Урок - подорож з англійської мови на тему: "Навчання за кордоном"

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Тема: «Навчальні курси. Навчання за кордоном»

Мета: удосконалювати лексичні навички, розвивати навички читання та аудіювання, ознайомити учнів з можливостями поповнення словарного запасу;розвивати логічне мислення; виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.

Тип уроку: урок засвоєння нових знань.

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Тема: «Навчальні курси. Навчання за кордоном»

Мета: удосконалювати лексичні навички, розвивати навички читання та аудіювання, ознайомити учнів з можливостями поповнення словарного запасу;розвивати логічне мислення; виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.

Тип уроку: урок засвоєння нових знань.

                                                   Хід уроку.

I.Підготовка до сприйняття  іншомовного  мовлення.

1) Повідомлення теми уроку.

2) Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Some students are planning to continue their studying abroad. There are many reasons for it. Let’s point some of them.

II.Основна частина уроку.

  1. Читання  тексту.

Read the text and match choices  ( A – K ) to ( 1 – 10 ). There is one extra choice.


Ten Reasons of Study Abroad”

 Living abroad will make you a different person and it will change you forever… in a good way!!! I lived abroad for more than 4 years now, in the US and China. It was and still is the biggest adventure of my life!

Check out now the 10 best reasons, why you should study abroad!

1. (     )
Learning or improving foreign language skills are the main reasons why many students go abroad. Certainly, being surrounded by a foreign language and using it on a daily basis can be a great and easy way to improve your language skills. But the success depends on many factors.

– Have a basic understanding of the language and vocabulary before you go to avoid frustration
– Go to a dialect-free region to learn the purest language
-Try to avoid speaking in your mother tongue or English (if this is not the language you plan on improving)
– Practice the language as often as you can. May be you can get a tutor for free, when you teach him or her your native language?
– Learn the conversational language as well as some terminology of your field of study to make the most out of your stay abroad

2. (     )
Living abroad will show you a new culture from a deeper perspective than ever before. Depending on how exotic and foreign the culture you are going to is, the adjustment process will be anything from easy to nerve wrecking and frustrating. But dealing with this new situation will make you grow and become more open to other perspectives on life. Remember when you come home, shaking your head about the strange behavior of the people around you: Your way is not better than theirs, it’s just different.

3.  (      )
Networking is a buzz word of our times. Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are just a few social and professional networking sites that help us to stay connected and use our connections as potential resources. Imagine in a couple of years, you are working in your job and suddenly your company wants to expand to the country you have studied in. Guess who will be a valuable resource for your company, because you can just pick up the phone and connect with several local people there that can give you valid and accurate information in an instant?

4. (     )
Yes, experience abroad will give you an advantage over other applicants on the job market. HR managers value international experience highly, as this set of candidates is known as adaptable, independent, problem solvers and open. Having spent time abroad will definitely give you a competitive advantage over your competitors in the job market.

5. (     )
Living abroad can have another simple advantage for some of us. Getting out of your comfort zone is certainly not easy, but it will help you to grow. Go out there and experience the world, see it as an adventure that you will tell your grandkids about! Sometimes you have to push yourself and then you will be rewarded with this awesome feeling of accomplishment. Trust me, it’s worth it!!!

6. (     )
Living in a foreign country all by yourself will inevitably make you independent. You are forced to as you don’t have another choice, swim or drown, live or die… no, its not that bad, in fact, it is a great chance. Show yourself, your parents and friends that you can do it- DIY-Style! Show them that they were all so wrong about you being a mama’s boy (or girl)! It will feel great! But don’t be afraid, in case of emergency, you can hop on a plane and be home within 24 hours.

7. (     )
Spending time abroad will be an adventure and those memories will last a lifetime. You will always remember the people you met, the things you experienced and the instances where you made a complete fool out of yourself. I know a lot of people that lived abroad and none of them regrets the time they spent abroad. Yes, there will be difficult times, when you don’t understand the people around you, everything is foreign and nothing makes sense and everyday tasks seem like a major problem. But I can tell you from my experience, it is definitely worth it!

8. (     )
Your time abroad will put you in a foreign and new situation and you will have to deal with this to succeed. But a stay abroad will open your eyes and open your mind. You will understand that there is not just one way to achieve things, but many of equal value. In my eyes, this is one of the most important lessons I have learned during my time abroad and I hope you will too!

9. (     )
When you immerse in a different culture, you will have to adapt to it to make every day life easier. Different cultures have different perspectives, values, traditions and customs and living in this culture will teach you how to behave yourself in this setting. Living in this different culture will help you to adapt to different behaviors and cultural settings. Cultural awareness and adaptability will be a major asset for you and for your future employer in this globalized world

10. (     )
When I went abroad for the first time, I was stunned how much I learned about myself and about my own (German) culture. It is very fascinating to see, how people in other countries see your country, learn about the stereotypes they associate with them and how you can influence their impression by your actions. Many people that go abroad also say that they have learned a great deal about themselves, what is important to them and where they want to go in their life. What will you discover about yourself.

A ) Create a memory of a lifetime.

B ) Learn about yourself.

C ) Afford  the opportunity to make friend around.

D ) Improve your language skills.

E ) Change your perspective.

F ) Improve your job chances.

Q ) Experience the culture.

H ) Get away from home.

I ) Become independent.

J ) Improve your cultural understanding.

K ) Extend your network.


( Key:  1 - D; 2 – Q; 3 – K:4 – F: 5 – H: 6 – I: 7 – A: 8 – E: 9 – J: 10 – B.)

1)  Knowledge itself is a power. Thirst of knowledge took many famous historians to different parts of this world. Mahatma Gandhi went to South Africa to study law and returned as a great scholar with a conviction of helping people of his country to get justice. Likеwise, many students prefer studying abroad because of various reasons. I think students are inclined towards pursuing their studies outside their home countries due to various reasons such as for higher standards of education, better campus facilities, to enlighten their resume and for better employment opportunities.

2)  In some developing countries, where the standard of imparting education is not very high, students prefer foreign universities to do further studies. For instance, if the student discovers that his field of interest such as aeronautical engineering, biotechnical or nanotechnological engineering, do not have good colleges in his home country or are less and it is difficult to get through any of them, he thinks of going abroad and take admission there to quench his desire to do a higher level of study.

3)  Some universities have excellent infrastructure, good research facilities and attractive scholarships for students. These factors attract a student who wants to achieve success in his career path but the universities in his home country are deficient of the above requirements. Some foreign universities offer attractive scholarships to students studying at an undergraduate or graduate level, which can also be the reason behind student’s motivation since it makes him independent while studying.

4)  Degree from a good foreign university always adds up to one’s resume. A person after achieving a degree/diploma certificate from abroad improves his credentials and opportunities of employment. Response to such students in developing countries is overwhelming as far as job matters are concerned.

5)  Many students, after completing their education from universities abroad, seek employment legally in these countries especially, if the economy of the foreign country is better than his home country. These countries offer them better salary packages and benefits, which they may not expect in their own country. So, some students have a notion that studying abroad opens their doors to the employment in the outer world.

Students choose studying abroad because they want  to:

  1.  Find some unique studying  programmes.
  2. Continue their carrier abroad.
  3. Live separately from their parents.
  4. Have higher standards of teaching.
  5. Provide themselves qualitative educational certificate.
  6. Find good facilities and some financial independence.
  1. Говоріння. Speaking.  Work in groups.

Studying abroad, to some people, sounds like a dream come true. The opportunity to travel and experience a new way of life can be a great opportunity. To others, however, studying abroad may appear like a complete nightmare – being away from your family in a strange culture can be very scary.  If you do decide to study abroad, it is important to know the benefits and downsides before you make that final decision.

Pros of Studying Abroad

Some of the pros of studying abroad are very clear: you are allowed the opportunity to learn to stand on your own two feet, at the same time not only learning an academic subject, but also learning about other cultures and ways of life. You could even learn to speak another language.

Studying abroad can teach you invaluable life lessons about what you do and don’t enjoy and you learn great independence skills. It may be the first time you have had to budget for yourself, cook and clean for yourself, do the shopping, and so on. You will also get a great sense of freedom. You will have to learn how to discipline yourself. It is all too easy to forget that one of the reasons you came abroad is to study, and it is important that you focus a large part of your time on your academic studies.

Also, you will probably meet new friends, who you will share valuable experience with. Possibly, these new friends are foreign students themselves, and you could even gain some extra holiday destinations.

Another pro of studying abroad is that you could potentially enroll in a course that is not available in your own country.

Furthermore, once you come to writing your curriculum vitae, being able to enclose international exposure is a definite selling point. It shows potential employers that you are independent, dedicated and hard working.

Cons of Studying Abroad

Of course, if you are studying abroad, you will be leaving behind your existing friends and your family for a period of time. This can be very hard, particularly if you have never been away from home for any great length of time. You will also need to interrupt any activities you are involved in at home, such as a sports team or voluntary activity. 

Another con is that you do not exactly know what to expect, and you could be in for a disappointment. Being independent in a foreign country means you will have to learn how to budget, and this can be very hard. Furthermore, your accommodation might not be up to standards, or you may have very annoying neighbors or roommates.

It is also possible that you find you cannot settle in the foreign culture. Different cultures have different habits, and you may find it very hard to learn how to live with these, or how to live without certain habits that come so naturally to your own culture.

Another issue is, of course, the potential language barrier. You may have a rudimentary knowledge of the language in the country you are hoping to study in, meaning you are able to make your way around when you are on holiday, but it’s an entirely different thing to study in a foreign language. However, many schools in foreign countries now offer their main colleges and seminars in English, so you may be able to take advantage of this.

However, on the positive side, it could give you the opportunity to learn a brand new language. This can help you in the rest of your life, not just in your career and possible further travels, but also health wise. It has been determined that speaking a second language greatly reduces your chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease later on in life.


III. Заключна частина уроку.

1.Підведення підсумків уроку.

To sum up our lesson, I want to say that only you can decide what you want to be, where to study. You have to weigh up carefully the pros and cons of studying abroad, learn everything about the country if you want to study abroad.

2. д/з

 Написати листа другу про свої плани щодо подальшого навчання.


5 лютого 2018
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