Урок. Матеріал до уроку з англійської мови

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On Screen 2 матеріали із підручника для вивчення англійської мови: тексти, вправи, тести
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  Parts of the body

 1 Label the body parts: arm, shoulder, chest, finger, leg, knee, neck, wrist, ankle, nose.

























 2 Complete the crossword.




















































































































































  Sports Verbs

 3 Fill in: kick, pass, score, practise, beat, warm up, win, exercise.


 1 It’s important to ………………………… properly before you do any sport to avoid injury.

 2 In order to ………………………… the tournament you have to ………………………… all the other teams.

 3 Swimming is a great way to ………………..…… your whole body.

 4 The team managed to ………………………… six goals in their last match.

 5 In football, you ………………………… the ball with the side of your foot to ……………………… it to another player.

 6 I’m quite good at baseball but I need to ………………………… my pitch.




 4 Complete the dialogues using the verbs in the correct form: sprain, twist, cut, hurt, get, break.


 1 A: What happened to you?

  B: I fell off my bike last week and ………..…….. my arm! I had to put it in plaster.


 2 A: How did you do that?

  B: I dropped my drink and ………..…….. my finger on the broken glass.


 3 A: Are you OK?

  B: No. I was running for the school bus when I tripped over and ………..…….. my ankle. It's really sore.

 4 A: What happened to your leg?

  B: I fell into the table and …………….. a bruise!


 5 A: How did you ………..…….. your wrist?

  B: I was ice-skating and slipped on the ice.


 6 A: I ………..…….. my head when the basketball hit me.

  B: Oh dear. I hope it gets better soon.



  Food & Drink

 5 Complete the table. Use: lobster, cake, prawns, milk, pineapple, ice cream, apple juice, cereal, coffee, onion, cheese, watermelon, beef, potato, chicken, rice.




Dairy Products





















 6 Underline the correct item.


 1 Can you get me a bottle/carton of oil from the supermarket?

 2 You have to slice/peel the skin off the carrot before you can grate it.

 3 Would you like a glass/cup of coffee or tea?

 4 You should boil/beat the eggs in a bowl before adding the sugar.

 5 There’s a packet/bag of biscuits in the cupboard. You can have one with your coffee.

 6 The recipe says you have to bake/fry the cake in the oven for 30 minutes.

 7 You should have some fresh fruit juice instead of a tin/can of cola; it’s healthier.



General Revision

 7 Match the columns to form collocations.


whole a game

leafy b break

huge c room

final d grains

mineral e impact

permission f vegetables

commercial g water

emergency h slip



 8 Choose the correct item.


 1 ……., poultry and seafood are great sources of protein.

  A Fruit B Vegetables C Meat


 2 You should wear sunglasses to protect your eyes because bright sunlight can damage your ……. .

  A sight B smell C touch


 3 You should drink milk every day to get the ……. you need to stay healthy.

  A carbohydrates

   B calcium

  C fluids


 4 The brain needs a type of ……. called glucose for energy.

  A sugar B flour C salt

 5 Suzy has got a bad ….. in her ear. She needs to see a doctor.

  A injury B syndrome C pain


 6 The head ….. watched his team win the game from the side of the pitch.

  A viewer B fan C coach


 7 ….. are delicious little red fruits that go well with some cream.

  A Strawberries B Peaches C Grapes


 8 Your brain is the most important ….. in your body. It controls everything.

  A sense B organ C bone

 9 Fill in: refresh, concentrate, ignore, replace, train, overdo.




























10 Choose the correct preposition.


 1 This yogurt is low of/in fat.

 2 Try and eat cereals that are full in/of fibre.

 3 Karen pays attention at/to the amount of sweets she eats.

 4 Did you now that strawberries are high in/of vitamin C?

 5 Homemade soup is good for/to you when you have a cold.




  countable/uncountable nouns

11 Fill in a, an or some.


 A: What do we need for this recipe?

 B: We need 1) ………. flour, 2) ………. milk, 3) ………. sugar and 4) ………. egg. Oh, and we need 5) ………. olive oil as well.

 A: Great! We’ve got all those ingredients so all we need now is 6) ………. bowl and 7) ………. frying pan and we can make 8) ………. pancakes.


12 Complete the second sentence with the correct modal verb.


 1 You aren’t allowed to use the gym today.

  You …………………. use the gym today.

 2 I advise you to wear comfortable clothes in the gym.

  You …………………. wear comfortable clothes in the gym.

 3 It isn’t necessary for you to book time on the machines.

  You …………………. book time on the machines.

 4 You are obliged to bring your membership card with you.

  You …………………. bring your membership card with you.

 5 It’s possible the gym could be busy at times.

  The gym …………………. be busy at times.

 6 It is forbidden to eat in the gym.

  You …………………. eat in the gym.




13 Underline the correct item.


 1 My brother loves watch/watching different sports on TV.

 2 I might go/to go jogging this afternoon.

 3 I’d like to play/playing basketball tonight?

 4 You must to rest/rest properly after exercising.

 5 I want buy/to buy new trainers for the gym.

 6 I often go to swim/swimming after I finish work.

 7 Jim enjoys to listen/listening to classical music.

 8 I don’t mind waiting/to wait for you after the game.



Everyday English

14 Replace the underlined phrases (1-5) with phrases from the list.


 A: I’m going to the gym. 1) Do you want to come with me?

 B: No, thank you. 2) To me the gym is just an expensive way of doing something that you can do for free.

 A: 3) I don’t see it that way. I find it easier to motivate myself at the gym. Plus, you can sign up to exercises classes.

 B: 4) You’ve got a point, but I prefer exercising outdoors. 5) I think it’s a good idea to get some fresh air.

 A: True. Let's go for a bike ride!


15 Read the texts and choose the correct option (A-C).


A Rules for Safe Cycling:

  You must wear a helmet that fits.

  •      You mustn't wear loose clothing or headphones.
  •      You should wear light clothing so that drivers can see you.
  •      You must use hand signals on the road.
  •      You should always check the tyres, chain and brakes on your
    bicycle before cycling.























































 1 According to the notice, cyclists

  A shouldn’t listen to music while cycling.

  B shouldn’t wear tight fitting clothes.

  C are advised to wear a bright helmet.


 2 According to the leaflet,

  A we shouldn’t eat sweets and desserts.

  B protein is the most important part of our diet.

  C we should eat more carbohydrates than proteins.


 3 Parents need to

  A go to the school to sign up.

  B contact the school by telephone.

  C provide lunch for their children.


 4 In the football match, the Munroe school team

  A started the game with a new captain.

  B didn’t let the other team score any goals.

  C did badly after the captain got hurt.







16 You are going to hear four questions. Read the answers below. For each question (1-4) choose the right answer (A-E) according to what you hear. One answer doesn't match any of the questions.


 A I've got a stomach ache.

 B They're my favourite.

 C I don't like it at all.

 D Nothing today.

 E I ate some earlier.












17 Read the rubric and write your email.

Your English e-friend, Michael, can’t decide which sport to take up: hockey or cycling and he asks you for your opinion. Write an email telling Michael what you think (50-100 words).


Pairwork Activities Student A

Work with Student B. Ask Student B questions to find out about a School Sports Day. Then answer Student B’s questions about the Youth Basketball League.






















School Sports Day


 when/event take place?








Pairwork Activities Student B

Work with Student A. Answer Student A’s questions about a School Sports Day. Then ask Student A questions about the Youth Basketball League.
























Youth Basketball League


 where/youth basketball league take place?

 how much/membership?

 what time/start/Saturdays?

 what ages/must/players?

 how/get/more information?

Portfolio Activities

Name: …………………………………………………     Date: ……………………….     Class: ...................


Write a recipe for your favourite healthy dish. Complete the recipe below. Then, find a picture of the dish and stick it in the space provided.


A Healthy Dish


Name of Dish: ….....................................




Stick your picture here …




















(serves ….)










What makes the dish healthy:






Students play in pairs. Give each pair a set of problem cards. Student A picks a problem card and reads out the problem and asks for some advice. Student B gives advice for the problem using an appropriate modal verb. Student B then takes a card and the game continues. The sentences have to be grammatically correct and make sense. Each correct sentence gets one point. The player with the most points after all the cards have been read or 5 minutes is the winner.


Sample Problem Cards:
























Student A has the following problem card:










e.g.   Student A: I want to eat more healthily. What can I do?

    Student B: You should eat lots of fruit and vegetables and you shouldn’t eat too many sweets and desserts.


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29 травня 2020
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