Урок англійської мови на тему "Хобі"

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Конспект уроку англійської мови у 5 класі на тему "Hobby" Тема: Довкілля Підтема: Моє хобі Цілі: Навчальна:- удосконалювати навички усного мовлення, активізувати вживання вивченої лексики в усному мовленні,удосконалювати та розвивати навички діалогічного мовлення в різних комунікативних ситуаціях Розвиваюча:розвивати культуру спілкування,самостійність,мовну здогадку,розширити знання про різні види хобі Виховна: формувати вміння працювати в парах,колективі,виховувати відповідальність за виконання роботи,інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови. Обладнання:мультимедійний проектор,картинки,картки для роботи в парах Тип уроку: Узагальнення вивченого матеріалу по темі « Дозвілля» Хід уроку I. Організаційна частина. Привітання. Good morning boys and girls. Glad to see you .How are you today? I see you look great. Are you ready to start the lesson? –Yes , sure .O K. II. Мотивація навчальної діяльності. Warming up Are there any butterflies now? Why? What season is it now? What month is it now? What is the weather kike? What do children like doing in autumn? ( children like playing sport games, reading books, dancing, listening to music, watching cartoons, riding bikes, picking up mushrooms) Teacher: Its rather cold today. When the weather is cold and bad I prefer staying at home. And what about you? What can you do at home in your free time?( I can play computer games, watch TV, read books, draw, knit, listen to music) Teacher: You are right. But you are very active persons, I think. That’s why when the weather is fine you take a ball and play. What games can you play? (I can play basketball, volleyball, football, tennis) Teacher: I see you are very sporty. So can you guess what we would be talking about in our lesson today? Look at the blackboard. Let's open the words. Slide 1 H - we wear it on our heads; O - it`s a colour and a fruit; B - you carry school thing in it; B- Klychko is famous in this kind of sport I - it`s me; E - it`s a very big animal; S - we can see it only in winter; ІІІ. Основна частина Teacher: yes we shall speak about your free time and how to spend it, about activities you prefer .A hobby is what you like to do in your spare time. We choose a hobby according to our tastes and characters. Every person has a hobby or a personal interests .I think that I am lucky that I have a hobby . Look at the blackboard please. Епіграф Many men- many hobbies Hobbies differ like tastes Teacher: At the end of the lesson you will be able to say do you agree or disagree with these proverbs. Teacher: look at this pictures and say what are these children hobbies? Teacher: Look at the screen and lets learn this poem about pupils who like English best of all. Slide 2 Teacher:We can collect different things, play different games, make beautiful things, we can go hiking, play musical instruments and what not. It is impossible to name all the hobbies , but some of them are on the screen of the computer. Slide 3 Divide this words into groups : Stamps, volleyball ,hunting, taking photos, knitting, swimming, coins, hiking, books, chess, drawing, football, hide-and- seek, do it yourself, food, rock climbing, embroidering. Possible titles: things people collect, things people make, things people play, creative hobbies, outdoor activities. Teacher : Let's do the next task Slide 4 Match the parts of the sentences: • 1.Different people like a) is watching football games • 2.A hobby is something you b)fond of travelling • 3.Some people are c) doing different things • 4.My Dad's hobby d) reading poems • 5.My mother enjoyes e)like to do in free time Teacher : Are you tired? Let's do exercises 1,2,-1 ,2 ,3 I like boxing Look at me 1 , 2 ,- 1 , 2 , 3 , I enjoy watching TV I like dancing Look at me 1,2 -1,2,3 I like swimming in the sea Slide 5 Teacher: we go on our work and now you will work in pairs. Put the dialogue into the right order and make your own - Is there anything you don ’t like ? - I like painting. If the weather is bad, I like watching TV, especially cartoons. - Hello ,Vlad ! What do you like doing at the weekend? - Yes I like listening to music. - Well ,I don’t like reading. - Thanks ,Vlad. Slide 6 Teacher: Make up the dialogue using key- words: --- Hobby ,reading books, hockey ---Father, likes to read, football, ---Sister, fond of animals, ---Mother, is interested in history, ---Families, hobby, reading. And the last task for today. Imagine that you are reporter.Interview our guests about their hobbies and pastimes. Інтерв'ю з гостями • So our guests have hobbies : most of all they like ……………………………..and what about you? I think it's time presented your projects. Who will be the first? Захист презентацій Thank you for your reports .And finish our lesson I want with an English proverb: Use the numbers of English letters and read this proverb. Підведення підсумків Виставлення оцінок. Домашнє завдання: Your home task is draw a picture of your hobby and write a letter about your hobby.
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Конспект уроку англійської мови у 5 класі на тему "Hobby"

Тема:      Довкілля

Підтема:   Моє хобі


Навчальна:- удосконалювати навички усного мовлення, активізувати вживання вивченої лексики в усному мовленні,удосконалювати та розвивати навички діалогічного мовлення в різних комунікативних ситуаціях

Розвиваюча:розвивати культуру спілкування,самостійність,мовну здогадку,розширити знання про різні види хобі

Виховна: формувати вміння працювати в парах,колективі,виховувати відповідальність за виконання роботи,інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови.


Обладнання:мультимедійний проектор,картинки,картки для роботи в парах


Тип уроку: Узагальнення вивченого матеріалу по темі « Дозвілля»

                                         Хід уроку

  1. Організаційна частина. Привітання.

Good morning boys and girls. Glad to see you .How are you today? I see you look great. Are you ready to start the lesson? –Yes  , sure .O K.


  1. Мотивація навчальної діяльності.

Warming up

Are there any butterflies now?


 What season is it now?

 What month is it now?

 What is the weather kike?

 What do children like doing in autumn?

( children like playing sport games, reading books, dancing, listening to music, watching cartoons, riding bikes, picking up mushrooms)


Teacher: Its rather cold today. When the weather is cold and bad I prefer staying at home. And  what about you? What can you do at home in your free time?( I can play computer games, watch TV, read books, draw, knit, listen to music)


Teacher: You are right. But you are very active persons, I think. That’s why when the weather is fine you take a ball and play. What games can you play?

(I can play basketball, volleyball, football, tennis)


Teacher: I see you are very sporty. So can you guess what we would be talking about in our lesson today? Look at the blackboard. Let's open the words.

Slide  1

H -  we wear it on our heads;

O -  it`s a colour and a fruit;

B - you carry school thing in it;

B- Klychko is famous in this kind of sport

I - it`s me;

E - it`s a very big animal;

S - we can see it only in winter;


ІІІ. Основна частина


Teacher: yes we shall speak about your free time and how to spend it, about activities you prefer .A hobby is what you like to do in your spare time. We choose a hobby according to our tastes and characters. Every person has a hobby or a personal interests .I think that I am lucky that I have a hobby . Look at the blackboard please.


Епіграф  Many men- many hobbies

                  Hobbies differ like tastes

Teacher: At the end of the lesson you will be able to say do you agree or disagree with these proverbs.


Teacher: look at this pictures and say what are these children hobbies?


Teacher: Look at the screen and lets learn this poem about pupils who like English best of all.

Slide 2


Teacher:We can collect different things, play different games, make beautiful things, we can go hiking, play musical instruments and what not. It is impossible to name all the hobbies , but some of them are  on the screen of the computer.

Slide 3


Divide this words into groups :

Stamps, volleyball ,hunting, taking photos, knitting, swimming, coins, hiking,  books, chess, drawing, football, hide-and- seek, do it yourself, food, rock climbing, embroidering.


Possible titles: things people collect, things people make, things people play, creative  hobbies, outdoor activities.


Teacher : Let's do the next task

Slide 4


Match the parts of the sentences:


  • 1.Different people like                    a) is watching football games
  • 2.A hobby is something you           b)fond of travelling
  • 3.Some people are                            c) doing different things
  • 4.My Dad's hobby                            d) reading poems
  • 5.My mother enjoyes                      e)like to do in free time


Teacher : Are you tired? Let's do exercises

    1,2,-1 ,2 ,3

I like boxing

Look at me

1 , 2 ,- 1 , 2 , 3 ,

I enjoy watching TV                                                                                                                              

I like dancing

Look at me

1,2 -1,2,3

I like swimming in the sea

Slide 5


Teacher: we go on our work and now you will work in pairs.   

Put the dialogue into the right order and make your own

 -  Is there anything you don ’t like ?  

- I like painting. If the weather is bad, I like watching TV, especially cartoons.

-  Hello ,Vlad ! What do you like doing at the weekend?

- Yes I like listening to music.

- Well ,I don’t like reading.

- Thanks ,Vlad.

Slide 6                               


Teacher: Make up the dialogue using key- words:

      --- Hobby ,reading books, hockey

---Father, likes to read, football,

---Sister, fond of animals,

---Mother, is interested in history,

---Families, hobby, reading.


And the last task for today.

Imagine that you are reporter.Interview our guests about their hobbies and pastimes.

Інтерв'ю з гостями


  • So our guests have hobbies : most of all they like ……………………………..and what about you?


     I think it's time presented your projects. Who will be the first?


Захист презентацій


Thank you for your reports .And finish our lesson I want with an English proverb: Use the numbers of English letters and read this proverb.






























Підведення підсумків Виставлення оцінок.


Домашнє завдання:

Your home task is draw a picture of your hobby and write a letter about your hobby.



17 жовтня 2019
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