практичний.
Міжпредметні зв’язки: рідна мова та література, історія, світова література.
Обладнання: вислови про любов, газета до свята, картки із завданнями, «валентинки», ілюстрація до п’єси Вільяма Шекспіра «Ромео і Джульєтта», ПК запис пісні «Only you».
І. Організаційна частина.
ІІ. Актуалізація опорних знань учнів.
Т: The year is a long time and many things happen in it. You know that there are four seasons in a year and each season has its special holidays and celebrations. We spoke about some of them. People are proud of their traditions and have kept them up for hundreds of years. So can you name these holidays?
Ps: We celebrate St.Nichola’s Day, New Year’s Day, Christmas, Easter, Mothering Sunday, All Fool’s Day, Halloween.
III. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
T: Our lesson I want to begin with the words is written by George Sand: ”There is only one happiness in life ―to love and to be loved”. On the blackboard you can see some proverbs and sayings and I hope after listening them you can define our today’s topic.
-It is love that makes the world go round.
-Love cannot be forced.
-One cannot love and be wise.
-A man falls in love through his eyes, a woman― through her ears.
So what are we going to talk about?
Ps: We are going to talk about love and St. Valentine’s Day.
1. Активізація лексики за темою.
T: All right, it is love and a very romantic holiday of those who are in love ―St.Valentine’s Day. Which words do you associate with this holiday?
To love/to fall in love/being in love―любити
A gift―подарунок
Broken heart―розбите серце
To ask smb. out―побачення
Love message―повідомлення
ІV. Основна частина уроку.
1. Усні повідомлення учнів.
T: St.Valentine’Day is not a legal or a national holiday but it is a happy little festival for young people. But not only. It is widely celebrated among people of all ages. So as it is so popular maybe it will be very interesting to know how this holiday came into being. Does anybody tell us about the origin of this feast day?
P1.In all English-speaking countries February 14 is a special day for people in love. Boys send cards to their girlfriends and girls send cards to their boyfriends. But they often don’t write names in the cards. The name of the person sending the card is a secret.
P2.St.Valentine’s Day has roots in several different legends. One of the earliest popular symbols of the day is Cupid, the Roman God of love, who is represented by the image of a young boy with a bow and an arrow.
P3.The Romans used to celebrate the return of spring at the beginning of February with the fearst of Lupercalia, in honour of the God Pan and Juno. Boys used to draw lots for names of unmarried girls. They also used to run through the streets whipping any pretty girls that they passed.Lupercalia was, by all accounts, a lively occasion.
P4.When the Romans settled in Britain, they brought these traditions with them. But when Christianity spread over in Britain, it was thought best to put a stop to Lupercalia. The Christians always cleverly replaced pagan festivals with Christian ones, and February 14 was named as the saint’s day of Valentine. Valentine was a Christian priest.
P5.Valentine, a Christian, had been thrown in prison for his teachings. On February 14, Valentine was beheaded. The night before he was executed he wrote the jailer’s daughter a farewell letter, signing it “FROM YOUR VALENTINE”.
P6.Another legend tells us that this same Valentine, well loved by all, wrote notes from his jail cell to children and friends who missed him.
P7.Another Valentine was an Italian bishop who lived at about the same time. He was imprisoned because he secretly married couples, contrary to the laws of the Roman emperor. Some legends say he was burned at the stare.
P8.In medieval England February 14 was believed as the day when birds chose their mates. It became a tradition for hopefull lovers to send each other gifts. But of course to send Valentine cards, and the fact that they were anonymous made rejection more bearable.
T: O.K.I see you know many stories about the beginning of this day.
2.Обговорення питання: «Що означає бути закоханим?»
T: Love is a very great feeling. A lot of people fall in love every day. What does LOVE mean?
Ps:-Love means respect for each other;
-It makes people kinder, more beautiful;
-Love is wonderful;
-People cannot live without love.
T: Complete the sentences:
1. To love is a) the strongest emotion you will ever feel.
2. Being in love is b) only for young people.
3. Love is c) better than having money.
4. Fall in love is d) all you need.
(Answer: 1d; 2c;3a;4b)
3. Робота в парах.
T: Now you will work in pairs with these cards. Everybody likes to read books and see films. You have 2 columns of names. Match pairs.
1. Adam a) Josephine
2. Prince b) Jane
3. Tarsan c) Scarlet O’Hara
4. Red Butler d) Cinderella
5. Romeo e) Eve
6. Beast f) Juliet
7. Napoleon g) Beauty
8. Kay l) Lyudmyla
9. Ruslan i) Gerda
10. captain Grey j) Asol
T: Lets compare our worksheets. You may agree or disagree with your classmates.
4. Практикування учнів у читанні тексту про День святого Валентина.( Плахотник В.М. та ін. Англійська мова. Підручник для 10 класу середньої школи-К.:Освіта,2000.-224с. впр.22 ст.62)
T: To end our discussion and pass on to reading about St.Valentine’s Day.
5. Інсценізація п’єси В.Шекспіра «Ромео і Джульєтта».
T: And now you’ll see a scene from the play “Romeo and Juliet” by W. Shakespeare. I’ve asked two girls to act it. Be ready to write the words which belong to the topic “LOVE”.
(Juliet is dressing for a date. She is doing her hair)
M: Juliet! Where are you? Ah, there you are1What are you doing, darling? Are you going somewhere?
J: Yes.
M: And where are you going to?
J: I’m going to…I have, I have a…
M: What? What do you have?
J:I have a date, mommy.
M: Oh, sweetheart! A date! That’s beautiful and how romantic! A date with a future husband! Hm. My husband never invited me on a date. And yours, he is a real Prince.
J: He is better than Prince.
M: Well, maybe you are right. Such a fine daughter as you are, must have the best husband. A King!
J: Oh, he is better than a King!
M: Maybe you are right. Such a nice daughter as you are should marry a hero!
J: But he is a hero! He is a hero of my heart! And I know there have been many heroes in the family of Montague.
M: What! Montague! That name! You will never marry that Romeo! I ask you to stop thinking about Romeo and forget that family forever!
T: Poor Juliet Her love will bring her misfortune. Sometimes love makes us to suffer. Аnd now I ask you to read the words, which you have written.
Ps: a date, darling, sweetheart, romantic, beautiful, future husband, a real Prince, a hero of my heart…
6. Прослуховування пісні “ONLY YOU”.
T: These words are very tender. There are also many songs about love. You like to sing them. I suggest listening to one of these songs. It is called “Only you”.
T: Look at the blackboard. You see the words of this song. But some words are missing. Listen to the song and fill in the gaps with the following words: magic, dream, darkness, hand, heart, do, alone, change, destiny, true, right.
Only you can make this world seem 1)…
Only you can make the 2)… bright.
Only you, and you 3)… can thrill me like you 4)…
And fill my 5)… with love for only you.
Only you can make this 6)… in me,
For it’s 7)… you are my 8)…
When you hold my 9)… ,I understand the 10)…
That you do,
You’re my 11)… come true, my one and only you.
(Answer:1.right; 2.darkness; 3.alone; 4.do; 5.heart; 6.change; 7.true; 8.destiny; 9.hand; 10.magic; 11.dream)
7. Декламування віршів.
T: There is no language able to fully express the real meaning of the word “love”. Love fills our life with beauty, joy and light. Love is a magic feeling. It makes people stronger and more beautiful. A person in love can be compared with the sun shining brightly. Love makes wonders. A lot of great masterpieces were created by people who were in love. Besides songs there are many wonderful poems about love which you have read at home. Maybe somebody recite your favourite ones.
8. Творча робота.
T:I suggest you try yourselves as poets. I’ll give you some poems and your task is to write a poetic translation of a part of the poet from English into Ukrainian and from Ukrainian into English.
*** ***
(1) A magic moment I remember: Я пам’ятаю мить щасливу
I raised my eyes and you were there, Підняв я очі ―й ось вона.
A fleeting vision, the quintessence Переді мною стояло диво.
Of all that’s beautiful and rare. Вона була краси повна.
* * *
(2)Так ніхто не кохав, Nobody loved in this way.
Через тисячу літ Such love comes to us very seldom
Лиш приходить подібне кохання. And the earth is in blossom again,
В день такий Here are flowers even in a meadow.
Розцвітає весна на землі,
І земля убирається зрання.
* * *
(3)I give her all my love. Я віддаю їй всю любов мою.
That’s all I do. І це роблю лише для неї.
And if you saw my love, Якщо б побачили кохану ви мою
You’d love her too. Вона й для вас була би наче фея.
9.Ознайомлення учнів з оформленням вітань.
T: Thank you very much. You are true poets. You know that the symbol of St. Valentine’s Day is love cards with love messages. Some of them are serious, others are funny. Try to write your message to a person you care about. You saw some of love messages in ex.22. Use your imagination to write something original, for example, lines from your favourite songs or poems.
Sometimes people had to go to the post-office sending their “valentines” and may send them by e-mail.
V. Заключна частина уроку.
1. Підведення підсумків уроку.
T: Thank you very much for a well-done job. In my opinion, you all are real experts and know many facts about Valentine’s Day celebrations and love. During our lesson those pupils whose answers were correct will get such marks…
Love makes the world go round. So let us love and be loved by others.I wish you and your families true love because where there is love, there is life. And let these small paper hearts of red colour remind you about this lesson.
2. Домашнє завдання.
T: As for your homework I want you translate some sentences using active vocabulary.
Викладач: Пришляк Л.М.