Travelling go to Shopland

Про матеріал
Сучасна розробка уроку-мандрівки в країну Шопленд для 6 класу з метою - активізувати лексичний матеріал; вживати лексичні одиниці у мовленні; розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів; удосконавлювати техніку читання; перевірити рівень розуміння прочитаного; удосконавлювати навички діалогічного мовлення учнів.
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1ПЛАН - КОНСПЕКТ  УРОКУ У 6 КЛАСІ «Travelling to Shopland».

ТЕМА: Let’s go shopping to Harrods”(slide 1-2).

МЕТА: - практична: активізувати лексичний матеріал; вживати лексичні одиниці у мовленні; розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів; удосконавлювати техніку читання; перевірити рівень розуміння прочитаного; удосконавлювати навички діалогічного мовлення учнів;

- освітня: поглибити уявлення учнів про відділи магазинів; узагальнити граматичний матеріал;

- розвиваюча: розвивати пам’ять, увагу, уяву, логічне мислення учнів; розвивати творчі та акторські здібності;

-  виховна: виховувати сумлінне ставлення до навчання, виховувати  почуття взаємодопомоги та спільної роботи в групах, створювати сприятливий психологічний клімат у дитячому колективі.

ОБЛАДНАННЯ: підручник, роздатковий матеріал,  комп’ютер, дошка, проектор, екран, презентація.

ТИП УРОКУ: урок узагальнення та систематизації знань.



Хід уроку.


І. Організаційний момент.

-Good morning, pupils! Nice to see you today! I hope you are well today. To make your mood good repeat these words after me: We are pupils. We  are good pupils. We are talented pupils. We are the best pupils in the world. O'key, now I can see that you are in a good mood and ready to start working.

2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу.

T. Today we have an unusual lesson. The lesson-travelling to Harrods. It's the last lesson on the topic”Shopping”.We've got lot of work to do. We'll summarize our knowledge on this topic. We'll speak about the most important topic in our life. During the lesson you will do a lot of interesting things: act, play lexical games,sing,watch funny videos,listen to the stories,make dialogues,do grammar exercises and so on.

T.-The motto of our lesson is  “If you want to buy, buy; if you don't want to buy bye, bye.”Repeat it as faster as possible.(slide 3).

T. So, to enter the shopping atmosphere, look at the screen . ( slide 4) (video “Steve in the shop”).So are in the shopping atmosphere now.

T.  You know shopping is an opportunity to buy everything we need, from food to clothes. When we do the shopping we get to know a lot of information about different goods, their prices, quality. We learn to choose products, to spend money rationally. Someone will say that shopping is an original way of spending free time. Someone will say it's a forced waste of money. Today, shopping is a means of our existence and living. It can make our dreams come true. Besides shopping is a great entertainment too. If you want to relax-shopping is for you. While shopping you talk to other people, get experience.

T. Well, now a story about two Ukrainians who have just finished courses in English and decided to go abroad. Meet Vika and Pavlo (role action). (slides 5-6). They went to Harrods to buy shoes.(slide 7).

II.  частина.

1) Lexical Practice. Лексична практика.

T.  So, you can see how important it is to learn English well not to get to such a stupid situation as Pavlo did.

T. So, yesterday I interviewed you to see your attitude to shopping. I asked three questions (slide 8).

1. Do you like to go shopping?

2. How often do you go shopping?

     3. What shops do you usually visit?



T. Look at your interview ( interview on the screen slide 9).Now I can see that you are great shoppers because most of you do shopping every day. 

T. So, as there are many different goods, o there are many shops which sell    them (slides 10-12). Your home task was to revise the names of different shops  and    goods which we can buy in these shops. So, children, I'd like to know what kinds of shops do you know?

For this we'll play the game «Mystery Shop». Tell me, please, in which shops can we use these expressions?

1.Can I have a pocket of butter, please?(Dairy).

2. I'd like two loaves of bread and a cake. (Baker's)

3. How much does a kilo of potatoe cost? (Greengroser's).

4. Can I try this pair of jeans, please? (Clothes shop).

5. How much does a kilo of sausages cost? ( Butcher's).

6. I want to buy a teddy bear for my little brother. (Toy shop).

T. Well done. Another task for you. Each group has got a lot of cards with the names of different shops. I'll tell you different goods. You are to show the proper shop where you can buy these goods. Well done

T. And again the task for you: name 5 shops as quickly as possible. Perfect.

T. Name the goods(the teacher is showing the pictures of some goods and pupils name them). I can see that you know a lot of shops and goods that they sell.

2). Listening Practice. Аудіювання.

T. But today, my dear friends, we are going to visit the biggest department store in London. It's Harrods, of course. Before listening to the text about Harrods I'll give you the tasks. You have to listen to the text very attentively to do the tasks correctly. Kiril , please, go to the blackboard and tell us about Harrods.  (video''Harrods'',Kiril is telling about Harrods).(slide 13).

Harrods is the largest department store in Europe. The Harrods mottor is”All Things for All People, Everywhere”. Harrods founder Charles Henry Harrod first started his business in 1824, when he was 25. In the beginning, Harrods was a small groser's shop.The shop's 330 departments offer a wide range of products and services. Products in offer include clothing for women,men, children and infants and beauty items,gifts,stationary,housewares, home appliances and much more. There are 9 bars and restaurants in the store. Up to 300,000 customers visit the shop on peak days. More than 5 thousand shop-assistants work at Harrods. The sales are in January and July. 

T. Thank you very much. I hope you listened to the text very attentively and ready to do the tasks. The first task is: you have to make the mottor of Harrods from separate words. 1 minute is for you (each group is making the mottor). Let's check up your tasks. The correct mottor is”All things for All people. Everywhere.”(slide 14).

T. The next task for you is to choose the correct answers. (pupils answer the questions with the help of A B C.)

T. And now, children, let's buy something at Harrods.

T. But before doing shopping you should know the main shopping rules. Look at the flip chat. These are the main shopping rules: ( the teacher is reading the shopping rules on the flip chat):

1.You should pay for everything you buy

 2.If you are queuing at the cash-desk you need to wait for your turn.

3.You should check your money before and after paying.

T. So we know the main shopping rules. What else do we need for shopping? Of course, shopping is impossible without money. Well, tell me, please, what money do English people use? Look at the screen.  (slide 15). Of course, they use pounds and pence. (the teacher gives money to the pupils ).

T. Now let's sing the song “Ten shiny coins ”(pupils are singing the song). (slide 16).

4). Writing Practice. Письмо.

T. So, we know the shopping rules, have money and now we are ready to buy goods.  Pupils, here I go. I am at Harrods.  (the teacher is at the desk with a lot of cards of different goods on it)

T. Pupils, I am here at Harrods.  At the self-service department. Oh, look. There are so many goods at Harrods. How wonderful they are all! I'd like to buy everything. But it seems to me that I can't buy everything because I haven't got too much money. And you? Can you buy everything? No?

T. It's very important to do shopping rationally , not to waste too much money. That's why we have to make up the shopping list before going shopping.  I've got a preposition to you. You should buy goods only for special cases (slide 17). Some of you will buy products for a vegetable salad, some of you will buy some electrical devices for kitchen, some of you will buy some clothes for your sister. Choose the cards and write down the shopping lists. And I've got some special task for our inclusive group. You are to choose the clothes for a boy from the cards. And Dima will choose things for his room. Now do the shopping. (pupils are choosing the proper goods).

T. So, your shopping lists are ready, take your shopping bags and choose goods according to your shopping lists. One pupil from each group will do shopping.

T. While they are choosing the goods I will work with the rest of you. Complete the expressions:

a bottle of....

a jar of...

a can of...

a carton of...

a box of...

a bar of...

a loaf of...

a pound of...

a kilo of...

T. So our shoppers have chosen goods . Let's check their shoppings. (pupils are reading the goods). Well done.

5).Exercises. Фізкультхвилинка.

T. Children, tell me, please, are you happy to be at Harrods? Ok. It's a break at Harrods. Everyone do exercises. Stand up and do exercises. ( video exercises on the screen)(slide 18).

 T. The shopping process is impossible without some persons and things. Let's revise them. For this task look at the screen. Unscramble words. (slide 19) (work in groups).

1. e c r I p-----------------------

2. p o h s   s I s t a n s a----------------------------

3. r k t m a e---------------------------------------

4. p e r k e t m a r s u--------------------------------

5. n e y o m----------------------------------------------

6. e r c u s m t o-------------------------------------------

(price, shop-assistant, market, supermarket, money, customer)

3). Grammar practice. Граматика.

T. Let's have some grammar. You have already learnt that we use many when we say about countable things and much when we say about uncountable things. So your task is to put the words many/much correctly to the sentences. Do the test.(slide20).

T. Word-combinations are on the screen. Make up the word-combinations. (slide21)

6).Speaking practice. Мовлення.

T. Well done. It's very important to know how to communicate in the shop. Tell me, please, how to ask about the price? Who knows? (slide22). Your next task is to make dialogues. For this divide into pairs. I'll give you some cards. Those who have circles are shop-assistants and those pupils who have letters are customers.  Each pair will make up the dialogues. The video will help you. Look at the screen. (video”At the grocer shop”) (slide 23).Now you are ready to make up our own dialogues. 4 minutes are  for this work.(pupils are working in pairs).

T. Before telling your dialogues don't forget to be polite and patient to each other.(Children are telling the dialogues).

 T. Pupils, you can't even imagine what an interesting thing there is at Harrods today. It's Shop lotto (slide 24). Here it is. It's a shopping box with a lot of pretty balls in it . There are letters on each ball which mean the beginning of the names of the shops. Each of you will pull one ball out, name the shop with a letter and make up the sentence what you can buy at this shop. I will be the first.(the teacher is pulling the ball and telling the sentence).Now it's your turn.

7). Reading practice. Читання.

T. Well done.  It's time for story. This story is called”Monster Shopping Trip”.It's about a green handsome monster Hairy Henry.  Listen to the story and watch it.(slide 25) .Read the story in roles  (pupils are reading in roles) .And now do the tasks.( pupils are doing the tasks on the cards in groups). Now let's check up your tasks.

8).Mind maps. Associations.

T. Now I'll give you the sheets of paper with the schemes in the centre of them. What do you associate with shopping? Draw,please, your associations.(Children make mind maps then go to the blackboard and present them).

T. I've got a surprise to you. Our school created  it's own Trade Mark of chocolates which are called “School Dream”.(slide 26) .Now I'd like to give you these chocolates for your good job during the lesson and to our guests for their attention to us and for the  memory of our school.(the teacher is giving gifts to pupils and guests)

T. Perfect. Thank you. Let's play the mime game”Back to the board”.Two pupils go to the blackboard. One of them sits on the chair with his back to the blackboard. The other pupil stands behind him and shows the card with some shop to the class. The pupils use mimics to show the shop. The pupil on the chair must guess the shop.

 ІІІ. Summarizing. Заключна частина. Підсумки уроку.Рефлексія.

T. Our lesson has come to the end. Did you like the lesson?  I've got the shopping basket.(slide 27). Take the stickers and write down what activities you liked best at the lesson. Stick your on the basket. Well done  Thank you.

ІV. Home task. Домашне завдання.

T. Your home task is to write a letter to your email-friends in England about your shopping on Christmas Eve (slide 28). You worked well today.  Let's say Good bye to Harrods and London. Thank you for your work.  Good-bye, children!








ТЕМА: Let’s go shopping.

(Покупки в магазині)




               Підготувала вчитель англійської мови Бондар Ірина Володимирівна.



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