Семестровий контроль письма "Граматика"

Про матеріал
Семестровий контроль письма (граматичний матеріал). Повторення лексичного та граматичного матеріалу за І семестр. Теперішній простий час. Дієслово "бути " у теперішньому часі.
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Control Writing 5th form

I Variant


Task I. Translate words into Ukrainian

An uncle, grandparents, a pair of tights, gloves,  to slice,

to pour,a cinema, a quiz show

Task II. Translate into English.

Батьки, син, куртка, шкарпетки, прикрашати, пекти, слухати музику, читати журнали.

Task III. Complete the sentences with am, is, are.

1) Thomas (be) my little brother. He (be) nine years old.

2) Wait! We (be, not) ready to go.

3) Dixie (be) my favorite aunt. She always cooks me chicken and dumplings. She (be) coming to visit soon.

4) I (be) sleepy. I think I will go to bed soon. 


Task IV.  Use verbs in Present Simple Tense.

1. She  noodles every Monday. (eat)
2. Wichai  computer every day. (play)
3. They  English well. (speak)
4. He  television every morning. (watch)
5. I  up late. (get)


Task V. Make up 6 sentences in Present Continuous Tense.



Control Writing 5th form

II Variant


Task I. Translate words into Ukrainian

An aunt, a daughter, a pair of socks, a T-shirt, to decorate, to wash, a circus, a game show

Task II. Translate into English.

Бабуся, сімейне дерево, спідниця, черевики, чистити, змішувати, йти на прогулянку, дивитись мультфільми.

Task III. Complete the sentences with am, is, are.

5) The school (be) closed. It (be, not) open.

6) The bus (be) broken down. It needs to be repaired.

7) I (be) lonely. Marcos (be) lonely too. I think we should become friends!

8) Billy (be) good at basketball. 


Task IV.  Use verbs in Present Simple Tense.

9. You  in the office. (work)
10. Mr. Manit  to London. (fly)
11. I  my homework. (do)
12. The teacher  to school every day. (walk)
13. Jack  his bicycle. (ride)

Task V. Make up 6 sentences in Present Continuous Tense.



25 жовтня 2020
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