Тест з аудіювання до відео "The British Museum"

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Тест до відео Th British Museum можна використовувати при вивченні теми "Great Britain. London" як перевірку ЗУН учнів з аудіювання. Перед завданнями надано лінк до відео на Youtube
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The British Museum. Listening Comprehension for Grade 7


Link to the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9V24DlgTDk&ab_channel=LoescherEditorevideo


Task 1. True/False

  1.     You can see a lot of beautiful sculptures in the British Museum.
  2.     It is situated in Great Ruzvelt Street.  
  3.     This museum is in a large, light-grey building.  
  4.     The Manuscript Room came to the British Museum from Greece.  
  5.     The British Museum is famous for one of the richest libraries in the world.  
  6.     The most important English historical documents are kept in the Manuscript Room.
  7.     A lot of people, more than 6 million, visit the Reading Room every year.
  8.     The visitors can go to the room where well-known people sat many years ago.   
  9.     The visitors can go to the palace where slaves killed an emperor many years ago. 
  10.                 Though the museum is large it won’t take you much time to look through all its collections


Task 2. Choose the correct answer

  1. The British Museum is situated….
  1.      in London, in Ruzvelt street
  2.     in London, in Russell street
  3.      in London, in Great Russell street

2.This museum is …

a) one of the greatest in the world

b) the biggest one in London

c) all of the above

3. In the museum you can see ….

a) a great collection of pictures

b) great collections of pieces of world art

c) a lot of collections of ceramics, sculptures

4. There are lots of important ….. artifacts in Manuscript Room.

         a) Greek

         b) British

         c) Egyptian

5. A lot of famous exhibits in the Museum were brought from…

         a) Greece

         b) Egypt

         c) all of the above

6. Except Art collections …..are kept in the British Museum.

         a) old maps and books

         b) old furniture

       c) old drawings

7.  There are more than ….  in the library of the British museum

      a) 6 000 manuscripts

      b) 6000 books

      c) 6000 000 books and manuscripts

8. The Reading Room is in the shape of …

      a) a square

      b) a circle

      c) a pyramid

9. Famous ….. visited the Reading Room

    a) celebrities

    b) singers and composers

    c) writers and artists

10. Walking through the hall of the British Museum you can…

    a) meet many people

    b) make much discoveries

    c) be scared of exhibits


До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
7 жовтня 2023
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