Розробка уроку англійської мови у 7 класі на тему |
«Спорт у нашому житті»
Підготувала: учитель англійської мови Кириченко Ольга Юріївна |
Розробка уроку англійської мови у 7 класі на тему
«Спорт у нашому житті»
Обладнання: книги, зошити, картки, медіа проектор, комп’ютер, екран, презентація.
Тип уроку: урок узагальнення та систематизації вивченого.
Розвиток компетентностей:
Хід уроку
І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
- Good morning, pupils. How are you? Today I’ll be your teacher of English. My name is Olga Yuriivna. Who is on duty today?
- Good morning. I’m on duty today…
2.Повідомлення мети та теми.
- Today we are going to have a very interesting lesson.
At the beginning of our lesson let’s do this exercise. Name these sports and games. (слайд 1)
Now think and answer: what is this lesson about? What us the theme? (Відповіді учнів).
You are right. (Слайд 2)We continue our work at the theme “Sport”. Today we’ll revise the material of previous lessons, speak about sport in your life and find out new information.
So, let’s start.
3.Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.
Answer my questions: (Слайд 3)
ІІ. Основний етап уроку.
1. Перегляд відеоролика (Відеоролик про Зимові Олімпійські ігри)
Обговорення ролику.
T: What winter kinds of sport did you see?
What emotions of the sportsmed did you see when they win? When they lose? And now look at the blackboard and read the statement: “Losers quit when they’re tired. Winners quit when they’ve won.” Are you agree? Why? Why not?
2. Читання. Впр1 c.89 за підручником.
2.1. Етап підготовки до читання.
- Let’s read the text about school competitions.
2.2. Етап читання.
2.3. Етап перевірки читання.
- read the statesmen after text and say if they are true or false.
3. Grammar.
3.1. Пояснення правил використання дієслів «play, go, do» .
Remember, do we ‘play football’, ‘go football’ or ‘do football’? (play football).
- Tell me, please, when we use play (We use play with the ball games), go (We use go with sports ending in -ing), do (We use do with other sports).
Play is used with ball sports or competitive games where we play against another person (Cлайд 4)
Go is used with activities that end -ing. We go somewhere to do something.
(Слайд 5)
Do is used for a recreational activity or an individual sports that you do in a gym and do not use a ball (Слайд 6)
3.2. Групова робота
Учні діляться на 3 команди за рядами. Перша команда заповнює колонку «play», друга – «go», третя – «do».
- Look at the screen, let’s divide sports into three columns. (Слайд 7)
(swimming, tennis, windsurfing, football, karate, aerobics, volleyball, basketball, judo, cycling, skateboarding, athletics)
play |
go |
do |
tennis football basketball volleyball |
swimming windsurfing cycling skateboarding |
karate aerobics judo athletics |
3.3. Виконання тестів.
And now let’s do an exercise. Учні виконують тести (Додаток 1, вправа 2)
Exercise 2
1. Did you…… dancing yesterday?
a) do
b) play
c) go
2. I find……yoga to be very relaxing.
a) doing
b) playing
c) going
3. He likes to …………… a good game of chess from time to time.
a) do
b) play
c) go
4. I ………… rafting in the mountain river last holidays.
a) did
b) played
c) went
5. She will ……… gymnastics next month.
a) do
b) play
c) go
6. He ………… cricket for a local club.
a) does
b) plays
c) goes
7. He ………… sailing every week.
a) does
b) plays
c) goes
8. My friend…….martial arts last year.
a) did
b) played
c) went
Після виконання завдання учні обмінюються роботами з партнером та взаємоперевіряють виконання роботи. (Слайд 8, 9, 10).
4. Аудіювання
4.1. Завдання перед прослуховуванням тексту:
Т: - Now we’ll listen to the show and then you should answer my questions. Look at the screen and read the questions before listening, then we’ll come back to them. (Слайд 11)
1. What is the name of the show?
2. Are there good prizes on the show?
3. What are the prizes?
4. Who is the first player?
5. Is Fred the winner of a holiday to France?
6. Are the twins the winners of the third prize?
4.2. Прослуховування тексту.
4.3. Відповіді на запитання.
5. Говоріння:
T: - And look at the screen ian tell what the children can do. (Слайд 14)
(Відповіді учнів).
T: - The next task is to tell me what you can do about sport. (Слайд15)
(Відповіді учнів)
6. Гра.
T: - People of different ages are fond of sports and sport helps people to become strong. There are a lot of popular games. And now, let’s play. Please, guess what kind of sport it is.
g) It’s a game played between 2 people or two pairs of people who use rackets. (Tennis) (Слайд 22)
h) It’s a game for 2 teams of 11 players who use special sticks to hit a ball. (Hockey) (Слайд 23)
i) The sport of those who swim. (Swimming) (Слайд 24)
6.2. Підбиття підсумків гри.
Now count scores. Our game ended in …. The winner is the … team. Thank you. My congratulations! (Слайд 25).
ІІІ. Summing up.
1. Оцінювання.
- What marks do you think you diverse?
2. Summing up.
What did you know during the lesson?
Did you like it?
3. Homework.
Write down your homework! Вам необхідно буде заповнити словами з рамочки табличку і підготуватися до контрольної роботи. (Додаток 2)
The lesson is over.
I hope that all of you will go in for sports and will be healthy. I wish you to be the champions not only in for sports, but in your life. Goodbye! (Слайд 27)
Методическая литература:
1. Английский с удовольствием. Enjoy English, учебник для 7 класса. М.З. Биболетова, Н. Н. Трубанева, Изд-во Титул, 2010.
2. Поурочные разработки по английскому языку к УМК М. З. Биболетовой Enjoy English. Е. В. Дзюина, Москва, ВАКО, 2010.
3. Английский язык . Подготовка к ГИА-9 и ЕГЕ. М. А. Бодоньи , Изд-во ЛЕГИОН, Ростов – на Дону, 2012.
Интернет ресурсы:
Додаток 1
Name_______________ Surname___________________
Exercise 1
(swimming, tennis, windsurfing, football, karate, aerobics, volleyball, basketball, judo, cycling, skateboarding, athletics)
play |
go |
do |
Exercise 2
1. Did you…… dancing yesterday?
a) do
b) play
c) go
2. I find……yoga to be very relaxing.
a) doing
b) playing
c) going
3. He likes to …………… a good game of chess from time to time.
a) do
b) play
c) go
4. I ………… rafting in the mountain river last holidays.
a) did
b) played
c) went
5. She will ……… gymnastics next month.
a) do
b) play
c) go
6. He ………… cricket for a local club.
a) does
b) plays
c) goes
7. He ………… sailing every week.
a) does
b) plays
c) goes
8. My friend…….martial arts last year.
a) did
b) played
c) went
Додаток 2
Домашнє завдання.
Вам необхідно буде заповнити словами з рамочки табличку і підготуватися до контрольної роботи.
Game, inning, strokes, yard, round, pitch, board, track, metre, round, quarter, out, half, lap, down, length, ball, ring, field, puck, racket, stick, piece, paddle, gloves, bat, cleats, pads, cluds, move, match, point, set, mile, court, rink, table, course, field, ring, pool, saddle, suit.
Sports |
Equipment |
Where it takes place |
Time, score, distance measurement |
American Football |
European Football |
Tennis |
Chess |
Swimming |
Horse-racing |
Ice-hockey |
Boxing |
Volleyball |
Motor-racing |
Baseball |