Topic: Food. Favourite dishes
to summarize and systematize pupils' knowledge on the topic;
to develop listening, reading, writing skills;
to develop the pupils' pair and group communicative skills;
to practise pupils' project work.
to widen the pupils' outlook;
to bring up pupils as hard-working persons.
to develop memory;
to develop attention, quick reaction, interests, artistic abilities.
Type: a summarizing and systematizing lesson
Equipment: a blackboard, pictures on the topic “Food”.
Великоновосілківський професійний ліцей
розробка уроку на тему
«Їжа. Улюблені страви»
вчитель англійської мови
Федоренко К.В.
Topic: Food. Favourite dishes
Type: a summarizing and systematizing lesson
Equipment: a blackboard, pictures on the topic “Food”.
I. Preliminaries
1. Introducing the topic and the aim of the lesson.
Good afternoon, dear children!
I’m glad to see you.
Are you ready to start our lesson?
If it is so, let’s start. Sit down, please.
As you know, we’re studying a very interesting and popular topic. It is “Food. Favourite dishes”. We can’t imagine our life without food. Food is the staff of our life. We live not to eat but eat to live. You know such a good proverb, I think.
Today at the lesson we’ll summarize and systematize our knowledge on the topic: talk about your likes and dislikes in food, recite rhymes, develop your listening, reading and writing skills, invent a new dish, practise a project work, develop your pair and group communicative skills.
2. Warming up.
a) Phonetic drills.
Children! Imagine we’re in a food train where we can see many products. Our train is going to a very tasty “Food Country”. Let’s see what the train is bringing. Listen to the chant and repeat every line after me.
Bacon and eggs,
Apples and pears,
Bread and butter,
Plums and custard,
Cheese and biscuits,
Fish and chips,
Chocolate cake,
Children! What products have you heard?
What do you like among them?
What is not useful?
What can we fry and boil?
I like pizza
You like cheese
We like ice-cream
Ice-cream, please!
I like coffee.
You like tea.
I like you and
You like me!
Milk and bread
For little Fred
Tea and jam
For brother Sam.
But I drink orange juice
Cocoa, milk, tomato juice.
On Sunday I like steak and chips
On Monday bread and cheese
On Tuesday Coca-Cola
And pizza … m-m-m, yes, please.
Thank you. Good for you.
And now I’ve got a very funny rhyme for you. You’ll finish the lines like real poets. Are you poets? Let’s see.
I am Sam. I like … (jam)
I am Bruce. I like … (juice)
I am Sophie. I like … (coffee)
He is Tony. He likes … (macaroni)
She is Betty. She likes … (spaghetti)
He is Lee. He likes … (tea)
How clever you are! You are real poets. Thanks.
II. Main part.
Children! You’ve got some information about English meals. Now I’ll give you some statements. Your task is to agree or disagree with them. Let’s see how you remember English meals.
+ The English take 4 meals a day.
- In England breakfast time is between 9 and 12. (7 and 9)
- Lunch is the biggest meal of the day in all English families. (in some)
- People in England never eat sandwiches. (eat)
+ The English like to have tea with milk.
- English people have soup for breakfast. (dinner)
+ It’s good to have a walk after supper.
- The English proverb says, “After supper sleep a while, after dinner walk a mile”. (dinner, supper)
Good for you!
Children! Now I want to have a talk about Ukrainian food with you. I have some questions and you’ll answer them. Pay attention to your grammar, pronunciation.
How many meals a day have you got?
What is breakfast time in Ukraine?
What do you usually have for breakfast (dinner, supper)?
What are your favourite dishes?
What are your favourite drinks?
What are Ukrainian popular dishes?
Are you a good or bad eater?
(The pupils are divided into two groups at the beginning of the lesson. One group – team “Apples”, the second one – “Pears”.)
Attention, teams, please. “Apples” and “Pears” have cards. “Apples” – the beginning of the sentences, “Pears” – the ending of them. Apples! Your task is to find your partners with the ending of your sentences. Pears! Find the partners with the beginning of them. Let’s start. (A game in its process.)
food. cannot live without food either. make you strong and give you energy. help you grow. make your bones and teeth strong. because they have got a lot of vitamins. |
Good for you! I thank both teams!
(to “Apples”)
When I make a salad, I take …
(to “Pears”)
Write as many names of fruits as you can.
2) Each group has a very important task to make up a recipe of some dish with the help of the ingredients given by me. It can be a starter, a main dish. You name the dishes yourselves. But the name of the dish you are writing not to sound. It will be the task for each team. (“Apples” name the dish of “Pears” and “Pears” give a name to the dish of “Apples”.) If you guess, you are a winner. You can use the verbs on the board as a helper.
(Then each team presents a recipe.)
Ingredients: potatoes salt butter milk Directions: Wash (peel, slice, boil, drain) potatoes, add salt, butter and milk, mash them. (mashed potatoes) p. 75
Ingredients: sweet pepper onions vegetable oil fennel vinegar tomatoes cucumbers parsley sugar salt Directions: Slice all the ingredients, combine and mix them. Slice parsley, fennel and add to the mixture. Add salt, vegetable oil, vinegar. Decorate with cucumbers, tomatoes, onions. (a Bulgarian salad) p. 79 |
Your project work was wonderful.
If you like carrots – touch your nose.
If you like tomatoes – please, turn around.
If you like cucumbers – clap your hands 3 times.
If you like onions – stamp your feet 3 times.
Each group should invent a new dish. Take necessary ingredients, describe a cooking process and give a name to your dish.
Thanks. At home for today’s lesson you have prepared recipes of your favourite dishes. Who wants to present it?
Porridge, pudding – Britain;
varenyky – Ukraine;
hot dogs – America;
Spaghetti, macaroni – Italy.
Children! What foreign food do you know? Can you tell anything about it to us?
7. Writing skills. Lexical skills.
Task 1. Read and complete the recipe for tea. Write down it using the words: boil, fill, warm, put, pour.
____ the kettle with water. ____ the water. ____ the teapot. ____ one teaspoon of tea per cup into the teapot. ____ hot water. Brew from 5 to 8 minutes.
Task 2. Read the words and circle the odd word:
cheese, sausage, sandwich, to boil;
cheese, ice-cream, sour cream, eggs;
to cut, to boil, to mix, bread.
8. Teacher: Boys and girls! Now you’ll get some additional information about foreign cookery reading a text.
In Britain people eat pudding and roast beef.
Italy is known for its spaghetti, macaroni, sauces with tomatoes, garlic
and oil.
In Germany sausages, potatoes, cabbage and beer are popular.
Fish is popular in Spain.
Rice is popular in Japan, China, India.
In Africa people like corn, rice.
III. Home Assignment and Summing-up.
Create a project about your family diet. Everybody gets a letter box. Your task is to find 30 words on the topic “Food” in it and write them into the copy-books. 1 point for each word. The total number is 30.
You’ve worked very well. You’ve got such marks for your work at the lesson.
Children! What have we done at our today’s lesson?
Thanks. The lesson is over. Good luck.