Сценарій позакласного західу з теми: Christmas in Great Britain.
Цілі і завдання: 1. Освітні: вихід за рамки традиційного уроку допомагає дітям використовувати англійську мову як засіб розвитку їх комунікативних умінь розучуючи, відтворюючи,інсценуючи вірші, пісні, сценки англійською мовою, учні опановують комунікативними засобами, достатніми для здійснення іншомовного навчання на середньому рівні.
Цели и задачи:
Оснащение: проектор для демонстрации клипов, презентаций, компьютер, декорации, костюмы.
Исспользованные материалы:
Предварительная подготовка:
Ведущие хором при выходе на сцену:
Christmas is here. Christmas is here. Merry Christmas Mothers! Merry Christmas Fathers! Merry Christmas Children!
Ведущий 1:Hello, dear boys and girls! Hello dear guests! There are many holidays in our country and English-speaking countries. Our party is devoted to the most beautiful holiday – Christmas, which is loved by children and adults.
Видео Christmas
Ведущий 2:Let’s meet Christmas…
Ведущий 1:Christmas is a religion holiday. Christmas story comes from the Bible. Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ who was very kind and loved children very much.
Ведущий 2:Many Christians go to church to sing carols and to celebrate the birth of Jesus on Christmas Day. December, 25 is Christmas Day in UK.
Ведущий 1:As for as I know people prepare for this holiday before head. They buy presents, decorate their houses and send greeting cards
Видео Traditions
Ведущий 2:Caroling is singing carols in the street or public places. Christmas carols are special songs which are sung during the Christmas season. Let’s listen to the famous Christmas Carol “We wish you a Merry Christmas”
Carol “We wish you a Merry Christmas”
Ведущий 1:The traditional Christmas tree is a fir tree. The decorating of the tree is usually a family occasion, with everyone helping.
Ведущий 2:It’s winter time
It’s winter time
Decorate a tree!
Ведущий 1: What tree?
Ведущий 2:The Christmas tree!
Decorate the tree
Take some crackers!
Take some bells
Take some lights
Take some starts.
Ведущий 1:At last everything is ready. It’s high time to begin our Christmas Fairy-Tale. Welcome:
Выходит Snow White
Snow White: How strange, it’s so silent in the wood. It’s Christmas Night! It’s time to wish merry Christmas!
Gnomes: Oh, dear Snow White, dear Snow White!
Snow White: My dear Gnomes! What happened? Why are you so exiting? What’s the matter?
Gnomes:Do You know wood news?
Snow White: What news?
Snow White: But why are you speaking about some cats, hens, dogs, bears and not about Christmas?
Gnomes: Christmas?
Snow White: Yes. You see. Now it’s Christmas Night!
Gnomes: Oh, yes. We forgot. Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
Snow White: Merry Christmas to you! Let’s go and wish Merry Christmas to our friends.
Они встречают:
SnowWhite:Hello, dearguests! Hello, dear kids, parents and teachers. We are very glad to see you all here at our holiday of English Christmas.
Ведущий 1:Let's meet Christmas!
It's Christmas! Merry Christmas
Yes, it’s merry, merry Christmas
It’s time for hinging stockings
It’s time for riding sleighs
It’s time for jolly greetings
Snow and holly overeating.
Oh, I love you, merry Christmas.
You’re the best of holidays.
Ведущий 2:Let's meet Christmas! We have got Christmas in winter. And what is winter? Winter is the season when mornings are dark and birds do not ring in the woods and the park.
Ведущий 1:Winter means frost and snow watch the tiny snowflakes softly drifting by like a cloud of feathers falling from the sky.
And tomorrow morning when the sun is bright I will see my garden dressed in shining white.