test "Nature and Weather"

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота з теми "Природа та погода" для учнів 5 класу. В контрольну роботу влючено перевірку лексичних одиниць з теми та засвоєння граматичного матеріалу в даній темі.
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 Form 5   Test  “Nature and Weather”

1/ Translate

Foggy,  snowy,  warm,  rainy,  hot, windy.

2/ Write down three forms of the verbs:

лежати, втрачати, чути, боліти, вибирати, малювати.

3/ Put the verbs in the Present Continuous or Present Simple Tense.

  • He often (to visit) his granny in the city.
  • She (to speak) on the phone at the moment.
  • We (to know) about your dream.
  • Tom (to water) the flowers in the garden now.
  • They (to go) to the theatre tonight.
  • You sometimes (to drive) to work.

4/ Describe the weather.

Form 5   Test  “Nature and Weather”

1/ Translate

Foggy,  snowy,  warm,  rainy,  hot, windy.

2/ Write down three forms of the verbs:

лежати, втрачати, чути, боліти, вибирати, малювати.

3/ Put the verbs in the Present Continuous or Present Simple Tense.

  • He often (to visit) his granny in the city.
  • She (to speak) on the phone at the moment.
  • We (to know) about your dream.
  • Tom (to water) the flowers in the garden now.
  • They (to go) to the theatre tonight.
  • You sometimes (to drive) to work.

4/ Describe the weather.