Тести "Texts for reading"

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Збірка текстів для читання допоможе вчителям у проведенні тематичних , залікових контрольних робіт з англійської мови. Дані тексти можно запропонувати і для аудіювання під час навчального процесу.

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London is the capital of England. It is a very big and old city. London is more than two thousand years old. It stands on the Thames. The Thames is a very big river.

London is a beautiful city. There are many green parks and large gardens in it. There are many big old and modern buildings, large shops, theatres, cinemas, hotels, museums, monuments and palaces in the capital of England.

In the streets of London you can see many cars, buses and taxis. There is an underground in London, too. The London underground is very old. There are also many plants, factories, offices, colleges and schools in London.

The Queen of England lives in a beautiful palace in London.

London is a very nice city.

I. Are the statements true or false?

1.  London is the capital of America.

2   London is not very big city.   .

3. London is more than 1000 years old.

4. London stands on the Thames.

5. The Thames is a very big river.

6. The underground is not very old in London.

II. Complete the sentences.

1. London is the capital of ... .

2. London stands on the river ... .

3. The London underground is very ... .

4. The Queen of England lives in ... -

III. Answer the questions.

1. What is the capital of England?

2. How old is London?

3. What is there in London?

4. What can you see in the streets of London?

5. Where does Queen of England live?

IV. Write about London.




Two Brothers

Once there lived two brothers. They were very much alike, but they were quite different people. One was happy when other people were happy and unhappy when others were unhappy. But the second brother never took care of other people.

"You never help people", said the first brother.

"Yes, I take care of myself', said the second brother, "because I want to live long and be happy".

One day the first brother left the town where they lived. He went to many places and the people who met him said: "He left some of his heart with us".

Many years later the two brothers met again. When the second brother saw his brother, he thought: "Is this young man my brother? How can it be? He is so young; his hair is not white as my hair is".

It was so. The first brother looked young and his heart was younger than before.

The second brother did not say anything. He went slowly home. He was old and unhappy. Do you understand why it was so?

Task I: Mark the right statements "True " and the wrong ones "False ".


1. The brothers were not much alike.

2. The brothers always took care of other people.

3. The second brother never helps people because he wanted to live long and be happy.

4. The first brother was very kind and left some of his heart  with other people.

5. The brothers met two years later.

6. When the first brother came back he looked young.

7. The first brother looked young but his heart wasn't younger than before.

8. The second brother was old and unhappy because he didn't love people.


Task II Answer the following questions.


1. Were the two brothers very much alike?

2. What was the difference between them?

3. Why didn't the second brother take care of other people?

4. Where did the first brother go one day?

5. What did people who met the first brother tell about him?

6. When did the brothers met again?

7. What did the second brother think when he saw his brother?

8. Why did the first brother look young?

9. Was the first brother's heart younger than before?

10. Why was the second brother old and unhappy?




The Dog and the Wolf      

A hungry wolf met a fat dog on the road. They stopped and greeted each other. Then the wolf said:

"Dear friend, you look very well and you are so fat. Please tell me how you manage to live so much better than I do.

I look for food from morning to night and still I often go to bed hungry".

"Oh", said the dog, "I guard my master's house and he gives me good food and drink. I have a warm little house in the yard. If you come to the village with me and do the same, you will live as comfortably as I do".

The wolf was very pleased to hear this and agreed to go with the dog to the village. So they turned and went to the nearest cottage. Suddenly the wolf stopped and said:

"1 see a bare place on your neck, friend, what is it?"

"Oh, that's nothing", said the dog, "it is the mark of my collar. You see the master ties me up sometimes. Why are you turning away?'

"No, I am not going with you, my friend", said the wolf, "I won't lose my freedom for good food. It's better to live in the forest and suffer from hunger and cold than wear a collar. Keep your happiness to yourself, I want to be free".

Task I: Mark the right statements "True " and the wrong ones "False ".

1. A hungry wolf met a sick dog on the road.

2. The wolf wanted to know how the dog managed to live  much better than he.

3. The wolf didn't have to look for food from morning to night.

4. The dog had a warm little house in the yard and his master gave him good food and drink.

5. The dog proposed the wolf to come to the village with him to guard the house.

6. First the wolf agreed to go with the dog to the village.

7. A bare place on the dog's neck frightened the wolf.

8. The master never tied the dog.

9. The wolf decided to lose his freedom and never to be hungry.

10. The wolf wanted to be free and not to wear a collar.

Task II: Choose the variant a), b), c) to complete the sentence. Write the number of the sentence and write the letter which corresponds to the ending you have chosen.

1) A hungry wolf met:

a) a fat dog in the wood.

b) a fat dog on the road.

c) a fat dog in the field.

2) They stopped and:

a) fought with each other.

b) looked at each other.

c) greeted each other.

3) The wolf looked for food:

a) from morning to night.

b) from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.

c) all night.

4) The dog proposed the wolf:

a) to live with him in his warm little house.

b) to share his food and drink with the wolf.

c) to live in the forest with the wolf.


5) The wolf was very pleased to hear this:

a) but didn't agreed to go to the village.

b) but he was afraid to go to the village.

c) and agreed to go to the village.

6) The wolf stopped because:

a) he saw a collar on the dog's neck.

b) he saw a bare place on the dog's neck.

c) he saw many dogs in the village.

7) The master tied the dog:

a) sometimes.

b) often.

c) once a week.

8) The wolf didn't want to go to the village because:

a) it's better to live in the forest.

b) it's better to suffer from hunger and cold.

c) he wanted to be free.




A Day with Granny

Two weeks ago my cousin George and I decided to visit our grandmother in London.

We went up to London in the morning. After lunch we all three decided to sail down the Thames to Greenwich to have a look to old ships. But suddenly it started raining, so we had to change our plans.

We made up our minds to visit Madame Tussauds instead. George hadn't been there before.

We were lucky: we got a taxi and there was no queue! It was great fun seeing all the wax figures. There were some new ones I hadn't seen before.

After an hour Granny felt a little tired and wanted to sit down and rest for a moment. She told us to go down and take a look at all the murders in the cellar. We promised to be back in half an hour.

When we came back we saw two American tourists standing in front of Granny. One of them was taking a photo of her.

We didn't understand why - but then we heard one of them saying, "She sure looks like a real woman!" — You should have seen their faces a moment later when Granny opened her eyes.


Task I: Mark the right statements "True" and the wrong ones "False".


1. A week ago two grandsons decided to visit .their grand¬

mother in London.

2. They went up to London in the afternoon.

3. The boys decided to sail down the Thames to have a look  to old ships.

4. They had to change their plans because it started raining.

5. They decided to visit Madame Tussauds instead.

6. They got a bus and there was no queue.

7. After an hour Granny felt a little tired.

8. The boys took a look at all the murders in the cellar.

9. When they came back they saw many American tourists standing in front of Granny.

10, The Americans took Granny for a wax figure.


Task : Answer the following questions.


1. Who decided to visit Granny in London?

2. When did the boys go up to London?

3. What did the boys and Granny decided to do first?

4. Why did they have to change their plans?

5. Where did they go instead?

6. Why were they lucky?

7. What did Granny do after an hour?

8. What did the boys see when they came back to their Granny?

9. What did two Americans do?

10. Why did one of the American's take a photo of their Granny?





                           A Story      

 Dick was a clever boy, but his parents were poor, so he had to  work in his spare time and during his holidays to pay for his education. In spite of this, he managed to get to the university,  but it was so expensive to study there that during the holidays  he found  it necessary to get two jobs at the same time so as to  earn enough money to pay for his studies

 One summer he managed to get a job in a butcher's shop  during the daytime and another in a hospital at night. In the  shop, he learnt to cut meat up quite nicely, so the butcher  often left him to do all the serving while he went into a room  behind the shop to do the accounts. In the hospital, on the  other hand, he was, of course, allowed to do only the simplest  jobs, like helping to lift people and to carry them from one  part of the hospital to another. Both at the butcher's shop  and at the hospital, Dick had to wear white clothes.

One evening at the hospital, Dick had to help to carry a woman from her bed to the place where she was to have an operation. The woman was already feeling frightened at the thought of the operation before he came to get her, but when she saw Dick, that finished her.

"No! No!" she cried. "Not my butcher! I won't be operated on by my butcher!" and fainted away.

Task I: Choose the correct answer. Write the number of the sentence and the letter, which corresponds to the answer you have chosen.

1.   Why did Dick have to work in his spare time and during his holidays?

a) To pay for his education. 

b) To send money to his family.

c) To buy a new car.

2 How many jobs at the same time did he find it necessary to get?

a) One job.

b) Two jobs.

c) Three jobs.

3. Where did Dick manage to get a job?

a) In a butcher's shop.

b) In a hospital.

c) In a butcher's shop and in a hospital.

4. What did the boy do in the shop?

a) He sold meat.

b) He cut meat up quite nicely.

c) He did all the serving.

5.   What job was he allowed doing in the hospital?

a) To lift people from one floor to another.

b) To lift people and to carry them from one part of the    hospital to another.

c) To help the doctor to treat people.

6. Did Dick have to wear white clothes at both jobs?

a) Yes, he did.

b) No, he didn't.

c) Yes, he had.

7. What did Dick have to do one evening?

a) To help to carry a woman from her bed to the operation  room 

b) To help to lift a man to another floor of the hospital. 

c) To help to carry a woman to her doctor. 

8. Why did the woman faint away?

a) She was feeling frightened at the thought of the opera-    

b) She thought that she would die.

c) She knew Dick as a butcher. And she didn't want to be operated by him. 

Task II: Mark the right statements "True " and the wrong ones "False ".

1. Dick had to work to pay for his education. the lifeboats.

2. He didn't manage to get to the university because the education was expensive.

3.   He got two jobs at the same time to earn  enough money for his studies.

4.   Dick managed to get a job in a butcher's shop during the day time.

5.   He got another job in a cafe at night.

6.    In the shop he helped the butcher to do the accounts.  

7.    In the hospital he was allowed to  do only the simplest jobs. 

8. Dick had to wear a suit at both of his jobs.

9. One evening at the hospital he had to carry a woman to the operation room.

10. The woman fainted away because she thought Dick was going to do the operation.

11  Dick was a very rich boy

12 He spent his holidays at the seaside

13 Dick  had to wear a white clothes

14The story is about Dick’s parents




                            Miss Evans

On a beautiful afternoon, in a year now long gone, a big ship set out its first voyage from England to America. It was a new ship called .''Titanic''  

For two days the "Titanic" went on its way over the sea. Then it entered an ice field and was hit by an iceberg.

Everyone was told to come out of his rooms. Men were putting the lifeboats over the sides of the ship, down into the water. Then all the men helped the women and children to get into the lifeboats.

There was not very much time left. The iceberg was on one side of the ship. It was like a high, white wall.

A woman came to the side of the ship. Her two children were in one of the lifeboats, and she was very much afraid.

"My children are in the lifeboat".

"There's no more room", someone called out. "If we take one more' the 1ifeboat will sink"

There was a young woman in the lifeboat called Miss Evans. When she heard the woman calling, she stood up in the lifeboat and touched one of the men on the arm.

"Let me get back on to the ship", she said. "Let that woman take my place. I have no children".

"The ship is sinking", said the man. "You know that?"

"Yes", said Miss Evans, "I know that".

There was no time to talk. People helped Miss Evans to get back on to the ship. Vегy soon after that there was a great noise, and the  Titanic  went down under the water.

Task I: Mark the right statements "True" and the wrong ones "False ".

1 .       On a beautiful afternoon a big ship set out its last voyage from England to America.

2. After two days "Titanic" entered an ice field.

3. The ship was hit by an iceberg.

4. The men were putting the lifeboats down into the water.

5. Then the men and women helped children to get into

6.   A woman was very much afraid because she was on the ship and her two children were in the lifeboat.

 7. There was no more room in the life boat. 

8. Miss Evans, an old woman, decided to give up her seat to the woman whose children were in the lifeboat.             

9. Miss Evans knew that the ship was sinking.

10. Very soon the "Titanic" went down under the water.

Task II: Answer the following questions.

1.   What was the name of the ship that set out its first voyage  from England to America?

2. What happened with the ship after two days voyage?

3. What did the men do when everyone was told to come out of the rooms?

4.         What was the iceberg like?

5.        Why was a woman very much afraid?

6. Was there some more room in the lifeboat? 

7. Why did Miss Evans leave her place and give it to the children's mother? 

8. Did Miss Evans know that the ship was sinking? 

9. Did she realize that she could sink?

10. Can we consider Miss Evans a heroine? Why?





                           An Apple Tree

There lived a rich farmer in England who had a friend. His friend had very good apple trees.

One day his friend gave the farmer a young apple tree and told him he could take it home and plant it.

The farmer was very happy

When he came home, he didn' t    know where to plant the tree

He thought: "If I plant the tree far from my house, somebody will take my apples. If I plant it near my

house, my children will take the apples" 

So he planted the tree in a forest where nobody could see it. But there was too little sun and the tree died.

When farmer's friend heard of it, he asked the farmer why the tree was in such a bad place.

"Where could I plant it?" said the farmer. "I couldn't plant the tree far from my house or near my house. Somebody could take my apples".

His friend listened to the farmer and said: "Nobody can take your apples now, but you lost a nice tree".

Task I: Choose the correct answer. Write number of the sentence and the letter, which corresponds to the answer you have chosen.

1. There lived ... in England.

a rich woman;   b)a poor man;   c)a rich farmer.

  1.   2. The rich farmer had a friend who had ....
  1.   very good apple trees; b)very good flowers;     c)very good cherry trees.

3.   One day his friend gave the farmer....

a)   an old apple tree        b) many apple trees;       c)   a young apple tree.

4.   The farmer didn`t know ....

a) where to plant a tree;    b) how to plant a tree; c)   when to plant the tree.

5. He was afraid to plant the tree far from his house because

a)   somebody would steal his apple tree;  b)   somebody would take his apples;

c)   somebody would cut his apple tree.

6. .   He planted the tree ....

a)   in his garden;  b)   in his neighbour's house;  c)   in the forest.

7. The farmer's friend asked him ....

  1.    where he had planted the apple tree;  b)if there were apples on the tree;
  2.   why the tree was in such a bad place.

8.    His friend's answer was ....

a)   "You lost a nice tree";  b)   "You lost the apples";c)     I won t give you another tree


Task II. Put the sentences in the right order.

1.    He planted the tree in the forest.

2    His friend gave him a young apple tree.

3.   The farmer's friend asked him why the tree was in such a bad place.

4.   He was afraid that somebody could steal the apples,

5.   The farmer answered that somebody could take his ap­ples.

6.   But there was too little sun and the tree died.

7.   There lived a rich farmer in England.

  1. His friend answered that he had lost a nice tree.

9.  When the  farmer was very happy

10. The farmer didn' t know where to plant it.

III Answer the questions

1Who lived in England?                    2 What did his friend give the farmer one day?

3 Where did he plant the tree?           4 The farmer was very happy, wasn't he?

5 What happened with the tree?         6 Did the farmer lose his tree?


A Wonderful Box

Once upon a time in a small village there lived a young man. His name was Jack. He had a wife and old parents. The family was so poor that there were no nice things in the house.

One day Jack went to town to look for a job.

Some time passed and he came back with a box full of presents for everybody. He gave his mother a shawl, his father a warm cap and a shirt, his wife a beautiful dress.

All of them liked the presents very much and were glad to have them. But Jack s wife wanted to know what else there was in the box.

So , when Jack went to see his friends, she opened the box and saw a beautiful young women in it.

She got very angry and began to cry. When her father-in-law heard it, he asked why she was crying. She told him she was so angry because there was a young woman in the box.

    The old man thought it was strange and decided to look at the young woman. But when he opened the box, he saw no young woman there. An old man was looking at him from the box.

 Jack's father told his daughter-in-law that there was an old man in the box and not a young woman.  But she didn't believe him and went on crying. She said Jack didn' t love her.

 When Jack's mother heard the young woman's story, she  didn't believe her either. She looked into the box and saw an  old woman there.

 So they began to look into the box in turn and Jack`s wife saw a beautiful woman, Jack's father saw an old man, and  Jack`s mother saw an old woman there

 Soon Jack returned home, and when he came into the room,  he saw his wife, his mother and father at the box. He laughed  at them because they didn't know what they saw in the box.

 What was there in the box? Can you guess?


Task I: Mark the right statements  "True' and the wrong ones "False".


1. Once upon a time there lived a young man in a small  town.

2. One day Jack left his village to look for a job.

3 He came back with presents for everybody.

 4 Jack's wife didn4 like his present and looked into the  box to see what else was there.

 5 In the box she saw a beautiful young woman.

 6 Jack's father saw an o]d man who was looking at him from the box

 7 Jack's wife was crying because she thought he didn't love her

 8.  Jack's mother decided to look into this box too because she didn`t  believe her daughter.in.law.          9    Jack's mother saw nobody in the box

 10. Jack laughed at them because there was a mirror in the  box

11The  text is about his friends

12 They know what in the box is



 Task II: Choose the correct answer. Write the number of the sentence and the letter, which corresponds to the answer you have chosen.


1.   Who lived in a small village? 

a)   A young girl;

b)    a little boy;

c)    a young men

2. Was the family poor or rich?

a)   The family wasn`t poor.

 b)   The family was poor.

c)   The family was neither poor no rich.

 3. Why did Jack go to town?      

    a)   He went to town to look for a job.

    b)   He went to town to look for a job.

    c)   He went to town to buy presents for his parents and his wife.

4. What did Jack come back with? 

a)    He came back with flowers. 

b) He came back with a box full of  presents.

c) He came back with a box full of money.

5. What did Jack give his wife?

a) He gave her a shawl.

b) He gave her a beautiful dress.



A Wonderful Box

Once upon a time in a small village there lived a young man. His name was Jack. He had a wife and old parents. The family was so poor that there were no nice things in the house.

One day Jack went to town to look for a job.

Some time passed and he came back with a box full of presents for everybody. He gave his mother a shawl, his father a warm cap and a shirt, his wife a beautiful dress.

All of them liked the presents very much and were glad to have them. But Jack s wife wanted to know what else there was in the box.

So , when Jack went to see his friends, she opened the box and saw a beautiful young women in it.

She got very angry and began to cry. When her father-in-law heard it, he asked why she was crying. She told him she was so angry because there was a young woman in the box.

    The old man thought it was strange and decided to look at the young woman. But when he opened the box, he saw no young woman there. An old man was looking at him from the box.

 Jack's father told his daughter-in-law that there was an old man in the box and not a young woman.  But she didn't believe him and went on crying. She said Jack didn' t love her.

 When Jack's mother heard the young woman's story, she  didn't believe her either. She looked into the box and saw an  old woman there.

 So they began to look into the box in turn and Jack`s wife saw a beautiful woman, Jack's father saw an old man, and  Jack`s mother saw an old woman there

 Soon Jack returned home, and when he came into the room,  he saw his wife, his mother and father at the box. He laughed  at them because they didn't know what they saw in the box.

 What was there in the box? Can you guess?


Task I: Mark the right statements  "True' and the wrong ones "False".


1. Once upon a time there lived a young man in a small  town.

2. One day Jack left his village to look for a job.

3 He came back with presents for everybody.

 4 Jack's wife didn4 like his present and looked into the  box to see what else was there.

 5 In the box she saw a beautiful young woman.

 6 Jack's father saw an o]d man who was looking at him from the box

 7 Jack's wife was crying because she thought he didn't love her

 8.  Jack's mother decided to look into this box too because she didn`t  believe her daughter.in.law.          9    Jack's mother saw nobody in the box

 10. Jack laughed at them because there was a mirror in the  box

11The  text is about his friends

12 They know what in the box is



 Task II: Choose the correct answer. Write the number of the sentence and the letter, which corresponds to the answer you have chosen.


1.   Who lived in a small village? 

a)   A young girl;

b)    a little boy;

c)    a young men

2. Was the family poor or rich?

a)   The family wasn`t poor.

 b)   The family was poor.

c)   The family was neither poor no rich.

 3. Why did Jack go to town?      

    a)   He went to town to look for a job.

    b)   He went to town to look for a job.

    c)   He went to town to buy presents for his parents and his wife.

4. What did Jack come back with? 

a)    He came back with flowers. 

b) He came back with a box full of  presents.

c) He came back with a box full of money.

5. What did Jack give his wife?

a) He gave her a shawl.

b) He gave her a beautiful dress.

c) He gave her a warm hat.

6)   What did Jack's wife want to know?

a) She wanted to know were there any presents more in the box.

b) She wanted to know what else was in the box.

c) She wanted to know where her husband was.

7. Why was  Jack's wife crying?

a) She was crying because she saw an old man in the box.

b) She was crying because she saw an old woman in the box.

c) She was crying because she saw an old women in the box.

8. Why did jack laugh at his wife and his parents?

a) He laughed at them because they didn't know what they saw in the box.

b)  He laughed at them because they didn't believe each other.

c)  He laughed at them because he knew what they could see in the box

9 What was in the box?

  1. Flowers
  2.  Dogs
  3.  Nobody knows
  4. Pen

10 Who looked into the box?

  1. The members of the family
  2. Dick
  3. Friends
  4. Guests

11The story was told by

  1. Mother
  2. Friends
  3. Woman
  4. Jack

12 The main character was

  1. Jack
  2. His dog
  3. Family
  4. His friends






c) He gave her a warm hat.

6)   What did Jack's wife want to know?

a) She wanted to know were there any presents more in the box.

b) She wanted to know what else was in the box.

c) She wanted to know where her husband was.

7. Why was  Jack's wife crying?

a) She was crying because she saw an old man in the box.

b) She was crying because she saw an old woman in the box.

c) She was crying because she saw an old women in the box.

8. Why did jack laugh at his wife and his parents?

a) He laughed at them because they didn't know what they saw in the box.

b)  He laughed at them because they didn't believe each other.

c)  He laughed at them because he knew what they could see in the box

9 What was in the box?

  1. Flowers
  2.  Dogs
  3.  Nobody knows
  4. Pen

10 Who looked into the box?

  1. The members of the family
  2. Dick
  3. Friends
  4. Guests

11The story was told by

  1. Mother
  2. Friends
  3. Woman
  4. Jack

12 The main character was

  1. Jack
  2. His dog
  3. Family
  4. His friends





Cambridge is one of the old university towns of England. The best time to visit it is in the spring, when all the trees are just bursting into leaf. The banks of the river Cam are covered with daffodils and narcissi. It is a wonderful sight and worth going to see.

The University dates from the beginning of the thirteenth century and consists of many colleges. Some of the colleges, which were built between the 13Ib and 15th centuries are large. They are built of grey stone and students' rooms are built around courtyards.

There are paths along the river and the beautiful old colleges are reflected in the water.

Parts of the town of Cambridge still remain as they were many years ago. The market place has  stalls of fruit, flowers and other goods. The old bookshops are always full of students.

During term time the town is full of bicycles. Students ride along the streets on them. In a town of narrow streets a bicycle is the best means of transport.

Cambridge is the only town in England which is really dominated by its colleges and students.

1. What is Cambridge famous for?

a) It is one of the agricultural towns.

b) It is one of the university towns.

c) It is an industrial centre.

d) It is a centre of commerce.

2. When is it best to visit it?

a) In winter.

b) In summer.

c) In spring.

d) In autumn.

3. What flowers are the banks of the Cam covered with in spring?

a) Tulips.

b) Daffodils and narcissi.

c) Chrysanthemums.

d) Roses.

4. When was the University of Cambridge founded?

a) 7th century.

b) 10th century.

c) 13th century.

d) 14th century.

5. What are the oldest colleges built of?

a) Brick.

b) Brown stone.

c) Red stone.

d) Grey stone.

6. Are there many colleges in Cambridge?

a) Yes, there are many.

b) Not many.

c) Quite a few.

d) Not a single.

7. What is reflected in the water of the Cam?

a) Bridges.

b) Old houses.

c) Trees.

d) Colleges.

8. Why do students use bicycles?

a) It is cheap.

b) It is required by the authorities.    

c) Bicycles don't consume petrol.

d) The streets are narrow.

9. Are there many towns in England really dominated by colleges and students?

a) Yes, there are many.

b) Not many.

c) 10.

d) Only Cambridge.

10. What people are the old bookshops full of?

a) Pensioners.

b) Women.

c) Students.

d) Children.



Reading Comprehension

Task: Read the text and choose the best variant (a, b, с or d) to answer the questions. On your answer sheet mark the corresponding letter.

On July 4, 1776, a group of rebels representing the Thirteen British colonies on the Atlantic ocean coast in North America signed a document. It stated that these colonies had the right to be free and independent. The document is known as the Declaration of Independence. July 4 is celebrated by Americans as a national holiday — Independence Day.

There is a building in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, which is called Independence Hall. Here the Declaration was signed. On the building there is a famous Liberty Bell, which rang to tell the happy people in the streets that a new country had been born. But Britain did not agree with this fact until 1783. That year the American colonists won in the war of Independence with Britain.

June 14 is Flag Day in the USA. On that day in 1777 the Americans adopted their own flag.

The stars in the flag — white on a deep blue background — represent the numbers of states making up the United States.

Americans think about and treat their flag with respect. In American schools the Flag day begins with solemn ceremony of raising the flag.

1. When was the Declaration of Independence signed?

a) In July 1777;

b) In July 1776;

c) In July 1778;

d) In July 1779;

2. How many British colonies signed the document?

a) Thirteen;

b) Eleven;

c) Fourteen;

d) Fifteen.


3. What is celebrated in the US A on July 4?

a) Flag Day;

b) Mothering Sunday;

c) Independence Day;

d) Liberty Day.

4. Where was the Declaration of Independence signed?

a) In the White House;

b) In Capitol;

c) Independence Hall in Philadelphia;

d) In Washington.

5. . When did the famous Liberty Bell ring?

a) When the first president was elected;

b) It rang to tell people that a new independent country had been born;

c) When the Americans adopted their own flag;

d) When was Washington proclaimed the capital of the USA.

6. When was the flag adopted?

a) In 1777;

b) In 1787;

c) In 1797;

d) In 1799.

7. What colour are the stars on the USA flag?

a) Red;

b) Yellow;

c) White;

d) Blue.

8. What colour is the background of the USA flag?

a) Brown;

b) Dark green;

c) Light blue;

d) Deep blue.

9. How does Flag Day begin in the USA?

a) With singing the anthem;

b) With saying a prayer;

c) With raising the flag;

d) As usual.

10. What did American colonists struggle with in the War of Independence?

a) Spain;

b) Britain;

c) Canada;

d) France.




Reading comprehension

Task: Read the text and choose the best variant (a, b, с or d) to answer the questions. On your answer sheet mark the corresponding letter.


Lapland is not a recognized country. It is a large area north of the Arctic Circle made up of sections of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. It has no government of its own. In this flat, almost treeless land where the sun does set for three months of the year, where it never rises for another three months, the Lapp herdsman and his reindeer live much as they have lived for hundreds of years. The Lapps originally came from east of the Urals, in Russia. A few thousand years later they were followed by the Finns. Being more advanced culturally, the Finns gradually forced the Lapps further into the icy waters of northern Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia.

The four groups of Lapps are closely connected racially, wear similar costumes and live, as they have for many centuries, almost whole on the reindeer.

Each of the three Scandinavian countries has respected the unique, almost stone age culture.

At the same time they have developed very much along their own lives.

1. What kind of country is Lapland?

a) Highly civilized;

b) Culturally advanced;

c) Not recognized;

d) Powerful.

2. Where is it situated?

a) To the north of the Arctic Circle;

b) To the south of the Arctic Circle;

c)   In Antarctic;

d)   North west of Great Britain.

3. Why isn't it a country in the full sense of the word?

a) It has no capital;

b) It has no government;

c) It has no borders;

d) It has no head of the State.

4. What kind of land is it?

a) With rich vegetation;

b) Made up of desserts;

c) Hilly;

d) Almost treeless, flat,    .

5. How long doesn't the sun set there?

a) 2 months;   b) 3 months;    c) 20 days;  d) Haifa year.

6. What people live in this land?

a) Lapps;        b) Britons;  c) Germans;  d) Vikings.

7. Where did the Lapps come from originally?

a) From Norway;  b) From Sweden;  c) From Finland; d) From the Urals.

8. When were they followed by the Firms?

a) A few years later;

b) A few thousand years later;

e) A few hundred years later;

d)   In a hundred years.

9. What do Finns and Lapps share?

a) Common language;

b) Common style of dress;

c) Common features of character;

d) Common ideals.

10. What culture do the Lapps have?

a) Middle ages;   b) Highly advanced;

c) Almost stone age;  d) 'Average.
















































Reading Comprehension

Task: Read the text and choose the best variant (a, b, с or d) to answer the questions. On your answer sheet mark the corresponding letter.

George Washington who was the first President of the United States, was a wise man. Once a certain neighbour of his stole one of Washington's horses. Washington together with a police officer went to the neighbour's farm to get the horse. But the neighbour refused to give the horse up; he claimed that it was his own. Covering both of the horse's eyes with his hands, Washington said to the neighbour. "If the horse is really yours, you must tell us in which eye he is blind".

"In the right eye", the neighbour said.

Washington took his hand from the right eye of the horse and showed the police officer that the horse was not blind in the right eye. "Oh, I must have made a mistake", the neighbour said, "He is blind in the left eye". Washington then showed that the horse was not blind in the left eye either.

"I guess I have made another mistake", said the neighbour. ""yes", said the police officer, "and you have also proved that the horse does not belong to you. You must return it to Mr. Washington".

1.   What was G. Washington?

a) An ordinary American;

b) A farmer;

c) The first American President;

d) A police officer.

2.   Who stole one of Washington's horses?

a) His cousin;

b) His neighbour;

c) A thief;

d) A soldier.

3. Who went to the neighbour's farm to get the horse?

a) A police officer;

b) A police officer and G. Washington;

c) Two police officers;

d) Nobody.

4. What did the neighbour claim?

a) That he didn't see the horse;

b) That he found it on the fields;

c) That it was his own;

d) That his brother gave it to him.

5. How did Washington act to prove that the horse was his?

a) He called the horse by name;

b) He examined his ears;

c) He examined his back;

d) He closed his eyes with his hands.

6. What was the fanner's first mistake?

a) He began to run away;

b) He shouted at the top of his voice;

c) He said the horse was blind in the right eye;

d) He said the horse had bad teeth.

7. What was the farmer's second mistake?

a) He looked ashamed;

b) He refused to answer;

c) He said the horse was blind in the left eye;

d) He said the horse had a scar on his neck.

8. What did the officer think on the case?

a) That the horse belonged to the neighbour;

b) That horse didn't belong to anybody of them;

c) That the horse belonged to Washington;

d) That it was difficult to say.

9. What did the officer tell the neighbour?

a) To return the horse to G. Washington;

b) To keep it at home;

c) To come to the trial;

d) To wait.

10. What kind of a man did G. Washington prove to be?

a) Jolly;

b) Wise;

c) Silly;

d) Ill-tempered.



Reading Comprehension

Task: Read the text and choose the best variant (a, b, с or d) to answer the questions. On your answer sheet mark the corresponding letter.

Charles Chaplin made his name before the First World War long before radio and television. His autobiography recalls a childhood passed in wretched London streets. When Chaplin arrived in America in 1913 to one of Fred Karno's music hall companies, he was known as a talented ambitious young comedian. These qualities landed him a job with the Keystone Film Company. In his first film he appeared as an aggressive man in a broken silk hat. Yet for his second film, in which he played a fool, he wore the costume, he was to retain almost without changes for the next 22 years.

In time Chaplin became his own writer,, director and producer. It gave him a possibility to broaden and deepen the characters, which began to wake not only laughter but tears, his inventions proved phenomenal. In two years between 1916 and 1918 he made 14 films — each one a masterpiece.

With "Modern Times" Chaplin's work took a new turn. It was often his fondest admirers, who were the least forgiving of what they saw as a change in Chaplin. They accused him of overstepping his limits, of forgetting he was a clown.

1.   When did Ch. Chaplin make himself a name?

a) After the First World War;

b) Before the First World War;

c) At the end of the 19th century;

d) Inl93Oies.

2. Where did he spend his childhood?

a) In London;  b) In Paris;  c) In Dublin;   d) In Berlin.

3. What was he in 1913?

a) A child;

b) A talented young actor;

c) A student at a college;

d) A beggar.

4. What was his first job in the USA?

a) With Walt Disney Company;

b) With Hollywood;

c) With the Keystone Film Company;

d) A dancer in a bar.

5. What kind of a man did Charlie Chaplin play in his first film?

a) Aggressive;   b) Naive; .   :c) Ambitious;           d) Kind-hearted.

6. Whom did he play in his second film?

a) A clever man;

b) An absent-minded ma;

c) A fool;

d) A shy man.

7. What hadn't Ch. Chaplin changed for the 22 years?

a) His beard;

b) His moustache;

c) His stick;

d) His costume.

8. How many films were made in two years between 1916 and 1918?

a) 2;   b) 5;  c) 14;  d) 10.

9. What happened after Ch. Chaplin's film "Modern Times"?

a) He stopped making films;

b) He stopped playing in films, only on the stage;

c) His work took a new turn;

d) He retired on pension.

10. Who was the least forgiving because of his change?

a) His wife;    b) His children

c) His enemies;        d) His fondest admirers.










Yankova Anna
10 квітня 2018
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