«The world is a stage and people are merely actors»
William Shakespeare
Вчитель: Негрій Наталія Григорівна
Школа: Комунальний заклад освіти «Середня загальноосвітня школа № 68»
Дніпровської міської ради
Клас: 7
Тема уроку: Світ кіно та театру
Підтема уроку: Похід до кінотеатру
Мета: Створювати умови для розвитку комунікативної компетенції учнів.
Ознайомити учнів з новими лексичними одиницями, що стосуються зазначеної теми і навчити оперувати ними на рівні фрази в ситуації.
Повторити та активізувати вивчені лексичні одиниці та мовні звороти.
Розвивати уміння монологічного та діалогічного мовлення.
Навчити учнів мовленнєвої взаїмодії в діалозі за змістом тексту для читання.
Удосконалювати мовні вміння по темі «Театр та кіно».
Розвивати сприйняття іншомовного мовлення на слух.
Уміти систематизувати і узагальнювати отримані знання.
Розвивати творчу уяву і мислення.
Формувати уміння колективної мовної взаємодії.
Формувати міжпредметні навички та уміння.
Розвитвати довготривалу і оперативну пам’ять, логічне мислення, здатність до мовної та контекстуальної здогадки.
Формувати здібність самостійно планувати мовленнєві вчинки.
Формувати лінгвістичну та соціокультурну компетенцію.
Виховувати культуру спілкування.
Виховувати активне ставлення до навчання та позитивне емоційне ставлення до навчальної роботи.
Виховувати поняття до раціонального використання часу.
Обладнання: підручник;
додатковий матеріал;
І. Вступна частина.
1. Організаційний момент.
2. Привітання, повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
3. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу: мовна розминка.
4. Діалогічне мовлення з теми за схемою: учитель — учень.
ІІ. Основна частина.
ІІІ. Заключна частина.
1. Домашнє завдання.
2. Підведення підсумків уроку.
Good morning!
Good morning, teacher!
Today we are going to talk about cinema and theatre. Cinema and TV films have become an important part in our life. Some of us like going to the theatre too. The motto of today’s lesson is: «The world is a stage and people are merely actors» (William Shakespeare).
Can you comment on this quotation?
Pupil: From my point of view, the world of cinema and theatre lets us look at ourselves and become better.
I think nobody can imagine our life without our arts. Some kinds of arts, such as painting, dancing and music appeared very early, at the prehistoric times. But the years passed and arts were developing with the humanity. And nowadays it takes different forms such as music, painting , dancing, architecture, poetry, cinema, theatre, literature.
As for the cinema I should say that people do not go to the cinema regularly nowadays. They prefer to stay at home and watch films, drinking tea or coffee in their armchairs. But cinema is still popular among teens. The cinema’s possibilities are unlimited. The cinema’s industry is the most developed in the USA, Hollywood, but every country has its own cinematography too.
Read some sentences from the blackboard. Repeat some times for yourself an say as quickly as you can.
From the cinema to the theatre.
From the theatre to the cinema.
From the cinema to the theatre.
From the theatre to the cinema.
Гра “Listen and Guess the Word”
Guess the word, please!
Вправа «Мікрофон».
1) What do you usually do at your leisure time?
2) Do you go to the cinema? What films do you like to watch there?
3) Have you ever been to the theatre? What did you like in the theatrical performance?
4) Is it easy to be an active participant of the performance or the film you watch?
a) Представлення нової лексики
best known |
найбільш відомий |
silent |
німий |
movie |
кіно, кінопромисловість, |
film |
фільм |
genres |
жанр, літературний жанр, манера |
action |
дія |
crime |
злодіяння, злочин |
fantasy |
фантазія, примха, уява |
horror |
жах, огида, страх |
music |
музика, музичний твір, ноти |
mystery |
загадка, містерія, таємниця |
romance |
романтика |
thriller |
мелодрама, сенсаційний фільм |
war |
битва, боротьба, війна |
western |
вестерн, мешканець заходу |
adventure |
відбуватися випадково, ризикувати, відважуватися |
comedy |
комедія, потішна подія, удавання |
drama |
драма, драматургія |
history |
історія, минуле |
musical |
мюзикл |
science fiction |
наукова фантастика |
Teacher: I want tо tell you some facts from the biography of Sir Charles Spencer "Charlie" Chaplin. Do you know who is this man?
Look at the screen, please.
You know who and what is Charlie Chaplin. Now listen to the text about him and do the tasks.
This is a funny story about Charlie Chaplin. He was a talented theatre and film actor. It happened when the great actor became world famous. Once it was announced that a competition would be held to see who could act like Charlie Chaplin. The actors who wanted to take part in that competitions had to dress like Chaplin. They had to walk like Chaplin. They had to act out one of the roles in a Chaplin picture. When Charlie Chaplin heard about the competition, he decided, as a joke, to take part in the competition himself. But he kept his plan a secret from everybody. When the results of the competition were announced Charlie Chaplin was very much surprised. He didn’t win the first prize.
Charlie Chaplin was a famous chemist. |
That story happened when the actor became world famous. |
A competition was held to see who could act like Chaplin. |
Charlie Chaplin decided to take part in the competition himself. |
Charlie Chaplin won the first prize in the competition. |
He kept his plan a secret from everybody. |
He was a talented theatre and film actor. |
Once it was announced that a competition would be held to see who could act like him. |
He decided to take part in the competition himself. |
He didn’t win the first prize. |
discuss, famous, films, new, visual, actresses, go, detective, version, programmer |
I like to 1._____________ to the cinema. When I have free time, I always go to see a 2.___________ film. When I want to go to the cinema I usually look in the 3._________________ what films are on. Then I phone my friend and we 4.______________ what films to see. We prefer feature films, but also enjoy cartoons and popular science films. To see a good love story, musical or 6.___________ film is a very pleasant way of spending free time. There are many talented actors and 7._____________ in this country. My favorite actor is Oleg Yankovskyi. My favourite actress is Natalia Gundareva. They played the leading parts in many 7.______________ and I have always enjoyed their superb acting. The last film I saw was the screen 8._____________ of the novel "Gone with the Wind" by Margaret Mitchell. It's an old film but it still enjoys great popularity. There are many 9________________ American actors in it with Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable starring. I was deeply impressed by their acting and the film itself. It hasn't lost its 10.___________ splendor with the passage of time.
Teacher: Now the exercises especially for each person. Make the questions.
You\do\like\the\to\cinema\go\to? |
Did\at\ the\when\cinema\were\you\time\last? |
Your\favourite\what\ actor\is\or\actress? |
New\films\do\watch\usually\you\the\at\cinema? |
Films\what\of\kind\like\do\you\watch\to? |
You\do\like\the\to\cinema\go\to? |
Did\at\ the\when\cinema\were\you\time\last? |
New\films\do\watch\usually\you\the\at\cinema? |
What\ have\recently\seen\interesting\film\you? |
Films\what\of\kind\like\do\you\watch\to? |
Did\at\ the\when\cinema\were\you\time\last? |
New\films\do\watch\usually\you\the\at\cinema? |
Likes\ to\cartoons\who\watch? |
Films\what\of\kind\like\do\you\watch\to? |
Your\favourite\what\ actor\is\or\actress? |
Our lesson is coming to the end. Well done. I think you have worked a lot.
Let’s find the film and its genre to repeat today’s words.
1) Pirates of the Caribbean |
a) animated cartoon |
2) Star wars |
b) horror film |
3) Kung Fu Panda |
c) war film |
4) Zombies Nightmare |
d) romantic comedy |
5)Pearl harbor |
e musical |
6) The Sixth Sense |
f) science fiction |
7) Legally Blonde |
g) thriller |
8) The sound of Music |
h) action |
9) Die Hard |
i) adventure film |
Teacher: Now, take your day-books and open them, write your hometask.
Thanks for your excellent work during the whole lesson. All the students were very active at the lesson and deserve good marks.